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Everything posted by Dranoel

  1. Practice until every basic function of shooting is perfectly automatic as making a right turn in your car or walking up a flight of stairs. When you don't have to "think" about controlling the gun, your mind is more open to dealing with the details of the stage. When you get to that point, there will be nothing in your head when the timer beeps but the center of the first target.
  2. Agreed. My grip safeties are lighter than my trigger pull and still work just fine.
  3. Article doesn't say what type of gun it was but indicates he "lost control" of it. I can only speculate, but if it was a 1911, only way I can see it accidentally going off is if he tripped and fell on it with his finger on the trigger. Even then the angle his wrist had to be at to shoot himself in the torso would have been unlikely. Instinct would made him turn the gun away from himself or toss it away.
  4. Most shooters pin it to ensure it doesn't interfere with the trigger if they don't get a proper grip. Some say that they can get higher grip with it pinned but if it's pinned the beavertail is still going to be lower than if the grip safety was let out. Sorta nullifies the higher grip. I learned to get my grip right and consistent out of the holster so my grip safety was never an issue.
  5. My thumbs never get tired when I'm shooting, so I never needed one.
  6. They done good. But that does not surprise me with Sig. Companies that produce high quality products, tend to take good care of their customers as they don't want the double whammy of people telling others that their product broke and then poor customer service to boot. Besides, their customer service dept is likely not NEARLY as busy as, say, RIA?
  7. This is why I don't do Starbucks. I like my coffee as I like my women. Bold and full of flavor, but uncomplicated by additives.
  8. If it's really a serious issue for you, I'd take the frame to a machine shop or competent gunsmith and have them weld the rails to build them up, then machine it down and refit it.
  9. Sorry to hear about your brother. Losing someone close to you sucks no matter how or when. A million ways to die and none of them are good. I always say, "I'll die when my life is over. But I'm gonna live until then."
  10. Dranoel

    Fun with guns

    But I couldn't make My Little Pony work with Scorpion EVO.
  11. Dranoel

    Fun with guns

    H&K aims for a younger market with the new MLP5. (My Little Pony)
  12. Right click the pic, click "Open in new tab", go to new tab, click the pic to enlarge. HILARIOUS story. "School children flooded out like a never ending flood of something that never ends."
  13. Flawlessly reliable Accurate Index's perfectly Comfortable (no pain, no chewed up hands) Goes in and comes out of the holster without any hitches
  14. Never goose a bull. No matter how much fun it looks. Always resist the urge to slap your wife when she comments on your shoes. Sex will ALWAYS cost you more than you can afford.
  15. Or foolishly pack a change of clothes in your NRA range bag for a carry on.
  16. Thanks for being specific. I appreciate the info.
  17. The wrist is not the contact point of the hand with the gun. The recoil force does not transfer from the gun to your wrist. It hits the web of your hand first. Yes. if you have a solid grip on the gun it won't move in your hand and if you put a wrist brace on both hands to keep it from bending the recoil will lift your arms from the elbow or the shoulder. The energy transfer is at the point of contact, your grip and stance determine how your body deals with the energy.
  18. There IS too high. And if the web of your hand is high enough to push the beavertail up, it means it is not as tight as it could be on the back of the grip safety. Where is the recoil going to hit your hand? That point at the back of the grip safety your web is supposed to be tight against. Where is the pivot point for the muzzle flip? Same place. A lot of things people do in the name of taming recoil isn't really doing anything but complicating how you deal with it. The more complicated it is, the more inconsistent you will be in controlling it. Inconsistent in control means inconsistent in hits. Keep it simple and use the tools you hate to make yourself a better shooter instead of depending on fancy gadgets to make up for your inconsistency. DAMMIT!!! I'm gonna write a thesis. Be back next week.
  19. What the pros are doing is something that takes a hell of a lot of practice. But that practice and mastery of the objective will serve you better than any gadget on the market. This has ALL been discussed in multiple threads here: 1. Get your basic fundamentals down to automatic as walking. Stance (chest down body placement) Grip (upper body placement) Trigger control (hammer falls without the sights moving) This is your INDEX and it is tuned to YOUR Natural Point of Aim. This all needs to be consistent for #2 to work. 2. Call your shots AS you squeeze the trigger, not after. AND Have the discipline to NOT squeeze the trigger if your aim is off. This may be the hardest part, but if you have your index perfected the sights will almost be irrelevant. Once you have mastered this you move on to #3. 3. Train your eyes to go where the next shot is going AS the shot fires. If you have a second shot on the same target your eyes will stay in the that target. If you are transitioning to a second target your eyes are moving to the center of that target. This will take place as the gun recoils and the gun should be moving to where your eyes are focused before it goes back into battery. You can practice this anywhere. (except behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. focus on the road) Pick three distinct point of focus. (I like putting target pasters on the wall) Once you have your targets picked out, turn away slightly. Take a deep breath, clear your head and focus on the first target while mentally saying "BANG!" (don't do it out loud or men in white suits will come for you) As you say BANG! shift your focus to the second target and BANG! again. And on the second BANG! shift the third and do it again. Then shift between the targets at random. Set a par time for for getting focus on three targets as you BANG!. Then work your par time down. Then add three more targets. If you are out walking in the mall or a store, shift your focus to different people's faces as quickly as you can identify a particular feature in your mind. (Again, NOT out loud) get your eye moving constantly but able to focus on a target before you move on. Then the next time you go to the range practice it live fire. You'll be surprised at what you learn.
  20. The reason most people pin it is because they have tried to force their grip up too high and the web of their hand pushes the grip safety the wrong way, thus preventing them from firing. Devastating in a match. Or they don't get a proper wrap and firm squeeze against it to deactivate it. Many years ago I started using the grip safety as a tool to force myself to get a proper and consistent grip. Gun fires you did it right. Doesn't fire, you got it wrong, keep practicing. I have not had the grip safety hinder a shot for 25 yrs. Because the grip from the draw is correct every time. That came from practicing it. And practicing it. And Practicing it. And practicing it. And Practicing it. And practicing it. And Practicing it. And practicing it. And Practicing it. And practicing it. And Practicing it. And practicing it. And Practicing it. (hint: That last bit is the part they hate.)
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