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Making USPSA more exciting for observators

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I suspect an earlier observation on the Classic Only thread was correct about how un-exciting our sport is to watch- live.

However, with proper editting and a combination of first person and third person views it might be more exciting. Think about wireless cameras integral to to sunglasses. And great camera angels on walls looking down on shooters, looking up at shooters and down range looking at shooters.

It may require an end to the "super-squad" or maybe splitting a super-squad into two squads, the editors/directors would need to be able to move between the better shooters every 10 - 20 seconds. Through in a few lower class and mid-class up and comers for comparision so that people don' tget the illusion it's easy.

I suspect we'd need more steel- people "get" the clang and the falling target. Fast repeative bang-clangs are impressive.

Throw in some shooter spotlights/interviews, educations spots on the equipment, physics moments (but only just a few).

Because it's all about the explosions!!!

How about exploding targets like on Top Shot? I only mostly kid. But how about a target with a clay-pidgeon like A zone that shatters when hit. Prolly require a rule change that the single hit on the small clay pidgeon scores 2A... just thoughts.

Edited by Steven Cline
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Far as targets go I like the idea of exploding targets but am not sure how it would far as setting up for new shooter. As far the target with the clay targets. I like that as well but how metal target that have a center that move when hit. Here is a link the targets are about half way down the page.


It would take some work to make it entertaining to watch. To me it is fun to watch but I'm learning as I watch.

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I think that it is something to kick around. I think that my kids would be more interested watching live if things where blowing up. Maybe like one exploding target at the end of a COF to show that the run is over? That way there isn't any smoke to cover things up. It doesn't even have to be every stage, just one or something for the camera's and gallery. I suppose you could do it kind of like golf, the patrons don't watch every hole but maybe a few "interesting" ones.

I remember when exploding targets first came available to us. About 5 of us lined up at about 60 yards and shot one shot each and if it didn't blow up we took a step and shot again and continued until someone nailed it. We then went to the shooting version of HORSE and that was a kick in the pants.

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Lets get the matches on more mainstream TV as step one and we can worry about getting things broadcast live down the road. But if USPSA wants anything to be broadcast live, our national championships would have to be moved out of the fall football schedule. Spring would work if you went before baseball since no one gives a hoot about the NBA at least in the south.

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I've often thought it would be really cool to set up all the cameras like you said, and then produce a show in post production to air later. You could tie the timer in to a computer synced with the video feeds. Then you could look at the scores for each target and plug them in to the time of the shot. Then you could generate a hit factor graph that would show on the screen while showing the run. I'm thinking a big bar graph of the current hit factor. So, when you shot points, it would go up, and as non-shooting time passed it would go down. When you hit a penalty, it would go down a bunch. You could superimpose the current stage leader's bouncing bar over the current shooter's bar during the run.

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Great production and editing turned what is one of the absolute most boring sports to watch (triathalons) into one of the most motivational, amazing sports program ever with the Ironman in Hawaii. Certainly a different sport and ours lacks the drama of people pushing themselves to their physical and mental extremes, but it is a thought. I personally see no way to make live coverage exciting. All falling steel events maybe, but not scored targets.

BTW, no slam meant as to triathalons. Did 'em for decades, loved 'em.

Edited by Neomet
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what got me hooked on "practical pistol shooting" was stumbling across the old Colt sponsored falling steel match which aired on ESPN in about the 1994 to 1996 time frame.

some member here has those old videos uploaded to his apple iMovie (????) account.

what makes things dramatic is having some huge monetary prize/check on the line ...say like $30K for breaking the eighty second mark at the steel challenge.

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I've often thought it would be really cool to set up all the cameras like you said, and then produce a show in post production to air later. You could tie the timer in to a computer synced with the video feeds. Then you could look at the scores for each target and plug them in to the time of the shot. Then you could generate a hit factor graph that would show on the screen while showing the run. I'm thinking a big bar graph of the current hit factor. So, when you shot points, it would go up, and as non-shooting time passed it would go down. When you hit a penalty, it would go down a bunch. You could superimpose the current stage leader's bouncing bar over the current shooter's bar during the run.

I think that idea- the superimposed graph.

Maybe the best is a properly editted (and filmed) post event video.

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Editing, camera shots, and commentary... No new targets required.

Look, if they can market golf :rolleyes: , poker :blink: ... I'm thinking the targets are not that big an issue.

Ultimately, you have to sell the product to the networks and that is your wall, not the targets.

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I would say no way to changing the game to make it more TV friendly. If the video crew can't figure a way to film the game the way it is get a better crew, don't change the way the game is played. Exploding targets are just a gimmic to make it more tv viewable, all it would do is add another match expense, possible range failures(reshoots).....


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The shows we see on Shooting USA would be more exciting to the observer if the clip showed picture in a picture and the person could see holes appearing in the target while they were watching the person move throught the course of fire.

Some of Saul's world shoot video do this in the shoot off. You can see the steel fall while the person is shooting. Lots of editing work and many cameras to do a medium course of fire but I think it would add quite a bit.

The Pro Am format seems to work well with TV as well. Success is about see targets and shooters at the same time.

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I think that if they average person can't follow who did better based on just watching the shooters run a stage it will never be "big time TV". USPSA/IPSC scoring is to abstract for the average person to be able to watch and then know who won.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have shot video of stages for years and the biggest problem I have is stages that have a lot of walls. You lose the shooter in the process of trying to follow or get a good angle. Another problem is RO's that invariably move the same direction I am. I know they have to follow the shooter but some of them seem to delight in getting in your way to block your video. Most are supper nice and make every effort to give you a clear view. Stages that are boring to watch are the ones that you have to shoot the entire stage through ports and around walls, the spectator can't see what's on the other side. Using clay pidgeons would be kind of cool, you could count them like steel.

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Years ago Mike Dillon proposed setting up tennis ball launchers to "shoot" back at competitors, unless they hit a deactivating plate. Now you could do the same thing with paintball guns.Might make things more exciting for an audience, definitely put more pressure on the competitor.

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Years ago Mike Dillon proposed setting up tennis ball launchers to "shoot" back at competitors, unless they hit a deactivating plate. Now you could do the same thing with paintball guns.Might make things more exciting for an audience, definitely put more pressure on the competitor.

I shot an IDPA match w. an FX man - he was suggesting all kinds of crazy things - explosions to the side, simulators, etc - and mentioned some kind of "sparkle" paintball used in movies - might be a good idea... Or a profoundly bad one...

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After watching the 3Gun Nation folks I think that they will have a good show. Maybe remote cameras at the top of the berm catching targets and long movement would have been good. I think that they should have filmed more of low class shooters to show how good the good guys really are.

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Picture in picture of course but specialized stages for money. Yes big money for top shooters that make a cut (top 10) who move on to specialized made for TV stages. High stress ... That means prime time interest and stages designed for the television audience.

Sad to see pro's winning the prize tables of us lowly amateurs at the matches. It's sad they aren't making real money as prizes.. ie so they can make a living and send the kids to college etc . Money also gains public interest if done right.

Me ... heck I don't care about them winning the prize table but it just makes me sad to see the best of the best scavenge off such slim pickings and or surviving off of sponsorships that are hard for the public to understand. TV audience understand piles of green cash for the fastest gun alive on that day.

That means making as much stress as possible .. something the audience can feel.

Shoot off ... I think something like 4 stages . Not a single shoot off stage like a plate rack but big time stages made for TV.

A match should end with the fastest and best 10 or so to advance to the shoot off . Made for TV

excitement for the dough. I would like to think that on a good day an amateur could make that cut for the chance of a lifetime. TV loves that kind of intrigue.

The shoot off can be multiple stages. long and short. Very advanced but easy to understand hogan alley type stages. Stages designed for showing off skill and speed but made for TV.

my 2 cents

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In my opinion a big part of the problem is eye candy or rather the lack there-of. When was the last televised golf tourny at a rundown grassless, dry gulch type of a course? Not many shooting venues Ive been to were anywhere near as nice as most golf courses. Also it would be very cool if there were props and such along the lines of what you see in a movie studio or theme park to add interest. These are the things that would draw spectators, but of course it costs money.....lots of it.

Having the coppertone girls RO certified and running competitors wouldn't hurt either..... :wub:

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splitting up a 'super squad'?? not a good idea, they get kinda cranky, western states champs in the mid 90's??? tried it,no super squads, put a GM with all the 'mere mortals' nice idea, cept for the GM's had noone to 'feed' off of or know what the stage should or could be run in. madefor a loooong match.

exploding targets, nice idea, I have done it on occasion stuck one to the back of a target as a 'surprise' back then they were roughly a buck a throw....now your gonna make em a visable target that HAS to be shot??? match fee's for local club matches are gonna ahve to be raised to pay for the new targets

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