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Everything posted by austinkroe

  1. Weird... edited for the fact that my post was a mistake I made due to a computer malf that had nothing to so with the video. oops
  2. Shooting WWB 115gr FMJs. I just am not sure about catching the bullet just as it leaves the barrel. Although the gun is still locked up and has barely started to recoil. I am a Cubs fan. However, I have had the Sox hat since 4th grade when I was a Frank Thomas fan. It is kind of a lucky hat more than anything. It is so ragged and has holes everywhere I just can not bring myself to retire it.
  3. There already is such a picture. It is on hosercam.com click on about me and scroll 3/4 down the page. Thanks guys.
  4. http://www.jerrybarnhart.com/bpp.htm hope this helps. I think it could be easily made with velcro if you have the energy.
  5. I went to the GA state IDPA match this weekend and my dad came along to get some photos. He was using one of those antiquated film cameras. Go figure, as a landscape photog he is married to the idea of film (inside joke between him and me but I couldnt resist). Anyway, he took alot of pictures of me and a few of Sevigny. I was going though them today and noticed one of me where the hammer is down on my gun. I didnt have any misfires so I know it must have been a lucky catch with the picture so I figured I would share. I think the pics are a little grainy b/c 1600 iso film. I swear I did not use photoshop or anything else to get this photo.
  6. I was glad to see you all as well but I am not 79. All kidding aside. Austin is quite an impressive fellow. He has great advice and is an inspiration to us all. I just hope I am shooting like him when I am his age. He sure knows how to use his 1911. I thought the match was great and I had lots of fun. Many thanks to Capel for puting this on I know it must have been a lot of work. And thanks to the SOs, if it was raining hard enough to delay my flight to ATL by three hours and get several flights I know of canceled then I know shooting in that rain must have been horrid.
  7. Its alreay been posted Other Post
  8. I am thinking about puting grams internals and basepads on my 140 9mm mags (sti). How is grams SS spacer different from the factory plastic? Will I need to get an insert to add the basepads (like the arrendondo with the fingers)? The mags work fine now and hold 21. I just want some more durable basepads than the factory ones and I figured switching guts was a good idea too. Any tips on sti 9mm mag setup? I didnt really find anything in the faq or with a search.
  9. Flex and RPS, I think this is the problem I am having. It doesnt seem like the extractor was beveled too much. How can i fix the problem? Is it something I should really worry about? Could this lead to jams with other rounds (not the last shot)?
  10. When i take the slide off and barrel out and put a round in there it stays put.
  11. Almost every time I shoot the last round of a mag it either doesnt eject or just rolls out over the gun and onto my hand. I have and cycled some dummy round and it seems like when the barrel tips down the round slides down the extractor and ends up falling off of it before the ejector hits it. The gun feeds and ejects fine the rest of the time only the last round is the problem. How can I fix this problem? The search I made turned up a suggestion about mads but it was for a 1911 and not a 2011. What to do?
  12. Here, here! Mayo, you have spurred me into research. Seems to me the word strictly means no expanding or narrowing of the rules. Take this as you will. Until someone shows me in the book where this type of penalty is allowed I will think something was fishy about this call. Although, the black tape idea creating two separate targets is an interesting one. I wonder how this plays out in the rules. Seems to me it would work. The rules do say the target is not designed to resemble the human anatomy and I dont see any reason why you cant split it up as you see fit. Afterall you could cut the head off of a target and put it on a serperate stand to make a new target with "hardcovor over the body". So, in conclusion I think if there is no separation of body and head there is no FTN but if there is separation there can be one.
  13. Poor stage design. I think the idea was that since you had to re-engage from cover for the head shot it was as if it was a second target and a miss=ftn. Not right if you already engaged with two to the body. I say foul! The call was wrong. If you have a -1 on on a target then no ftn. The only exception to this rule is when it is a required head shot only; only shots in the head count and therefore if nothing in head...ftn. This is probably what the SO was thinking but the rule was missapplied in this case. However, if it was applied to everyone at the match then I guess they could say it was fair. Although, I see it as an unfair extra penalty. Sorry to hear about this.
  14. You can use them as long as they fit in the box and make weight. The well had to be filed to fit in the box and the gun weighs 40oz. on my postal scale at home.
  15. Well I finally got it in so I cannot complain anymore. After a minor problem with UPS I got it this past afternoon. I took it home for some SG and headed to the range. I would say after all the wait and the excuses it was worth it. Still wish I had felt the smith was being more straight with me in the process but the gun is flawless so I am happy.
  16. My new limited ESP blaster. Just got it in today. I am extremely pleaded with it. It shoots better than any gun I have owned so far.
  17. I dont know about using it in SSP and ESP might be close. It has to weigh under 43oz with an empty mag for ESP and under 39oz with an unloaded mag for SSP. You would have to check you weights and maybe remove some in certain places. I think it would be cool to see one in SSP but that might require some milling to lose enough weight.
  18. Chris, Don't worry I will be back. I was just waiting to get this gun to come shoot some more. You will have your chance to shoot against me again. To everyone, I called him today and we talked for a while. He has said he will have it out by the end of the week (Friday). I let him know that I expected it to leave the shop on Friday no matter what. I figured I should at least give him a week to redeem himself and make everything good. He was very apologetic and even gave me his cell number which I think is a very trusting thing to do. We also agreed that i will call him everyday to check in (I'm in school so I prefer to make the calls when I have time to talk). I am still hopeful that everything will turn out fine but if I dont get the right vibe by Thursday I will be taking everyones advice and getting my parts and running to someone else to finish the job. -Austin
  19. Joe, I forgive you. You can have your buttons back along with your spring loaded shoes. However, I am keeping your fire on tan sights and multiple projeile bullets. I need them more than you do. Besides if you have them you know where to get more of these magical items. Everyone, There are some unforgivable IDPA cheats. Like the phantom reload and the purposeful breaking of equipment rules. Play the game for fun. Just dont get mad when you purposfully cheat and get caught. The only thing worse than a whiner is a liar.
  20. I think the sad thing about IDPA is that there is no published descions about questions and clarifications to the ruls. It would be like if our country did not publish or recognise judicial opinions. If this were the case then there would be no consistancy because every judge would be unrestrained in his interpretation of the law. This is similar to the current situation in IDPA. More power to Bill Wilson for IDPA and I am more than happy to play by his rules and allow him to be the IDPA king, tzar, monarch, emperor, dictator, or whatever. I just wish we would have some rule clarifications. I like my lines to be clearly drawn. That being said I will continue to shoot IDPA cause it is fun and none of the rules bother me that much. I enjoy shooting IDPA but I do not enjoy the round dumping idea. I am fine with punishing blatant offenders but those who are smart enough to dump the sneeky way cannot be as easily detected and SO can read minds so they shouldnt punish what they cannot prove. It seems like a way to punish good shooters for something a bad shooter would not get punished for. The trouble here is that the SOs only punish percieved intent where there might be no intent at all. I have had a situation occur that might clarify my point. Say I am on the last target of an array and I will have to move after I am finished shooting that target. I have 3 bullets left in my gun and the target requires two shots. My first shot is in the -3 zone and I then fire 2 in the -0. I reload and move. So, if I intended to shoot the first shoot in the -3 just so I could have the make up shot to reload in the right spot. On the other hand I might have just broken the shot too early in the transition and been forced to mae up a bad shot. in this situation the judgment is left up to the SO. What if I was a master class shooter? What if it was the tenth stage of the day and up til then I had not missed a shot yet? What if I was the fastest person there? What if you didnt like the things I said? The SO has the ability to make such a close call without any real proof of intent. I feel that at the point of this call more things factor into the descion than are actually facts regarding the call. Like I said I like my lines drawn clearly. This rule has too much ambuguity and interpretation built in. I like penalties that are easy to see and easy to call. All of that being said, if this situation were to ever happen all the SO would have to do is ask me. I have round dumped before and would have taken the penalty if the SO would have called it. However I have done what might have appeared to have been dumping when it was not. If dumping were called on me then I would have had a fit. I am an honest guy and I a more than welling to admit to the things that I have done. All I have to say is that maybe there should be a rule that says to take the word of the shooter in all close calls such as the one I discribed earlier. I will admit to being a range lawyer and a gamer. Those titles are fine with me I feel I can coexist with the purists in IDPA. I just dont like those that always have a finger to point. if you dont like the game then leave. Everyone is entiled to an opinion but I am entitled to ignore as many opinions as I like. When it boils down to it I know that this is Wilson's game and that my opinion on the rules doesnt matter to him. I am fine with that. If you dont like a rule I am more than happy to listen to a thoeretical discussion about the mechanics of any given rule. However, if all you can do is complain that you dont like something and have no reasoning behind your comments than I dont want to hear you speak. Discussion is constructive, whining is deconstructive.
  21. Not sure if this fits within the rules but I will assume it does because I am not mentioning any names, if doesn’t my apologies to the mods. This all started back in may when I down to a gunsmith in my hometown (not KC) gunsmith to discuss having him build me a 9mm 2011. We discussed what I wanted and I gave him considerable leniency with how the gun would look. He claimed it would only take two weeks to complete the gun once he received all the parts. I had a summer job out of town so we agreed on August 18th as a deadline for the gun because that was the day I had to leave home for law school. After we had had several conversations and came to an agreement I put my deposit down. Towards the 18th of August I went to his shop with all the forms I needed to transfer the gun. When I showed up he informed me that the gun would not be finished on time because he couldn’t get a barrel from one of the companies that we had agreed on. I said that was fine and that I understood it was not his fault that he was not able to obtain all the parts in time. He was very apologetic and I was ok with it. It was not until the middle of September that he got the barrel in and this is where my frustration really begins. For brevity I will just list the excuses he has given me for not having the gun ready so far. He ran out of bluing salts or chemicals (I don’t exactly remember what he said). His aunt that he was close to died. He came down with a migraine. Things are busy at the shop. Needless to say I have been calling him with regularity to check in. The week before last he said he was really close to being finished ad that it should be done by the end of the week. So, I mailed out the check to finalize my bill. At the end of the week He had not finished so I called him. He said early next week it should be done. So last week when I had still not heard anything from him I called again on Friday. He claimed that he had just finished test firing it and that he was going to blue it on Monday and that he would mail it to me by this Wednesday. I did not hear from him yesterday so I called again to see what was up. Today he told me that the gun was at the engravers and he was not able to blue it yet. So, he once again has told me that it should be mailed out by “next week”. I feel like he is lying to me. I am furious about not having the gun in my hot little hands. He has put a foul taste in my mouth. I am hundreds of miles away from him so I cant go down to the shop to see how things are progressing and at this point I am not taking his word for anything. I have been more than nice and accommodating to him and my fuse has just about run out on this one. I don’t know what to do other than just rant about it to make myself feel better about it. I want to be able to trust other people but this has been a really shady deal. I am just so mad…I want my gun now. To quote Homer Simpson. “Sir, you will have to wait five days to get your gun.” “I don’t want to wait, I am mad now!” If you have any recommendations on what you feel I should do feel free to PM me. Other than that I would love to hear more crappy gunsmith stories so I will know I am not alone in this boat.
  22. Are guide rods a drop in part? Considering all of the recent talk about wieght in IDPA guns made me worry about getting weighed at an upcoming major match. I dont have a scale on hand and I want to be safe by being under weight if possible. I was thinking of going to a GI guide rod just for IDPA. Can I just buy a GI rod and throw it in and go? Will I need a std. plug or can I use the one from my FLGR? Any other parts I will need? Can I do the swich myself? Tips and tricks? Prefered manufactures for drop in, if available? TIA
  23. They are all whit... no wait it is not about race it is about reaching out and touching the children... I mean future.
  24. Just one question, was she timing for soft or hard boiled eggs?
  25. I am goin to say Dave Savigny for Prod. Up in the air for open. Maybe Max Michel?
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