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When brass whores flock like pigeons


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I love watching the brass whores flock to pick up brass after I'm done shooting. It's like throwing a handful of bread into a flock of pigeons at the park. I am referring to a certain group of about 5-6 guys at my local club who I squaded with a couple months back. They are all very nice guys and always ask me if i want my brass, when I say no it's like Christmas in their eyes.

No I'm not crazy, I just have very limited free time and I have not made the plunge into reloading yet. I have made good friends with a local reloader, so the price savings are not a big deal. I would just rather spend my free time shooting or being with the family.

Here's to you brass pigeons.

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You know I have never picked up brass and probably won't start anytime soon but..... pigeons - Brass Whores. dry.gif

I know a lot of guys who pick up brass because they need to, and....... I guess I have to take exception to the term and to your tone. mad.gif

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I guess I have to take exception to the term and to your tone. mad.gif

Yeah, I probably agree. I don't consider them brass whores. If a shooter doesn't want their brass I'll gladly pick it up.

Now, if they are picking up brass and not giving the shooter first dibs then I have a serious problem with that.

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I guess I have to take exception to the term and to your tone. mad.gif

Yeah, I probably agree. I don't consider them brass whores. If a shooter doesn't want their brass I'll gladly pick it up.

Now, if they are picking up brass and not giving the shooter first dibs then I have a serious problem with that.

+10 on that. I really don't have that problem, since 99.9% of my brass is clearly marked (it's got a 1/4" red band ALL the way around the case, in the middle), and the guys that I shoot with don't shoot 38 super, so....But they even give me back my 40 brass when I shoot it. Great bunch of guys, if they find a piece later on, they bring it to the next match. Of course, it's all give and take, I help them police their brass as well......

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I used to scramble for brass also. Now, at matches, even local ones, I just let it go. I spend that time thinking about the stages, concentrating on my shooting, watching other, better shooters run through the COF, etc.

I figure I am going to lose around $100 worth of brass this year.

When one figures in the cost of playing this sport, including travel expenses, it's a trivial amount, IMO.

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I just have very limited free time and I have not made the plunge into reloading yet. I have made good friends with a local reloader, so the price savings are not a big deal.

Two quick thoughts:

1. Your local reloader might charge you even less if you gave him some used brass.

2. I'd pick it up and store it in coffee containers in your basement - one day

you WILL reload, and then you'll kick yourself for losing all that brass.

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At my local out door club you are asked to please help tear-down & clean up, & part of cleaning up is policing the area for brass. If you don't want your brass, a bucket is there for you to leave it for other who can use it.

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We prefer the term "hardcore metallic cartridge recycling enthusiasts" :D

I personally hate seeing a precious natural resource go to waste...it's the Scot in me coming out, no doubt :devil:


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ever since the 'advent' or introduction to our sport, the lil nut picker-uppers, my back and my pants are doing quite well, no aches an pains and no holes!!!!

I work as an RO of a public range, and have to say, since the prices of ammo and components has risen, this is the cleanest I've seen the public range in YEARS

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What irks me is when I ask someone what they're saving. If I'm picking up my 45's and get a 40, I'd rather hand it to someone rather than throw it back down. So I'll ask what they're saving and they say "oh everything". That's funny, you're not shooting everything.

After the match is one thing, but not mid stage.

I generally try and get back what I shot. If I get more than that I'll give it to the others.

Trivial amounts of money aren't when you don't have it.

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No I'm not crazy, I just have very limited free time and I have not made the plunge into reloading yet. I have made good friends with a local reloader, so the price savings are not a big deal. I would just rather spend my free time shooting or being with the family.

FWIW, I was in the same position before I bought my press and started reloading. In retrospect, I wish I'd saved that brass so I'd be a few thousand rounds ahead of the game when I started reloading. Brass may be cheap, but it ain't free. More money in my pocket is always a good thing.

As an observation, I've shot at clubs that assigned brassers, I've shot at clubs that brassed after the match, and then split up the brass, I've shot at clubs that treated every match like a lost brass match, and I've shot at clubs where it was simply understood that if you weren't up or taping, you should brass and give the brass to the shooter.

I always bring home more of my brass from the club where everyone simply brasses if they aren't doing something else. Of course, at that club, its also not unusual to see 5 guys going forward to tape 4 targets.

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I usually only pick up at my home range when I am working a stage as the RO. I collect all I see, doling out brass to those who may be helping me on that stage. If I don't have a helper that month, then whoever helps me the next month gets a bigger share.

I don't shoot .40 or .45, so that goes to a helper (if I have one). 9mm gets split if my helper also shoots 9mm. Long and skinny is given to a fellow shooter who runs that caliber. I find I usually get back about 1.5 times what I actually shot at that match, sometimes more.

A good bit of the 40 and 45 gets picked up by the shooter or a fellow shooters, I grab the remaining dregs to pass along.

I used to pick up everywhere, but once I started as an RO on a regular basis, I cut back on doing that. That RO deserves to have whatever I decide to leave - a small price for the hard work he/she is putting in.

Edited by vluc
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I am a big fan of waiting until after the match/stage to police brass. I find it frustrating when certain folks only police brass (and only certain brass) and never help reset the stage.

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Brass Whores I don't mind...they have manners.

It's the Brassholes that I keep having to ask to clear the range that urk me. :angry2:

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Every event should have a brass pick up policy and let the shooters know about it before every match. We go with the brass stays where it is and after you helped tear down you can pick up brass. The 45 guys let us know who they are and get any that's picked up. You can't follow the rules if you don't know them. State the rule before every match.

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(stands up) Hi, I'm SiG Lady and I USED TO BE a brass whore.

Now, however (thanks to my whoring diligence early on), I have more than I'll ever need. :D

Oh, and we used to call them "range rats." ;)

Actually, fellow shooters in the next booth--noticing that I was shooting .45ACP--would often ask me if I reloaded my rounds, and would then offer me their (wonderful, once-used) brass. Which I graciously accepted. But that's not "whoring", that's accepting gifts.

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