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Everything posted by austinkroe

  1. Thanks for all the help guys. I actually dont live that far from APS and I was thinking of taking the gun down there to see what he could do.
  2. Just bought a magwell for my STI and I need intal tips? How does one trim the frame to match up with a magwell? Sandpaper? Dremel? File? Also, how would I get a nice clean fit without scatching up the inside of the magwell? Any tips on how to remove material? (I am a little scared of taking off too much and weakening the grip) Disassemble or not for the process? Any other random tips regarding magwell to frame mating? -Austin Edited for refinement.
  3. What, you mean to tell me that he is not wearing Nike's official IPSC cleats? But seriously, ysued, Great pictures.
  4. austinkroe


    Yes, it meets all of the criteria. You should be good to go as long as yyou only load five.
  5. Sweet Palmer Pursuit you have there.
  6. Donnie Burton should be one to watch out for. I have seen him shoot a couple of major matches and that kid can flat shoot. Both matches I saw him shoot he had high overall (even though IDPA doesnt recognise it) and Dave was there for one of them in CDP. I think he is a senior in high school or a freshman in college. If you get the cance to watch him, take it.
  7. I will preface the question with the statement that I have no actual gunsmithing knowledge. I also did a search and found nothing to answer this question. I have an STI 2011 that I would like to put a new trigger in. I am thinking either the SV insert type or the STI gunsmith blank. I want to try a flat trigger. However my gunsmith is quite far away from me and I dont really want to have to search out a new one close to me that I have to learn to trust. Will I need to take it to a smith to have it installed or can I do it myself? Would a new trigger affect the weight of the pull? What all adjustments need to be made to a new trigger to make it work besides the usual overtravel stop(I can do that)? Any additional comments that I might not know about to facilitate this idea? Any reccomendations on STI vs SV trigger system (keeping in mind I only want to change trigger shape)? TIA
  8. I am going to step out on a limb. I use my HK USP Tactical with a USP45 length barrel so it fits in the box. It got me to expert in under a year and won me two trophie in the only two major matches I have ever competed in. I see no reason why it wont take me to master. Although my ESP gun is an STI fattie. Just wanted to represent guns that were not 1911s or a glock. I just had to be the thread rebel.
  9. Yeah, I know. I also feel challenged. So, I am going uphill on the less beaten path by shooting limited MINOR. I guess if can do that well on my first outing then I should force myself to work much harder at winning. -Austin
  10. So, I have been shooting IDPA for a little over a year. I moved from Atlanta to Kansas City and there isnt much here in terms of IDPA. I figured what the heck I will give USPSA a whirl. I went to an indoor match with my IDPA gear (HK USP) and played Lim10 . Well I as it turns out I got second but only because (I was told) the guy that beat me reshot one of the stages because he didnt like how it went for him. He also happens to be the guy that enters the scores on the website so he convieniantly put in his better score. I enjoyed the time I had so much I drove out to another match Sat. morning. Just got the scores back and I won Lim10 there. Beating 17 other people including one A-class shooter and two B-class shooters. I am pretty excited about the whole thing. I think my expeiriance and this forum have converted me to being a USPSA shooter. I will still shoot IDPA when I can but I will enjoy not wearing my l33t gamer vest . Now I have to go out and find a belt rig to shoot with for my Sti I am having built now. Just wanted to share.
  11. Yes you can if you download the mags to five. The barrel is under 3.8" so it is good to go.
  12. I have to say that Banff is absolute the most beautiful national park I have ever been to. I have been to the majority of the parks in the US and none of them compare. I think the Farmont is a fun place to be, it is big and old but it is also quite interesting. I would say that you can walk anywhere but then again I am into going on month long backpacking treks so dont take my word for it. However, I felt that all of the main points in the park were easily accessble. I highly reccommend going there. You and your wife will enjoy it. Pick up a tour guide book and go there. If you have a chance I would also reccomend going to Waterton/Glacier national park. The Canadian American border runs through the park and it is a wonderful place to go as well. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. banff.com has lots of god info as well
  13. Ok so I know that I can fly with a gun and all the things I need to have/do to comply with FAA regs. However, there is one question that I just dont know where to look for the answer. Should I clean my gun extremely well before flying? I know it is a bad idea to clean before a match, but what about the super-strict security we have now? I dont want to legally check my gun only to have them quarentine it for days or worse dipose of it thinking it is a bomb. I am just a littlr concerned about powder residue. If anyone can share expieriance/ideas/suggestions/thoughts it would be helpful. TIA Austin
  14. I am thinking about getting some DP intl BPs for my IDPA ESP gun but I have a few questions. Will I need to get new spacers so the mags feed 9mm properly? Will I need new springs? How do you take of the pads once they are on (I see no holes on them)? Is there anything else I should know about them? Opinions? Worth it? TIA Austin
  15. Thanks for all of your help guys. The Burkett site is a real help. I think the idea of needing to track the mover with my peripheral vision is one that is going to require a great deal of work. EricW, could you tell me how you constructed a swinger. I too would like to have one but the cost of buying one is currently prohbitive for me. Again, thanks for all of your help.
  16. I have a problem shooting movers and swingers that I have not found a solution to by doing a search. Here it is: When I shoot movers, swingers, out and backs, and droppers I cannot for the life of me seem to get my focus back to my sights after finding the target. It is like my eyes are attracted to the “shiny-factor” of having the target move. When I do happen to get my focus to my sights I lose all sight of the target and then I just lose all of my focus. This results in me dumping rounds at the target until I see a couple of holes in the right place. I want to be able to call my shots on these targets by seeing the sights. I know I should practice more but the only time I have access to any type of moving target is in a match. I don’t feel that the match atmosphere is very conducive to my learning process because I only get one try at the mover and I don’t think I get very good feedback from shooting them once a month. Is there anything I can do to get my focus in the right place? I know the theory of shooting movers but all the theory goes out the window when I lose my focus. Are there any tricks anyone has for this type of problem? I feel so stupid when I think, “ooh, look at the pretty moving target,” in the middle of a course of fire. Thanks, Austin
  17. I have a beautiful nickel Colt Python with an 8" barrel. The thing is, I mostly shoot IDPA and I am interested in starting to use a wheelgun. If I buy a new 4" barrel: How hard is it to change the barrels? Can I do it myself? How do you change them? Is it worth it? Should I just get a new gun and not tear up such a fine revolver?
  18. Yes it was yet another gripe, but I wrote it to be that way. I felt that the way I worded the article would create the most discussion. I used the word beg because I believe it imparted a sense of urgancy to the article. Maybe I went about obtaining my objective in the wrong way but the point is that I tried and that people are talkign about the idea any way. As for the people that "ripped" me. I could honestly care less. Some of the actually made very good arguments and I am glad to see that. Just trying to get a flow of ideas going. The article was just my opinion and I am more than happy to read other people's opinions as well.
  19. I am in no way bothered by others reactions. I have been lurking for a while and I have no problme with respecting other people's opinions. The article was solely my opinion and I am flattered that it caused such a large discussion.
  20. Wow, this article did exactly what I intended it to do, and that was to create discussion. First off, I would like to say that there were several typos in the article and I apologize for that. Jkelly stated the general idea of my article in his response on the first page. My idea behind the article was created through discussions with many of my IDPA friends. Most of the people that I talked to used either +P of magnum rounds for defensive purposes. I felt that the power floors did not go hand in hand with IDPA's stated principles and I felt it should be talked about. I take the biggest issue with the PF in CDP but I see the others as a little low too. I am no slouch at shooting and I use WWB and win local matches with some regularity. I don't really care that much about what other shooters are using because the only thing that will make me a better shooter is myself. However, I do think the IDPA rule book contradicts itself in several places and I just feel the need to point them out for raising discussion. -Austin Crowe
  21. What does a primer crimp look like and how do I identify it?
  22. Hi all, I have been doing alot of reading lately on reloading and I am thinking about taking the plunge. However, I have a question or two. I only plan on reloading 45 ACP It is the only caliber that I really shoot other than 22s. My question is: how much case prep do I really need? All if the intros to reloading I have read on the web talk mosly about reloading for a rifle. Do I need a case trimmer? How about a primer tool? Or can I just tumble the cases and put them right into a 550? How would I inspect 45 brass in terms of case length and such? I guess I just dont really understand the whole case prep, most of the web sites dont talk about it in as much detail as the do actual reloading of the cases. What all do I have to do to the brass before I start reloading it? Thanks for your help, Austinkroe
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