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Top 5 Favorite Series or Mini Series


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Justified (Gotta love a show based in KY)

Battlestar Galactica (Old and New)

Jericho - Cancelled way before its time!

Band of Brothers

Justified is just great. Being from KY makes it even better. I hope we get a season 3.

Added this link for a promo for the show:

Never missed Justified. The first episode really hooked me.

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So many really good series.


Band of Brothers

Dead Like Me

Six Feet Under

but one that hasn't been listed yet. It ran for about 14 two hour episodes on PBS.

Sharps Rifles

When I got the first episode on DVD I thought it was about the Buffalo Gun, The Sharps.

Turns out it's about the exciting and romantic adventures of Richard Sharp. He gets a battlefield promotion from Wellington and is put in charge of a rough and tumble, rebellious, motley crew of "the chosen ones", which are the best sharpshooters England has to offer. Not being a "blue blood" he doesn't fit in, get along well, or give a darn about his fellow upper crust officers.

Being a British made series about the Napoleonic wars the British accent takes a bit of getting used to, but certainly worth a look. :cheers:

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Justified (Gotta love a show based in KY)

Battlestar Galactica (Old and New)

Jericho - Cancelled way before its time!

Band of Brothers

Justified is just great. Being from KY makes it even better. I hope we get a season 3.

Added this link for a promo for the show:

A friend recommended 'Justified' to me a few weeks ago... I'm really enjoying it.

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I may have added to this back when; I didn't go through the whole thread to see. Nonetheless:

Battlestar Galactica (SyFy remake)

From the Earth to the Moon (HBO)

Band of Brothers (HBO - the companion mini-series they did a few years later on the Pacific Theater was no where near as successful)

All the Star Treks

Doctor Who (modern day continuation on BBC America)

Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis


Warehouse 13


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  • 8 months later...

Dead Like Me

I liked that one too.

Candis and I just finished the Sopranos. She had seen it but I never did. At first I didn't like the ending, but after she explained the "homage-Godfather" factor, then I liked it. Overall I enjoyed it - start to finish.

So now we are looking for a new series to watch. I tried her out on Breaking Bad, but overall it was just generally too depressing for her. Tried to get her into The Shield, but she didn't really like it either. She did like Sons of Anarchy, Deadwood, and Justified - we've seen all of those. So we're a little bit stuck. Maybe I'll just fire up the 16 DVD Monty Python collection.


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BBC's Sherlock


It is great. Now I can't stand any of the other Holme's portrayals.


I can't imagine, and it sounds like you are the same way, being interested in watching anything more than a little bit of anything Sherlock Holmes.

I've never been more hooked then I am on "Persons of interest" Every bad guys gets at least on in the knee.

That looks good, but unfortunately it's not available yet in Netflix - so I qued it.


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Candis and I just finished the Sopranos. She had seen it but I never did. At first I didn't like the ending, but after she explained the "homage-Godfather" factor, then I liked it. Overall I enjoyed it - start to finish.

After about 20 seconds of black screen, I just started laughing......

.....while everyone else in the room was asking "what just happened? Really? This is what we get?"

Then again I loved the movie Limbo.......

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Nobody watched Homeland?? First season aired last year (right after Dexter). GREAT show, can't wait till this season starts in the fall.

Of course Dexter is amazing, although I thought last season was the worst (except for the last scene of the season).

We watch House too...only 2 more episodes left :(

Grey's Anatomy


House of Lies

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Band of Brothers

Game of Thrones - may have to stop watching since there hasn't been nearly enough sex or nudity in the last few episodes

and my wife says that's the only reason I watch it.

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Top 5:

Hill Street Blues - Had it all...drama, comedy, action...great characters and well written.

Sleeper Cell - Awesome mini-series about a guy infiltrating a terrorist cell on U.S. soil.

Dexter - Some parts have been written a little too conveniently for him to keep his secret, but still interesting and has a great bunch of characters.

Firefly - Some folks at Fox should be kicked in the nuts for cancelling this one.

Original Twilight Zone - Classic. Lots of famous people guest starred before they were really famous; it's fun to try picking them out.

Honorable Mentions:

Law and Order - Just fun to watch.

Shogun - Classic series with great acting. My mom's cousin was in it (Frankie Sakai - played Yabu).

Battlestar Galactica (new one)

Sherlock (BBC version)


The Closer

Lie to Me

CSI: Las Vegas

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One I haven't seen mentioned is Brotherhood. It was a Showtime series about 2 brothers in Rhode Island. One is a gangster and the other is a state congresscritter. It was kind of like The Wire crossed with The Sopranos.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Band of Brothers Going to have to watch that again sometime this year.

Jesse Stone (if it qualifies) Just watched all of them within a week or so last year. I usualy like major action, but it's nice to have a slow moving show now and again (well I guess since I watched them all within a week my comment doesn't hold water, but you get the idea).

Firefly was awesome also, but too short, technically I guess it really was a mini-series really.


Battlestar Galactica (new version)

The Shield

Stargate Series (ALL)


Spartacus (only seen the 2 seasons, watching 3rd soon though) Love action, but they do NOT need to do the over the top blood though. It could use __A LOT__ more nudity and sex though j/k :rolleyes:

Jericho was very good IIRC, but it's been awhile since seen it so don't remember if it'd knock any others out.

Also The Walking Dead could take one of above, but haven't seen S02 yet, maybe next week I'll watch it.

I hear Tudors is good and also Deadwood, I have them on my wishlist for this summer or this coming winter. I have Rome but haven't seen

it yet (heard good things), now posting this will watch within the next 2 months or so. Also Person of Interest seems to be very good, watched first two and wanted to watch all in a row so waited for season to end and waiting for BR to come out.

Honorable Mentions currently watching or haven't seen the last season or final season (if applicable ?):

Sons of Anarchy




Mad Men Like it since watch too many action ones, nice break sometimes and it's been very good. Know a woman who lived it decades ago (IIRC in NYC) and she said it's very accurate.

Breaking Bad


Blue Bloods only seen first season, but liked it.

The Walking Dead Haven't seen S02 yet though, but I assume it's awesome and different.

Game of Thrones Only seen S01 so far.

Thanks Griz, looking into Brotherhood tonight or this weekend.

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Hmmm,I haven't seen anyone say The X Files. Am I the only one who dug that? Sometimes,I wake up in a cold sweat yelling, "Scuuuullllllllyyyyy!" Ooops, TMI. Sorry.

ETA: Just read through posts and saw X Files already mentioned. Sorry.

Other than that, in no particular order:



Californication (I catch myself saying "Church" frequently, because of this show)

Breaking Bad

Spartacus (only saw the first season, but it was awesome)

Top Gear (UK only, the US clowns are ruining it)

Big Bang Theory

Not so Modern

Dukes of Hazzard

Miami Vice


Star Trek: TNG

I'm sure there's others, but these are what came to mind.


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