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To sell or not to sell


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I am toying with the idea of selling my STI USPSA .40 SS gun. I did not want to post it for sale in the classified forum because this is one of those deals that i am only 50% sure i want to do sell it. My reasoning for maybe selling it is to fund a custom limited gun. I bought the gun last year when i was big into SS, (i did not want to spend thousands of $$ on limited gun, mags, new holster, and mag pouches) so i got it and had to go to the gunsmith (Tripp Research for their reliability package, they welded and re-cut feed ramp, and brought all other parts and aspects of the gun to their custom standards). While it was away i got an amazing deal on a entire limited rig. Since i got the SS gun back i have shot it only once, i am loving the limited game (my score jumped when i started shooting the 2011). But my question is if i were to sell the entire SS rig (STI USPSA .40, 5CR Speed mag pouches, Bladetech holster, 4 Tripp 10rnd 10mm system mags, 2 9rnd tripp cobra 10mm mags, and one willson combat 9rnd 10mm mag) do you think there will be an interest? Also would you keep it so you can shoot three divisions (Limited, L10, and SS) or get a second custom Limited gun and be able to shoot 2 divisions but have a seconds custom 2011? I am not looking for a "you should do this" answer i am just wanting opinions what other people would do if they where in this same situation.


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There is a lot to be said for focusing on one platform and getting on top of the "learning curve" of the gun so that it is a natural extension of you. Then you can really focus on shooting the stage. This is the old saying along the lines of "beware of the man with one gun - he knows how to use it". I can see where having a back up gun can be useful if you shoot many big matches and have a big investment in travel costs. It would suck to spend several $100's to go to a match then have your gun fail and not finish the match.

However, I have tended to change platforms every 6-12 months to keep things fresh and interesting, so... But after about 12 months with a platform, I do feel very comfortable with it and can start taking advantage is its capabilities. YMMV

I’m giving very serious thought to standardizing on a single gun / platform but I shoot a both IDPA and USPSA in equal amounts so it’s a bit more challenging.

One advantage is the 1911 and 2011 can have very similar manual of arms (if set up the same) which will help transitions from one to the other. Just remember stage planning is very different so consider that as well.

If you do decide to offer for sale, send me a PM, I might be interested.

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I would keep the SS. Shooting Limited and going to a SS in the same caliber seems just right, like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

You will want to shoot a SS only match, when they do appear and you will have the setup for it and in the same caliber.

I would keep it. Save your money, focus on shooting the divison you want, in this case Limited. Buy your supplies for 40 caliber. And have fun! Keep it simple.

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My .02 Keep it! The work on it is done. Having a backup is kinda overated., IMO. A good gun should be more than reliable. If you're firing 10's of thousand rounds a year, a backup may make sense. I'd rather have the nice single stack in the safe AND the ability to shoot SS or IDPA if the urge ever comes over you. Practice hard and save for the new dream Limited gun and then you already have a backup. Mo guns, mo better! :)


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It is my only full sized 1911 gun. I had a .40 trojan, but sold it to fund that limited 2011 mentioned above. I just recently sold all my non 1911 style guns (glock, ruger LCP) because i love how the 1911 fit my shooting. I bought a STI guardian in 9mm. I am torn on selling this USPSA it is a sweet gun, and i will be shooting around 10,000 rounds this year with practice.

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I kinda of gave of up or wasting my money on non - 1911 guns. A lot of them are just junk... not all! Oh, sure they serve some purpose for some but after shooting a 1911...why buy something else. Here in California, when used 1911's come up for sale, they gone, sold, period. That tells you something about the 1911. Sure in other parts of the country you probably dont have this problem with getting whatever gun, but not here, its a pain.

consider yourselfs lucky if your not in Calif.

And I would be buying up primer, powder and bullets! Who knows what going to happen with gas prices going up and everything else assocatied with oil/gas!


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I think a package as you describe would be very appealing to a newer shooter interested in SSD/L10 if the price was right. I don't know if the right price is what you're thinking, but in most cases, it'll probably be a little less.

On the other hand, since it's all paid for and working (it's all working right?) keep im mind that you've invested not only your money, but your time to get it all working. If it's your only single stack gun, you really might listen to the 50% of you that isn't sure about selling it.

My $0.02....

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I would keep it. Hell, I'll even offer to keep it for you! A full size 1911 is gun perfection, and unless you absolutely had to sell it, my vote is to hold on. You have a lot of options on what division to shoot now, and like others have said, you've put some time into it already. Keep it for a year, and then revisit the idea.

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Sell it! Half the fun of this is the buying something you like, getting it worked on to make it even better, shooting for a while, tweaking it some more and doing upgrades and then selling so someone else can love it and you can buy another one and do it again... Just having it in the safe in case you need it is no fun. That being said.... I am in at $350.00

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I say keep it. You will get more use out of it than second backup gun sitting in the safe. Worst case is your gun breaks at a match switch over to the ss. I dont see the RM having a problem with you switching from a 20+1 round limited to a SS to finish if it breaks.

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I'd probably end up selling it and getting a second limited gun. I like the idea of focusing on a division. And considering how long it takes to get some of these guns repaired/modified, it's always nice to have a backup for whatever your primary gun might be.

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Ok thanks for replying. I am going to keep it. This is a sweet gun and very good to look at. I am going to start buying parts as i can to build a new custom 2011. I have a birthday and anniversary coming up so that will help a bit. I needed to ask this questions because if i didn't then i would always have this nagging voice in my head lusting over a new 2011. So now i have a plan on what i want to do.


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You can never have to many guns. If it was me i would keep it because you will get the urge to shoot single stack again and regret selling it especially afte ryou had it set up the way you wanted it.

+1 You can never have to many guns.

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