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Trip to the ER


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Keep us posted Kevin. Hopefully, it will pass! Tell them you want demerol (spelling). That will take the edge off. :) My ex had stones and once they gave her a shot of that stuff, you could hit her in the head with a hammer and she would just grin.

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Well good old TRICARE should deal with the cost. Every emergency room trip I have ever made under my retired military healthcare has only cost me $25.

As for the results. I have a 3mm stone stuck in there. I'm gonna feel that when it passes! :surprise: All I can do is sit back, drink lot's of water and let nature take it's course.

Talk about good timing! I will be off work tomorrow and we are on Christmas break for two weeks so I'm going to do everything I can to get the stone to move along.

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Drink a lot of beer, liquid will help the stone pass and if you drink enough, you won't even notice it.

That's another way of telling you have a young doctor. When he told me to drink lots of water I told him what the Army docs told me last time I had a stone about 15-20 years ago. They told me to go drink a 12 pack and it would probably pass. The doctor today just laughed and said he had never heard such a thing!

So I think I'll make :eatdrink: a part of my treatment plan!

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Laying in the ER right now. Nurse thinks maybe a kidney stone

Bummer those really hurt. They should give you some sweet drugs for the pain.

My last trip when I had to call 911 was funny... took them 20 minutes to find my house, kept driving by. I finally staggered out in the street and flagged them down.

I saw the bill for that "response" that Kaiser had to pay, it was about $8000 total.... and kaiser sent me a bill for the $5 co-pay.

Damn lucky to have insurance.

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Ouch! Sorry to hear that! Since everyone else has given you some advise (lol!), I'll share mine as well...Kidney stones are made of calcium...Vinegar will disolve calcium...so will just about any acidic drink....a glass of cranberry juice each day is supposed to keep the stones from forming...

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My mom (78) just went through a surgery to get a big stone taken care of. The gas passer told her if she never wanted to see him again to drink a couple of beers every night. Supposed to reduce the chance of getting them by 41%. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sugary-drinks-might-raise-kidney-stone-risk-but-beer-may-help/. She has a case in the fridge now, always listen to your doc.

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I have never had one but have a friend who gets them and he said they can be very painful to pass. He did fine out though that eating a bunch of tums for heartburn and stomach aches was causing his. Good luck hope you get to feeling better.

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Thanks everybody! I have had stones two times before and that was well over ten years ago. There is actually a funny story to this. I'll share to those who are interested or bored out of their minds.

The CT shows one stone floating around in there causing problems. My kidneys actually have many in them but they are large and not loose. So they won't be a problem unless they break a piece off. (I'm paraphrasing the Doc). He says they can come loose for many reasons, even a sudden jolt or impact. I thought that sounded like a little bit of a stretch but then got to thinking. I was shoveling snow last weekend and fell on ice in the driveway. Fell flat on my back. At 54 yo that hurts! As soon as I got up I felt like I had to pee but there was nothing there. Less than a week later WHAM! The Doc seems to think I knocked one loose. Who'd uh thunk it!

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I 've passed 12 stones so far in my short life. They all sucked, lots of walking, swimming, drugs, water, repeat.

my funny story. Last stone sent me to the ER as I did not take the pain meds quick enough. So I am in the Exam room, waiting on the doctor, the nurse is trying to get me to lie still, which is impossible, the Dr. walks in, takes one look, goes "kidney stone squirm, give him Demerol and Dilaudid please." sent me on my way with a $4000 bill in my hand. I love modern medicine.

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Sorry you have to go through this. I had a 7mm stone squib in the left tube going to the bladder blocking all the urine. The pain made me puke. Two bags of saline could not flush it so they had to go in from the output end to grab it and pull it out. Never want to do that again. Good luck, hope your back on your feet soon.

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