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Daylight savings time


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Old's got nothing to do with it. My watch sets itself from the Naval Observatory. My computer is also self correcting. I do have to change the time in my car and on the microwave but I can handle it. ;)

My objection is that it is another big lie. Changing the clock does not make more daylight. If your school district wants the little ones going to school an hour later start school an hour later. If you want more daylight after work go in earlier.

Next thing you know the government will legislate PI is 22 divided by 7 to make it simpler. :D

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This is an old energy saving ploy, isn't it?

But, for example, thinking about how all public lighting is controlled by light sensors, not clocks, this amounts to nothing IMHO, I simply can't believe that all energy saved by citizens turning on the lights at home one our later beacuse of the sun setting later really adds up to anything. <_<<_<

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I say we split the diff between DST and ST. Change everything by 30 minutes ONCE and be done with it forever.

THAT is what I want! :D

What do we have to do to make it happen?

I have thought about that angle for years.


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Well some old Congressional power brokers were in a back room one of them stated Americans are gullible, the other disagreed, One bet he could get everyone in America to change their clocks an hour for no reason whatsoever. The other said noway and the bet was on. Followed by the BS propaganda, Shoolkids, energy etc etc and Low and behold everyone changed their clocks, and that my friends according to Paul Harvey is the rest of the Story.....

this is paraphrase of an actual Paul Harvey rest of the story I heard on the radio several years ago.

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If we really need the sun to set at 10:00 PM in July, and DST now runs from March to November, why not just add the other three months and declare DST year 'round. B)

I agree, it's not necessay today.

It's just a total pain in the a$$.

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But, we must keep changing the clocks twice a year!!! Our leaders must appear to be doing something about the cost of energy, besides just flying around in jet aircarft and bitching about how the little people leave a couple of lights on. :lol:

Don't look for a return to the 55mph speed limit (gasp!) until after the '08 elections.

Has anyone else wondered why the US news media have given 24-7 coverage, for the last month, to the passing of a national icon? Where will be without the wisdom and guidance of ANS?

We have arrived at the tipping point.

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I agree that DST is a complete artifact, but we have so much legacy wrapped around actual hours of the day and what they mean ("the sun comes up around 6"... "we open the doors at 8"), that either we have to let go of that or just redefine them relative to the sun occasionally.

another thought for the office workers-- is an hour actually a convenient length of time for a meeting, or have we adjusted our behavior to fit into an hour?

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I think this aversion to DST is really a ploy to cover the fact that these country bumpkins - Duh! - just can't figure out how to reset a digital clock by an hour. Add the fact in that it must be done twice and AM and PM considered if the alarm is to be of use........

There you have it. :ph34r::P:rolleyes:

Protests are also put forth by people who wake at dawn, or whose schedules are otherwise tied to sunrise, such as farmers. Canadian poultry producer Marty Notenbomer notes, "The chickens do not adapt to the changed clock until several weeks have gone by, so the first week of April and the last week of October are very frustrating for us." :P

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I agree that DST is a complete artifact, but we have so much legacy wrapped around actual hours of the day and what they mean ("the sun comes up around 6"... "we open the doors at 8"), that either we have to let go of that or just redefine them relative to the sun occasionally.

another thought for the office workers-- is an hour actually a convenient length of time for a meeting, or have we adjusted our behavior to fit into an hour?

We are CONDITIONED to it.

A lot of meetings I attend could be done in less than 15 minutes. :o


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I say we split the diff between DST and ST. Change everything by 30 minutes ONCE and be done with it forever.

Not that far-fetched! There are several "half time zones" around the world, off by

30 minutes from the zones on either side. No idea if they even have DST. Really

not that bad of an idea. Personally, being on DST fulltime wouldn't bother me at all.

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Some of the smartest folks I've heard about live just North of me in the fine State of Indiana. They are on Eastern Standard Time. When they were compelled to adopt DST, they obeyed. Now they change from EST to CDT which requires no change at all. Form without form. Motion within stillness. Sensei like! :D

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DST may have been a good idea ---- but this twice annual changing of the clocks sucks! If we need to adjust it, let's do it once and live with the consequences....

And I really hate the Spring Forward change occurring on my match weekend --- when I typically only get 3-4 hours of sleep anyway....

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Nixon implemented DST year 'round to save energy during the oil embargo. Later review showed it did not save a penny.

The Golf industry claims increasing DST by one month will increase revenues by $200 Million a year in increased equipment and green fees. The Bar-B-Que industry claims $100 Million in grills and charcoal briquettes. Other retailers also lobbied for it. The government went along because what's good for business is good for the tax revenues.

I'm okay with all this as long as we are honest we do it for the money. Just please don't try to tell me it's to save energy, reduce global warming or stop terrorism.

Since DST is now 8 months a year and Standard Time is only 4, shouldn't we switch the names? :D

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It's hard to explain to a 4 year old that it's time for bed and the damn sun is still shining.

You have two options:

Tell him "we're playing eskimo" and explain the midnight sun thing or let him stay up until it's dark. I don't think he'd care about increased tax revenues.

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Nixon implemented DST year 'round to save energy during the oil embargo. Later review showed it did not save a penny.

The Golf industry claims increasing DST by one month will increase revenues by $200 Million a year in increased equipment and green fees. The Bar-B-Que industry claims $100 Million in grills and charcoal briquettes. Other retailers also lobbied for it. The government went along because what's good for business is good for the tax revenues.

I'm okay with all this as long as we are honest we do it for the money. Just please don't try to tell me it's to save energy, reduce global warming or stop terrorism.

Since DST is now 8 months a year and Standard Time is only 4, shouldn't we switch the names? :D

I could be wrong but I think Nixon reintroduced daylight savings time. It was first done back around WW2 then dropped for a period of years.

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...And, I swear to God on a stack of Bibles/Koran/Tibet Book of the Dead/Whatever, each and every 'spring forward' weekend that comes around, I find myself ironically in the midst of a time management or personal crisis, and the loss of one hour of rest and the silliness of changing the time in the first place only CONTRIBUTES to stress and fatigue. Then--of course--when (in the fall) it's time to ADD the hour to my schedule, I have virtually NO stress or crisis elements to deal with and the extra hour seems to only screw up the when-do-I-wake-up process and be a silly redundancy. Gah!!!! Every year the same damn' thing--I swear it's true. :angry::angry::angry:

So, what's the crisis THIS year at 'spring forward'...?? A crisis at work, of course--that kept me awake most of last night and on the phone with people thru the evening. Thank you very much Uncle Sam, for royally screwing up yet ANOTHER spring season crisis!! The whole damn thing is jinxed!!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

Now, as I understand it, the railroad system in the U.S. stays on Standard Time, right...? <_<

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