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Everything posted by Dranoel

  1. Lowes or Home Depot. get a 4" wide roll of Anti-skid tape like you'd use on porch steps. Been using it for years and I actually like the feel better than any checkering.
  2. Dranoel

    "You Were Lucky"

    Spit balls? You were lucky! We couldn't afford a used newspaper to make them with and couldn't afford spit either. I spent every free minute (about 3.5 every day) searching the banks of the swamp we lived in for pebble just the right size and roundness for ammo.
  3. Dranoel

    "You Were Lucky"

    .45? Revolver? You were lucky! I had to compete with a single shot, hand pump Daisy pellet pistol with no grip panels and sights carved out of a soggy corn cob! I had to fire 3 shots just to make minor and an average stage took me 3 weeks to shoot. You really need to do this video.
  4. I can tell you from experience that "cheap" never is. Even if it's a top quality piece to start with, if the owner is selling it cheap, there's a reason.
  5. If these are any indication.... Yeah. I'll be seeing it soon.
  6. You are a bus driver. On you first stop you pick up 5 passengers. On your second stop you pick up 3 more. On your 3rd stop 5 get on and 4 get off. On your 4th stop 7 get on 3 get off. On your 5th stop 6 get on and 9 get off. on your 6th stop all the passengers get off. What is the bus driver's name?
  7. Only because Freddie Got Fingered was never on TV?
  8. 2nd Solution: Fill 3g bucket and pour into 5g. Fill 3g again and fill remainder of 5g, leaves 1g in 3g bucket. Empty 5g, pour 1g from 3g into 5g, refill 3g and empty into 5g.
  9. Actually it was a reference to an old joke that maybe only Sarge and I are old enough to remember. What's black and goes clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, BANG! Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, BANG! Amish Drive By.
  10. Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, BANG! Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, BANG!
  11. "Everyone on the ship and hoist that... that.... Chain!" "Anchor?" "No. Just disappointment."
  12. One of the reasons I like Caspian frames. Get the integral plunger tube and it ain't coming off. Ever.
  13. Is that what the previous owner shot in it and are they major power factor?
  14. What? Did we just skip mine? Ok. It was Talking Heads - Stay Up Late
  15. Ok. I thought there were going to be 10. That explains a lot. Except for why it took them two years to make six 1 hour episodes.
  16. At the rate they are killing off the bigger characters, I have to wonder if there will be anyone left to sit on the Iron Throne. That said, A lot of surprises in the last couple episodes. Daenarys' world is crashing down. Understandable considering she's lost everyone important to her, except Jon and he no longer wants a romantic relationship. She finally takes Kings Landing and all she can see is reminders of her ancestry that were taken from her. What would YOU do? Every time I saw Qyburn I thought it was Arya wearing his face and she was gonna kill Cersei. And then her trying to get out, really powerful and poignant statement of the atrocities of war. There are no heroes there. Only blood and death. It was obvious Jon was torn between his loyalty to the Queen and doing what is right, when his Queen has totally lost it. The Hound vs The Mountain. Epic. Hatred born of fire, ends in fire. Jamie. All I can say is..... Poor bastard. Still waiting to see Jon's trial by fire where we find out he IS a true Targaryen. Has been really fast paced this last season. Can't see them spending 5 more episodes just tying up loose ends. But only a few plot lines that can really be drawn out. Still a great series in my book and that's really saying a lot considering how many series I have TRIED to watch and just couldn't do more than 3 or 4 episodes. GoT keeps me interested, keeps me thinking, gives me characters that are complex enough that it takes some meditation to understand them. Glad I am recording it. Will be a great marathon in a few years.
  17. Funny. With all the political horseshaving cream going on here, I been considering going to AUS. Only thing making me hesitate is I'd have to give up my .45s.
  18. I disagree with the let down. And there was PLENTY of great acting. You don't need words to be a great actor. Look at Charlie Chaplin. Then look at the fear in Samwell Tarley. The Determination on the face of Lady Mormont. The resolution on Tyrion and Sanza. The grief on Danarys. There were so many great performances in this episode it was amazing. And most with few or no words spoken. The battle? Seemingly endless, just as in reality. I will admit that by the 40 minute mark I knew how it was going to end. It was just a matter of who was going to die before it did.
  19. Those are still worth bragging about. But when you're braggin' about making the top 75.....
  20. Grats! Nothing feels better than a first win. No matter how you get it. It's validation. You ARE that good. And you beat a Grand Master shooting minor. That's bragging rights all by itself. Now go win another.
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