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have enough caddies for the shotgun stage, know where your slugs hit, and considering some better ammo than your 55gr hoser stuff in case there are triangle shaped targets on a plate rack or some more distant targets. My understanding is that the club has potential for some longer ranges.

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Lots of DQ'd shooters. Weather related?

Not from what I saw. I witnessef 6 of them. 2 were from shooters abandoning their guns on a table instead of the dump buckets. One was from not fully abandoning their shotgun before grabbing their handgun from their holster.

One was a safety not being engaged in an abandoned shotgun. One was a 180 violation, not a trap.

One engaged a target after the marker stating where it had to be engaged from.

They did spot check shooters shotgun load outs before they started a stage. I know there was one shooter that got dq'd before he even got to fire a shot because he was shooting tag ops and ended up counting out 10 rounds in his shotgun.

There wasn't anything difficult and no real traps that I experienced. The stages were way better than the Kentucky match IMHO.


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Lots of DQ'd shooters. Weather related?

Not from what I saw. I witnessef 6 of them. 2 were from shooters abandoning their guns on a table instead of the dump buckets. One was from not fully abandoning their shotgun before grabbing their handgun from their holster.

One was a safety not being engaged in an abandoned shotgun. One was a 180 violation, not a trap.

One engaged a target after the marker stating where it had to be engaged from.

They did spot check shooters shotgun load outs before they started a stage. I know there was one shooter that got dq'd before he even got to fire a shot because he was shooting tag ops and ended up counting out 10 rounds in his shotgun.

There wasn't anything difficult and no real traps that I experienced. The stages were way better than the Kentucky match IMHO.


Loading too many is a DQ and not a move to Open? That might explain the number of DQ's as I dont think Ive ever seen a match before where 15% of the shooters were sent home early.

Or were there just a lot of new shooters?

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Lots of DQ'd shooters. Weather related?

Not from what I saw. I witnessef 6 of them. 2 were from shooters abandoning their guns on a table instead of the dump buckets. One was from not fully abandoning their shotgun before grabbing their handgun from their holster.

One was a safety not being engaged in an abandoned shotgun. One was a 180 violation, not a trap.

One engaged a target after the marker stating where it had to be engaged from.

They did spot check shooters shotgun load outs before they started a stage. I know there was one shooter that got dq'd before he even got to fire a shot because he was shooting tag ops and ended up counting out 10 rounds in his shotgun.

There wasn't anything difficult and no real traps that I experienced. The stages were way better than the Kentucky match IMHO.


Loading too many is a DQ and not a move to Open? That might explain the number of DQ's as I dont think Ive ever seen a match before where 15% of the shooters were sent home early.

Or were there just a lot of new shooters?

Surely that's a bump to open???

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Lots of DQ'd shooters. Weather related?

Not from what I saw. I witnessef 6 of them. 2 were from shooters abandoning their guns on a table instead of the dump buckets. One was from not fully abandoning their shotgun before grabbing their handgun from their holster.

One was a safety not being engaged in an abandoned shotgun. One was a 180 violation, not a trap.

One engaged a target after the marker stating where it had to be engaged from.

They did spot check shooters shotgun load outs before they started a stage. I know there was one shooter that got dq'd before he even got to fire a shot because he was shooting tag ops and ended up counting out 10 rounds in his shotgun.

There wasn't anything difficult and no real traps that I experienced. The stages were way better than the Kentucky match IMHO.


Loading too many is a DQ and not a move to Open? That might explain the number of DQ's as I dont think Ive ever seen a match before where 15% of the shooters were sent home early.

Or were there just a lot of new shooters?

Surely that's a bump to open???

It was stated that its not a bump to open because its Unsportsmanlike and therefore a DQ. There was only 1 DQ for this that I was aware of and it was day 1, first stage of the day from what I was told. They performed audits on at least 2 shooters from every squad on that stage (stage 4).

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Never understood getting bumped to open being a "penalty". If you are cheating, match DQ.


Never made a mistake on the clock? Coupled mags on the ground are going to be DQs now? :roflol:


put em on the ground, get yelled at by the RO about it on the clock, and procedural. Continue doing it, then... :angry2:

but thats another match, another day...

Edited by RiggerJJ
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How often has the 10 or more in the gun to start gotten overlooked since the long tube craze has begun? Good for 3gn for checking, they get a star in my book for that. I agree, it should be a DQ, not a bump to open when division rules are violated. Even for coupled mags on the ground at RM. We are playing with guns after all. This shit is serious!

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Ok, Here is my opinion.

The 10 round thing being a DQ is pretty lame. The one shooter who got DQed that I know of wasn't trying to get a competitive advantage, he just screwed up his pre-load after sitting around for 3 hours waiting for the rain to stop and got sent home before he ever got to fire a shot. Also I don't mind the auditing thing.. if the guns are in a controlled location and someone can't pop a round in someone elses gun after pre-load (people might say it wouldn't happen, but until last weekend I wouldn't believe that anyone would steal all the ammo out of the back of an RO's truck either). Also if you are going to do the audit, you need to have an RO dedicated to audit the on-deck shooter and then stay with him, not the up shooter in the box (icing the kicker is a mean trick).. we had one shooter in our squad get "audited" twice (of course he is a multi time world champion and tends to respond to situations like that with a stage win)....

The DQ's for putting guns back on the table is lame, but the rule was called out specifically in the stage brief.

A lot of the DQ's in the 3GN rules seem to be Punative instead of safety related (I mean they threatened a match DQ for breaking the speed limit on the range). One thing that is generally a stage DQ or match DQ because it is unsafe (shooting a slug at the polish plate rack) is just a 10 second penalty. DQing people for shooting your 2x4 walls when you have them shooting under them with a shot gun is lame.. if you don't want them shot, don't set up that stage.

I enjoyed the match for the most part. Our squad was awesome, even though we lost 4 really good shooters to DQs over the weekend. By the second to last stage Sunday I was freaking wiped, having eaten nothing but a couple apples all day (since we started 2 hours before we were originally scheduled and finished 3 hours later). The half day schedule didn't work out with the weather, and both days ended up being worse than alternating squads in my book because we were rushed to get to the next stage for couple of stages then had hurry up and wait for others. There is nothing that match staff can do about the weather, so that comment is not aimed at them at all.

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Kurt, Do you think somebody stuffed an extra round in his gun without his knowledge???

Never thought of that but if a cheaters gonna cheat its a lot easier to get your opponent busted then risk a few extra rounds in your own gun.

Heck somebody could load extra shells in the wrong gun inadvertently. I've seen a guy shoot a stage with somebody else's shotgun because they looked identical.

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Kurt, Do you think somebody stuffed an extra round in his gun without his knowledge???

Never thought of that but if a cheaters gonna cheat its a lot easier to get your opponent busted then risk a few extra rounds in your own gun.

Heck somebody could load extra shells in the wrong gun inadvertently. I've seen a guy shoot a stage with somebody else's shotgun because they looked identical.

No, I am confident he just screwed up his pre-load. He is a local shooter who just shoots for the fun of shooting, not to win much.

I have seen someone shoot the stage with the wrong shotgun before also.. That is why I always mark mine with stickers.

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My two cents:

The stages were fun. Got a solid mix of everything.

The schedule was rough, but that is nobody's fault.....just bad timing for rain to come through. Otherwise, I was really excited for the 1/2-day format.

The ROs/MD that I saw were trying to be fair and trying to give equal playing field it appeared. It is a small thing but when the MD comes around to personally explain why/how the schedule is getting goofy, that is appreciated. They were giving warnings about things to watch out for, be careful about, etc. Personally I didn't see attitudes, but they looked tired and had to be after RO'ing a schedule like that. So, nice job.

Rule 5.5 or whatever it is about getting a match DQ for putting a gun down on a table on stage2 is sad. I don't like it; it comes across as petty. Putting a gun down in a safe manner, facing downrange shouldn't get you booted from a match. If you want to make it a stiff procedural for not following the stage description/rule, that would make some sense. But it doesn't make a lot of sense to send someone home for tabling a gun safely when a stage later a guy can bounce a shotgun out of a dump barrel and it lands pointed back uprange (albeit empty but how am I supposed to know that?), argue that the barrel isn't staked acceptably despite it not tipping over, and then gets a reshoot. I don't blame the guy for debating the barrel's stability or am questioning his character, but the penalties in this case are not just. I've seen a barrel that wasn't weighted well at all fall over from a rifle put in with 2X more care than that shotgun was and the rifle guy got sent home. So, the lesson here is that it is ok to throw a shotgun around, but laying a pistol down facing uprange is a no-no (and the stage course doesn't even move uprange of the pistol)?

10rd mag tube audit.........I don't have a problem with it. Although I think it is rough to make a guy unload on the line, then load back up, and get back in the moment so to speak. Obviously cheating is the target here........so Kurt's suggestion is pretty clean way to do it without messing up the shooting order.......that way, you aren't icing some guy on the line.

Good facility. Seemed like the traffic control and room for parking, etc. worked out well enough.

The sponsors stepped up huge.

One engaged a target after the marker stating where it had to be engaged from.

This one seemed like it could have been a stiff stage procedural also. Stage7. Why a match DQ on it? Was the shot at that last right steel unsafe? The distance was well over 10 yards, so did it angle somewhere unsafe? I didn't get a chance to check the angle/background of that target from the last dump barrel.

Edited by AustinWolv
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Kurt, Do you think somebody stuffed an extra round in his gun without his knowledge???

Never thought of that but if a cheaters gonna cheat its a lot easier to get your opponent busted then risk a few extra rounds in your own gun.

Heck somebody could load extra shells in the wrong gun inadvertently. I've seen a guy shoot a stage with somebody else's shotgun because they looked identical.

No, I am confident he just screwed up his pre-load. He is a local shooter who just shoots for the fun of shooting, not to win much.

I have seen someone shoot the stage with the wrong shotgun before also.. That is why I always mark mine with stickers.

I was right behind him to shoot, he was also the first shooter of the day (Saturday). It was on the 42 rd shotgun stage. The RO asked if he had 9 rds. He said 'I think so' and the RO had him unload. I was surprised he loaded 10 after they said they'd be checking. However we were not told loading more than 9 was going to be a DQ.

Edited by The Donald
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Loading 10 was a DQ but hitting a popper at 12 yds with a slug was a 20 sec penalty. I think one was much more dangerous. I don't mind the checking ammo. Do at the preload table. Doing at the shooters box was a little annoying. Overall I liked the match. Just not so much on the 20 things to get dqed for that had nothing to do with safety.

They did do an excellent job of making targets visible. Hoping people are paying attention. The prize table was among the best I have seen in a while.

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