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Everything posted by austinkroe

  1. To start off, I know this topic has been discussed and rationalized. I dont care, I just want to rant and I dont want a discussion on this vs. that. Here is goes: I got into shooting with some IDPA guys down in GA. They were some great guys and a hoot to shoot with. I enjoyed the game with them. So, last summer I had a STI built in 9mm. My thinking was that I would shot ESP with it. I figured that 9mm was so cheap that it would make shooting a breeze (monitarily). Plus I was leaving to go to law school and I figured I would not have the time to reload. So, I did not buy a machine. I just wanted to have a custom gun that was all mine and not some store bought thing. So I moved to KC MO to go to law school. Come to find out there is only one IDPA club in the area and they only shot once a month. I went to one of their matches and won the thing outright by a fair margin. Looking though their scores I found that there was not really anyone shooting with any regularity that would pose any type of compitition for me (it is a game to me and I want to have someone to challenge my skills). After my dissatisfying IDPA expieriance in the area I turned to USPSA. Got a CR belt and some 140mm mags. I started shooting with some guys around here and they are all great and I have a fun time (other than the fact that they pick on me for shooting minor). So, here, at least, I have become a USPSA shooter. Dang I wish there was a close by steel challenge match as well. With my new found love for USPSA I have been having a great time. However this limited minor thing has had an effect on my game. I have mostly been an accuracy based shooter and I like a good challenge but I have let the pressure get to me and when I bump up the speed I throw a charlie or two more than normal. It hurts to do this but running on the edge can be fun too. So here is the deal: Now ammo prices have jumped through the roof and I have decided that I should reload in the near future. The gun I had built can run major 9 and I think that with some help from some locals I could eventually get the skill to load major 9. Trouble is I cannot do this in Limited. As a student I cannot afford a loader and a new gun and I think the loader takes priority because of mass production and per bullet economy. So, I guess when I can afford to get the reloading gear I will be loading minor 9 for quite some time. I just wish I could take advantage of the higher point values for major. Arrrrggggg! I really want to stop worrying about the 4 Cs I got on the last stage and be able to shoot competitively with some friends on a level playing field. I know As are As but If I want to shoot all As I can do it but I would have to slow my pace down too far, I am only human and I shoot Bs, Cs, Ds, and the occasional no-shoot once and a while. It seems to me that making up points on later stages is a bit hard to do with minor. Furthermore the minor ammo has added no speed to my game. I can shoot a full power .45 just as fast. Guess this was poor planing on my part and I cant fix it anywhere in the near future. I guess I will have to be a little more hungry to run with the local dogs when I shoot minor. Just wish I had easier options. On a side note, I love the gun and I know I will never sell it not only because it has my name on it but it also runs like a raped ape. The thing will feed anything including empty casings and it can hit a nut out of a squirril's mouth at over 20 paces. I runs in the cold, heat, and rain. I just love the damn thing. Also, after only shooting USPSA for a few months I went to my first classifier match this past weekend and if the scores I copied down and the Ohio calculator is correct then four out of the six I shot were B class. Hopefully my first class in USPSA will be B and I will be proud to say I got there shooting minor. It felt good to get this off my chest. I guess I will just have to get a loader, shoot some more, make it to GM, and then I can complain about how my equipment is holding me back. On the other side when I do win it is nice to be able to say I did it shooting minor. Mmm the sweet smell of victory, I guess that is all I want. Well that and maybe an unlimited gun budget. 3gun, open, and MOR are pretty tempting. Silly shooting addiction, when will I ever learn that I can make do with what I have even though all of the other stuff look like som much fun. I think I blame the glallery threads and the internet in general. Silly me and my minor (only) limited gun.
  2. I got that e-mail too. They got my e-mail because I wnanted to fill out one of their surveys. They must assume that everyone that fills out their survey agrees with them. Something tells me that this would lead to skewed results. A little something from the VA Gov: "People who want to take this within 24 hours of the event and make it their political hobby horse to ride, I've got nothing but loathing for them." I do not see this as an isolated problem and I hate it. So many of the past tragic events have been used for political gains. 9/11, Columbine, Oklahoma City; all of these place were awful events but the people that take someone else's misery and turn it into an agenda so quickly are a real problem and most people avoid this issue because it is a time of sadness. The whores that abuse other peoples suffering irritate the hell out of me. I think that anyone that turnas a tragedy into a political issue is someone not worth listening to. This is a time that we need to sit back mourn the loss and wait for all the facts to come in and not make snap judgments. I see highly publicized tragic events used as emotional political fodder as a way to get things done as a sad thing themselves. All of these people abusing some parents loss of their children as a political speaking point should lose their jobs. Shame on them. Sorry Flex, I know this is a political-esque thread but it is the people that make me angery and not the issues. As I see it the people have nothing to do with politics because the situation and the politics may change but there is always someone out there to exploit the situation. That is what has ruffled my feathers. I hope you wont hold it against me.
  3. Man, all you would have to do is throw the mag at that funnel and it would be in. I also bet table starts with that thing would be sweet.
  4. Somthing tells me that the Egret stance is just as effective at the ranges this guy uses. I think there was a vid last year on Shooting USA of Jerry shooting a plate rack at 10 yds with a revolver with no sights, holding it us-side down, and pulling the trigger with his pinky and he still shot it faster than many others can. With his outfit I wonder if he is related to the MallNinja. I do like how he always starts out with the gun unholstered. With a two-handed from the hip shooting "system", GENIUS! I never thought shooting a distance where you can touch the target required a "system" let alone a full on instruction course. I always thought just holding th gun and pointing my arm at the target and shooting as fast as possible was the answer but I guess I could be wrong. His high speed clips are even better. Wow, he can shoot his glock at a target 3 feet away and get .16 splits. Holy crap! Oh wait, Taran can get faster aimed splits on targets much farther away with a glock. Funny stuff. Thanks for the laugh.
  5. The McClaren magwell really doesnt mess with your grip. http://www.speedshooter.com/product_detail.cfm?ID=MMMW I use an DP ice because I like the push on my hands. However, I know a guy that has one and it does not interfere with the grip at all and it reloads nicely.
  6. Now I have found a new date topic of conversation. All I have to do is bring it on the first date and tell her she has to agree to all conditions set forth in the article. If she gets mad I can bolt and leave her with the check. Wife selection at its best. No more prolonged dating to find out if you like someone. Well, maybe the end of all dating but who really knows. Hahaaahahahaa. That is one of the most degrading things I have ever read. I feel like a bad person for laughing as hard as I did.
  7. Pan's Labyrinth should have won best foriegn film. Borat didn't win a damn thing! The Acdemy Awards are a bunch of garbage and I think I will stick to choosing what I think are the best movies.
  8. I am looking into begining reloading for my 9mm limited gun and a few other calibers for plinking and I have pretty much decided on a 550B. I want my limited gun to run as flawlessly as it does with factory ammo and many posts on this site recommend using the EGW U die or the Lee factory crimp die but I have not found a reference to using them both. I want to make sure that I am not going to jam my gun up by using "glocked" brass (9mm). So, I want to make sure I get the right equipment up front. Are the two dies redundant? Can I use just one of them? If so which should I choose? Any other tips for reloading 9mm on the functioning end of things (ie other considerations for the brass)? Thanks, Austin
  9. I am stoked. Ozzy is tons of fun and free concerts rock hard.
  10. Reload in the open, shooting in the open (no cover) or leaving coer without engaging all available targets. I assume the stage dicription told you to do these things but I am not clear on if they were all legal at a major match. It does look like a fun stage though.
  11. It is only too wide because of the ambi safeties. You can either sand the safties down or just buy a single side safety. Other than that they work great for SSP.
  12. These guys should work at the whitehouse press room. Damn can they avoid the major questions. I thinks the press conferance is hilarious. What they did..no so much. They did, however do a good job doing what their lawyer told them that is not talking about the subject. The thing that gets me is why the media would continue to talk to them after the hair thing was brought up and they said that is all they wanted to talk about. Real idiots=media. I hate how the media blows things out of proportion and then make a fool of themselves in the process.
  13. That was my understanding as well. It would allow you to take a substantial part of a flock with one shot. I think everyone needs one of these. Imagine how fast you could clear a plate rack or a TX star...does knocking over the whole apparatus count? The possibilities are endless. Thanks for the post.
  14. A least they left your sweet mustache alone. Man if they could have gotten some rubberbands in that thing the picture would be complete.
  15. Don't forget adding the word practical in front of tactical. Our pants are practical for every day wear but tactical enough to do any harsh enviornment stuff... no they are not and anyone that sees you wearing this crap in public knows you were told about it by the guy at your gunstore that reads the most gun rags and has the least amount of expeiriance. As far as I see it purchasing something that is know by its company as tactical, and that is your reason for buying it, lowers your IQ by at leat 25 points. I have sucssfully elininated the words tactical and tactics from my shooting vocabulary because as far as I am concerned useing the words makes you a gunshop poser only worthy of couch sitting and talking about how great things are without really knowing the facts. Sorry about the rant. Almost nothing makes me more angry in the gun world than the use of the word tactical.
  16. Man what I would do for some relitively free gunsmithing...I might have carried the mill by to where ever myself. That is a sweet looking gun. To get back in the spirit of the Hate Forum. Dang you Matt for having the time to do some sweet gunsmithing while in school. I'm in law school and I can't even find the time to practice let alone do my own smithing work.
  17. I'm not a lefty, But I think you can have the ejector tuned to kick the brass in more of an upwards fashion so it avoids your thumb depending on how high you get your thumb up there. Here
  18. Thanks Flex, My searches turned up nothing. I guess I need to improve my choices of words to search with.
  19. Can anyone reccomend a good 1911 smith in the Kansas City area? I am thinking of having some small parts fitted for a back up and I am looking for someone that can do good triggers etc. just to have on hand. Thanks, Austin
  20. My bad, I skimmed your post and didnt see the IF. I apologise.
  21. I dont think the Sig has a long dust cover. The pictures on their website show a totally legal CDP gun. The guns doesnt need a bushing to be legal it just cant have a cone or bull barrel which I dont believe it does. Ernest Langdon won CDP at the nationals with a stock 220 a few years ago so I would say it is a legal gun. The only diference I see between the 220 and the 220SAO is the addition of a safety and removal of the double action mech. As I see it this only makes it more in the spirit of CDP. Call HQ and ask them about it. I say legal gun and will have to disagree with anyone that says otherwise.
  22. On a southwest flight a few years ago. During the pre-flight breifing when the lights were dimmed. The flight attendant said: If you look above you, the yellow button will turn on you personal light. The orange button calls one of us to you; it does not turn us on.
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