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Game changer

Gary Stevens

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Well I got to observe a M Class revolver shooter using an 8 shot revolver throughout the match.

My 2 cents, FWIW, the 8 shot is a game changer for revolver. The ability to shoot extra targets from a location, steel or paper, seemed to me to be a great advantage. Now I am not a revolver shooter, so my opinion might not count for much, so take it for what it is worth.

I think it is going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out in a few years.

Also congrats to Carmony for his win.


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Right, I got dragged through the mud for saying this is what would happen, now it does, and you want to bash me again? Been taking Obummer lessons?

Edited by MarkCO
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all I know is if they don't do something with the classifers there are going to be a whole lot more M and GM in revo, I'm A 69% B shooter( about were I should be).I have 2 GM scores on file now 96 and a 100 ( and I shot slow I thought)that don't count yet and 86 that does a couple more and there is going to be a M or GM after my name and I not ready for that yet, don't want to sand bag them becouse the count for match score.

Edited by fishhunter3
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Fish hunter,

I don't see any problem with intentionally zeroing the classifiers that require an extra reload for 6 shot guns at level 1 matches. It's really not sandbagging, it's self preservation. If you care about keeping an accurate classification you pretty much have to do it. There are a couple of different choices, but the intentional zero is a foolproof method. You could also call up HQ and tell them what you did and ask that those two scores be flagged. Someone else I know of did that.

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At a club match, I just shoot as if I had a 6 shooter, and that doesn't entail zeroing the stage. At a money match it's balls to the wall.

Since I use my 625 as a back up, I shot a club match in May with it loaded to minor. Still ended up with a similar percentage to past finishes above the other 3 shooting Revo. At least 2 of them were shooting an 8 shot, the 3rd was shooting Major.

But almost everyone who's tried my 627, or shot an 8 shot, in a USPSA match, seem to come away with smiles and are excited. So whether it is a game changer, or not, depends on the game. My take is if it ups the interest and increases participation, it will be worth it. The next year, or two, will tell that tale.

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I'd do it that way if it was mandated for those specific classifiers for the entire division. That mandate seems reasonable, but I wouldn't know how to implement it. With HHF's being adjusted without notice, though, you can't count on not unintentionally sandbagging yourself. Here's how I deal with the situation. I shoot the gun like an 8 shot gun in limited 10 at level 1 matches. I then go home, do a little math and compare my scores to whomever I wish. Sometimes the math involves dropping the classifier stage, sometimes it doesn't.

Then again this is off my original point, which was shooting straight up on certain classifiers and sitting back and letting the system do whatever it wants to you is rather naive.

Edited by afoulk
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I'd do it that way if it was mandated for those specific classifiers for the entire division. That mandate seems reasonable, but I wouldn't know how to implement it. With HHF's being adjusted without notice, though, you can't count on not unintentionally sandbagging yourself. Here's how I deal with the situation. I shoot the gun like an 8 shot gun in limited 10 at level 1 matches. I then go home, do a little math and compare my scores to whomever I wish. Sometimes the math involves dropping the classifier stage, sometimes it doesn't.

Then again this is off my original point, which was shooting straight up on certain classifiers and sitting back and letting the system do whatever it wants to you is rather naive.

My point is at a major match I'm more interested in placing well, so I'll maximize my score.

At a local match classifier, I'll shoot only 6 then reload even with my 8 shot. Then whatever score I get is at the same level as before with no inflated benefit from the available extra rounds. This doesn't lead to a zero, unless I really screw up and I have, and won't get me moved up inadvertently. I look at local matches as Match Training, and since I don't like to brag, as fun. So if by doing that and scoring minor I don't place as well as I'd like, it's no big deal.

I agree with your last statement, but if someone inadvertently moves up they can always petition USPSA to be moved back, it's been done many times. If they want that higher card, It's just not an issue to me and I don't care how they get it. But if they want a valid card, just shoot as I pointed out and it will be a non-issue.

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I'm probably going to shoot 6 on club level classifiers from now on. Unless I'm looking to do well overall and want to keep my HF up on all the stages.

In the past I have shot all 8, got the 100% and got up with HQ and had it flagged. Pretty easy way to handle it.

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Is it really a game changer? Still a one gun division. Just a different gun...

I think it is a game changer. The way you can shoot the stages seems so different. Now you can shoot 4 targets without stopping, this seems to make some stages flow so much better. And now a lot more people watch me shoot, and say "man that looks fun".

I think it has changed the game for the better. And will probably result in some growth for the division. But, that may just be wishfull thinking.

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Is it really a game changer? Still a one gun division. Just a different gun...

I think it is a game changer. The way you can shoot the stages seems so different. Now you can shoot 4 targets without stopping, this seems to make some stages flow so much better. And now a lot more people watch me shoot, and say "man that looks fun".

I think it has changed the game for the better. And will probably result in some growth for the division. But, that may just be wishfull thinking.

I agree with you on shooting stages differently. At club matches I usually shoot Revolver with my 625 and then on my re-shoot use my 627 in Production. I thoroughly enjoy shooting matches with both revolvers solving it in groups of 6 or 8. I still find stages that I find flow better and are more fun with the 6-shooter and others with the 8-shot. Nothing sucks worst than shooting a "revolver friendly" stage (strict 6-shot arrays) with an 8-shot gun.

I personally have not seen the change draw too many more shooter locally. I know only one guy at my local club that bought a revolver after the rule change to shoot Revolver division. Our turn out locally has been pretty consistent through the rule change with 3-4 revolver shooter a match (I still get occasional local matches where I am the only one). We had 4 Revolvers at WPA section championship last year and 4 this year (five registered but only four showed).

I have tried to generate interest. I talk it up as much as I can and offer to let people shoot mine revolver rig at local matches if they want. Especially at special classifier matches, I always try to find some odd gun to shoot and let someone else try my revolver. One match last year I gave de-mooners (I made from old golf club handles) to anyone that shot revolver. So far no luck...

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I'm mostly a SSTK shooter but fellow regular at the loacl match started showing up with an 8 shooter a few months ago. This month we were squadded together and discussed stage plans several times. It was clear his stage planning had chaged a lot. Fewer reloads, fewer flat footed reloads, fairly stright forward stage plans, etc.

As an observer, I'd say its a game changer.

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Is it really a game changer? Still a one gun division. Just a different gun...

I think it is a game changer. The way you can shoot the stages seems so different. Now you can shoot 4 targets without stopping, this seems to make some stages flow so much better. And now a lot more people watch me shoot, and say "man that looks fun".

I think it has changed the game for the better. And will probably result in some growth for the division. But, that may just be wishfull thinking.

I agree with you on shooting stages differently. At club matches I usually shoot Revolver with my 625 and then on my re-shoot use my 627 in Production. I thoroughly enjoy shooting matches with both revolvers solving it in groups of 6 or 8. I still find stages that I find flow better and are more fun with the 6-shooter and others with the 8-shot. Nothing sucks worst than shooting a "revolver friendly" stage (strict 6-shot arrays) with an 8-shot gun.

I personally have not seen the change draw too many more shooter locally. I know only one guy at my local club that bought a revolver after the rule change to shoot Revolver division. Our turn out locally has been pretty consistent through the rule change with 3-4 revolver shooter a match (I still get occasional local matches where I am the only one). We had 4 Revolvers at WPA section championship last year and 4 this year (five registered but only four showed).

I have tried to generate interest. I talk it up as much as I can and offer to let people shoot mine revolver rig at local matches if they want. Especially at special classifier matches, I always try to find some odd gun to shoot and let someone else try my revolver. One match last year I gave de-mooners (I made from old golf club handles) to anyone that shot revolver. So far no luck...

I'm not seeing any huge swell of revo shooters either. But, the club I shoot at does have two guys getting set up for revo now. This time last year, I hadn't started shooting at this club, and they had 0 revolver shooters from what I understand. Now if I count the two new guys we could have up to 3-5 wheel gunners in one match depending who shows up. If we pick up just one or two more, we will be giving SS and L10 a run for there money. lol

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Shot an 8-shot revolver at a USPSA match for the first time last weekend and it was a lot of fun. I will certainly be shooting revolver more often and intend to get classified at my club’s annual classifier match next month.

Usually I shoot open division but have always liked revolvers and have a few including a 5” 625 I got 24 years ago and a 5” 627. The rule change motivated me to fix up the 627 and get rigged up to shoot USPSA matches with it. Been wanting a second division to focus on and I think I found it. I don’t know that I would have done this without the rule change as my primary local club tends to stage challenging long courses that are awesome for the 8 shot plus capacity guns, but would be painful with a six-shooter.

So, yeah…for me the rule change was a game changer as it got me into the game.

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Most courses are 8 round friendly. With 6 rounds, the revo guys have to do standing reloads often. I find shooting Production I am often shooting 8 and reloading, so this lets the revo guys have the same approach.

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Most courses are 8 round friendly. With 6 rounds, the revo guys have to do standing reloads often. I find shooting Production I am often shooting 8 and reloading, so this lets the revo guys have the same approach.

Good stages where you can engage at least some portion of the targets in each array from multiple locations should make standing reloads for the 6-shooters almost unheard of. IMHO stages that are just a bunch of target arrays, each with only one engagement point, are boring. There is no problem to solve in stages like that.

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