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Accountant resigns over $144,000 in missing receipts

Lee G

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Why should communication with the BoD be privileged? I persolally think there should be more transperancy not less.

There are certain issues that legally need to be privileged, such as employment issues. I am not saying that members should not be made aware of this particular issue, I am just curious how he got his hands on the letter before the BOD (or atleast at the same time) and who authorized him receiving and posting it.

If we want transparency we could start with that information. I think this is indicative of some of the major problems, personal agendas and not following procedures to correct issues. I keep hearing that we need business people running things, how this was aired is certainly not business like or professional.

I think you are figuratively shooting the messenger.

If this is a "cow in the ditch" problem, you're neither trying to get the cow out of the ditch, nor making sure the cow can't get back into the ditch, nor figuring out how it got into the ditch in the first place. Instead you're asking how the neighbors found out the cow was in the ditch.

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Why should communication with the BoD be privileged? I persolally think there should be more transperancy not less.

There are certain issues that legally need to be privileged, such as employment issues. I am not saying that members should not be made aware of this particular issue, I am just curious how he got his hands on the letter before the BOD (or atleast at the same time) and who authorized him receiving and posting it.

If we want transparency we could start with that information. I think this is indicative of some of the major problems, personal agendas and not following procedures to correct issues. I keep hearing that we need business people running things, how this was aired is certainly not business like or professional.

I think you are figuratively shooting the messenger.

If this is a "cow in the ditch" problem, you're neither trying to get the cow out of the ditch, nor making sure the cow can't get back into the ditch, nor figuring out how it got into the ditch in the first place. Instead you're asking how the neighbors found out the cow was in the ditch.

I think that this letter was handed out and posted by someone not on the BOD is just another symptom of the problem. I also think that it complicates and can cause problems for future BOD communication. To simplify it, how do we as members know what is posted by a non board member is the same thing that an actual board member is seeing?

I don't think the posting of the letter is the biggest issue but enough "outrage" and righteous indignation is being focused on the other issue that something that is important is being ignored.

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Outside of these conjectural discussions and arguments, I have yet to be affected at all by any of these USPSA "problems". Matches continue to be held, scores get submitted, I continue to improve.


I continue to shoot and practice on my on without shooting matches and without having to pay an organization to rank me by their as-yet-to-ever-be-officially-disclosed-publicly Hight Hit Factors "method".


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With few facts, you're all looking too far ahead. Maybe the charges are all 100% legit, that doesn't make It all okay. If you're in the situation you're in, someone still isn't doing their job right.

3 people have quit now. What's the common denominator?

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Chills, what are you practicing for? If you just like to shoot, that's fine. But "practicing" implies preparation for an event. If you aren't shooting matches, what's the point? Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you like to shoot matches, shoot matches, and let's throw the bums out with our votes when the time comes.

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How the letter came to light means nothing. The problem is not the posting of a letter, the problem is what caused Barbara Kennedy to quit after 21 years.

Maybe. You could be right. But I've also worked with a number of employees of more than 15 years tenure in a few places, who were burned out, not interested in doing the job or advancing, and who would have latched onto something like this if they could have gotten their hands on it.....

From the limited information that's available, I have no idea which is which here......

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Sorry guys.

From someone who has shot some of the big matches for years and seen the involved parties do their "thing" this is no surprise that we are here now.

After the first "new" steel challenge with USPSA at the helm I knew something would come to a head, and years later here we are.

For those of us that have been paying attention the resignation of two honorable men (Area Directors) after making a motion to remove the ED(one of whom was threatened with legal action), and then a long time employee that has worked with the ED for years seeking legal counsel (after legal action was threatened against a Executive Board member), and then resigning after posting information to make sure that she is not the fall guy?

Our problem is that we are all alpha males drawn to competition, and want action taken quickly. It doesn't work that way.

We have to be patient and let the Executive Board do their collective job. I have contacted my Area Director and let my feelings and observations be known, for what they are worth. It is really a sad thing, that our organization is experiencing a lot of things similar to the Government right now........If we are truly not happy with how things are being run, will we do the hard work and make a change, or sit around and carp about it on the internet.....Time will tell.


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Chills, what are you practicing for? If you just like to shoot, that's fine. But "practicing" implies preparation for an event. If you aren't shooting matches, what's the point? Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you like to shoot matches, shoot matches, and let's throw the bums out with our votes when the time comes.

The point I was trying to make was that say...for example...lots of golf gets played out there without the USGA getting involved or there are tons of pick up basketball games that occur that obviously don't need the sanctioning of the NBA.

Why practice? Because it's fun!

Any more though, it seems like I only make it to the range to test out steel targets. That is fun in its own right.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Did you even read the minutes? It seems an unnamed employee was taking cash withdrawals (I'm sorry, payroll advances? The minutes aren't totally clear on who, how, etc...) with their corporate card. Probably just mixed it up in their wallet with their regular card, happens all the time. They made a policy against it (which apparently they didn't have after an employee bought football tickets with their corporate card) so everything's fine now. Promise.

TL DR; Stay in your lane prole.

Edited by peterthefish
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This may sound rhetorical or perhaps sarcastic, but I mean it as an honest question:

Is the BOD under some kind of hypnotic spell where an employee can use organization funds as a "payroll advance" and not get at least severely reprimanded? I honestly can't think of a single company I've ever worked for, from non-profits to mom-and-pop outfits to Fortune 100 companies, where that wouldn't get someone fired.

Do we really need an employee policy for everything, including the obviously un-ethical? There are rare instances where a personal charge gets put on a corporate card, and most companies have policies that deal with that. For example, if your spouse comes along on a business trip, you pay for the hotel room with the corporate card and then reimburse the company for the difference between a single-occupancy and a double occupancy room. But taking cash out as a payroll advance? There shouldn't need to be a policy in place that deals with such a practice, because it's obviously un-ethical.

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What is going on with this?

Stay in your lane. The board will deal with this. They were just busy with Nats.

Absolutely. Only one thing at a time in this Association. Anyone who thinks their $40 a yr gets them more than a magazine and some rules has another think coming.

Yes, that is sarcasm.

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  • 2 months later...

Seeing as this will not be enough for many I may as well put in my 2 cents. There HAD TO BE something more to all of this if a veteran employee saw fit to resign over it. I wonder when/if we will ever hear the "rest of the story"? And from the wording on the memo it does appear faith in the ED had indeed slipped in all quarters, not just the membership. I find that refreshing. Hopefully, the BOD and other management has learned the general membership is evidently more in tune than perhaps we used to be and will keep that in mind as we all move forward.

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