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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Rocket4, congrats on finding a new home! I've always enjoyed this board, so I think that you will too. The ladies forum is obviously seeing some good success. Enjoy youself. Since this is the hate forum, I hate that I haven't introduced my wife to the ladies only forum yet. She did say that she is looking forward to taking a concealed carry class and Babes with Bullets will be in her stocking this year. Rocket and you should come by PineTree and practice with the wife and I one day. More on that in a private email. Rick Rick
  2. Yeah! Me too. I always liked to welcome new shooters etc. When these type of things occur I alway wonder what would happen if we flipped the coin the other way. What would they think if we had a for men's only forum. I do like that more women seem to be drawn to post. I checked the forum this morning early - 4 am kind of thing and noticed that about 1/2 of the new posts were in the women's forum. Maybe they feel more secure without worry about some guy thinking that he has to help the poor little girly out. I just liked it when we were one big family. I don't like the split.
  3. My small shooting library needs another addition. This is what I have: Brian Enos: Beyond fundamentals Saul Kirsch: Perfect Practice and Thinking Practical Shooting Matt Burkett: Practical Shooting Manual Steve Anderson: Refinement and Repetition Lanny Bassham: With Winning in Mind This is every title that is for sale at BE.com I am thinking of either trying the 1974 Tim Gallwey title The Inner Game of Tennis or the Sam Conway book: The Shooter's Approach to Practice Is there something else that I should be considering? Thanks, Rick
  4. Yes, I will post my goals, but they need more thought and work before they go public. XRE, I can see that you have read Saul Kirsch's book: Thinking Practical Shooting . And those goals were the short version. I like it. One of my goals is to set aside some serious time and energy to develop specific goals with specific time frames that I am motivated to achieve because of the challenge but are realistic for my ability level. More to follow. Rick
  5. I have sent IDPA headquarters a link to this thread and have asked for direction on implementing the rules. How to tell the difference between a FTDR for round dumping and when a competitor is making up a shot in a Vickers count COF. I will post their reply when I receive it. Rick
  6. P99shooter said: "and don't have to do a reload with retention on the way to the next array." P43 of the rule book: " All reloads must be executed from cover (if cover is available) and must be completed before leaving cover. A shooter is deemed loaded and may move from a position of cover ONLY when the fresh magazine is FULLY SEATED and the slide is fully forward or revolver cylinder is closed. Shooters may not move from one position of cover to another with an empty gun. Reloads must be completed from cover, however this does not mean that a shooter must duck back completely behind cover to reload before reengaging targets from a stationary firing point. The contestant may keep his eyes on his next “opponent” as long as he follows the definition of cover and does not expose too much of his body to the next threat target." In other words, you can't reload on the way to another array. Now to the main question of round dumping. I understand the intent of the rule. I didn't get to write the rule book, I just have to enforce it. I think much of the issue comes from the FTDR sledgehammer that the SO has to use. A simple procedural would have been a much better option in this case. A 3 second procedural would have been a sufficient penalty. Again, a 20 second wack is not appropriate for the crime. But again, I didn't write the rules. A round dumping penalty would be easier to call if the shooter shoots two "down zeros" and then moves the gun and dumps one into the backstop. That would be a reason for enforcing the rule, but 3 shots on paper is unenforceable in my opinion. Rick
  7. Merlin, judging by your erratic behavior, you are about to slip into a deep dark abyis my friend. Please seek professional help TODAY. We are all concerned for your health. When you are a teenager you are suppose to wonder who you are and search for an identity. The over 30 crowd should have their stuff together by now. Get a hold of yourself man before it is toooooo late. Please note that I have no avatar. Never have. Reason: computer challenged. I shoot a gun once in a while but don't play with computers enough. In my case it is best to remain faceless. Rick
  8. After basics are down I would agree with RGS that it is between your ears. In Saul Kirsch's latest book: Thinking Practical Shooting most think that the mental game is the most important but few practice or train on their mental game. Saul's book is a good one. Rick
  9. Clay1

    Cracked Slide

    Did you call Glock? What did they say? Which model is it and what were you running for ammo? What mods were done to the gun? Just curious. Rick
  10. Aren't there some states where you can't sell a handgun if it does not have a magazine disconect? I saw this feature as S&W bowing down to political correctness. The only thing that I want to stop my handgun from firing is my trigger finger.
  11. Chills, great idea! Really, they are nice as a test media and fun to shoot. The best part about it is that where I shoot them I don't pick up anything and next year pumpkins will grow there. The kids have them for the holidays and I get more targets. DS shooter, pumpkins and water. I'll remember that one for next year with the gold dots.
  12. When you do figure out that Glock trigger, you will probably have better trigger control with the Beretta as well. Trigger finger isolated from the rest of the fingers in the grip. Pull or press it straight back without rubbing on the trigger guard or touching any other part of the gun frame. Glock triggers do seem to have a learning curve but, there success is undeniable since they are the number one selected production gun by a huge margin. Enjoy both of the guns that you have. I would shoot the 9mm just for the cost of ammo since my ammo cost was more this year than buying two new Glock 34s. Have fun with the new game. My vote would be for investing in Matt Burkett's DVDs 1-4 and shooting locally. Again, enjoy. Rick
  13. Rich of Canyon Creek can do absolute wonders with the XD trigger. Competition triggers around 2 pounds, carry triggers around 3 or 3 1/2. I don't want too light of a trigger on my carry gun. I have heard of officers swearing in court that they never touched the trigger and the gun went off. Of course they touched the trigger, but under that stress load it isn't like working the trigger on an IPSC target. I shoot Glocks and don't shoot 1911 just for the same reason that you mentioned. I shot a friends 1911 with the last two weeks and when I mounted the gun the front sight seemed to be about and inch low. I indexed and all I could see was the rear sight. I would then have to raise the muzzle up about an inch before I could even see the front sight. Glock index is burned into my system. One of the reason that I will probably buy a G26 for carry, I shoot a G34 to compete with. Another fine pistol these days for you 1911 types is the new CZ P01. Nice stuff. Have fun shopping. Rick
  14. Another vote for 1-4 of the Burket series. If you have to start somewhere start with 1-3. The foundation will give you the speed. The tape on speed is a good one, but I think 1-3 which is on a double DVD and is sold as one item is the one to start with. Rick
  15. It's happened to me too. Once I inserted the mag, but not fully and racked it and holstered. First round was a click and then mag fell out of the gun. I insert more forcefully these days. The USPSA current command is: "Are YOU ready?" Can't tell I just finished an RO class last weekend can you? Still lots to learn. Rick
  16. "Deep thought in the desert" Rick
  17. I tried twice, maybe I am entering something wrong. I tried my member number with the dash in it as it appears on my card then without. I took the pin number out of the current USPSA magazine. What am I doing wrong. Both times it said that either my member number or pin was wrong. Help, signed dense in the iceland. Rick
  18. Before I read the other two answers, I was going to the same place. Grab that G17 and play in IDPA SSP and USPSA Production. While there you will learn the game, spend less on ammo (9 is cheap to shoot) and develop your skill set. While learning you have lots of time to look at different divisions and different guns. Have fun! Rick
  19. Anyone else look at the production gun numbers at nationals? Glock has 54 guns, the next closest was Sig with 9 and then it was stated that CZ, Springfield XD and one more that I can't remember - maybe SW had about 6 guns each. New firearm introductions give shooters more selection and keep the competition on it's toes. To say that any new introduction will unseat "King Glock" (USPSA's wording not mine) anytime soon is not realistic. The Glock is the standard, because it works and has a huge history of working. With that said, I wish S&W good luck on their new introduction. Another new piece in this same vein is the Tarus PT99 and the Steyr. I look forward to seeing one on the range soon. Rick
  20. Might be the last year for L10. I keep getting a hint that it will be leaving us. I'm not saying that it should or should not leave, I am saying that it probably will. Rick
  21. My job wouldn't allow us to get on any type of forum, bulletin board or chat room at work. I never posted from work, but you couldn't even browse. Big brother was watching everything. Have fun with your research and shopping. I'll send you a pm. Rick
  22. Standles, this might meet your criteria: http://www.osograndeknives.com/Masters%20o...sf-1_dagger.htm There really are many choices. You can spend $50, $200 or $500 in a hurry. Just depends on what you want. Try the blade forums for some solid info before you invest. This is a great blade forum to spend some time before you spend some money. http://www.bladeforums.com I point guys from the blade forums here, I might as well point some of the shooters to the blade forums. Rick Sorry, forgot the link to begin with so edited to add the link.
  23. Just having the level I RO class last week and learning the rule book through deep immersion, I think that you quoted the wrong rule number. Section 4 has to do with Range Equipment. Section 10 has to do with penalties. Section 10.2 has to do with specific penalties. I believe the real rule number to be 10.2.12. Silly comments from a new RO. Rick
  24. The holiday seasonal stress is very real and takes it's toll on people this time of year. Let's all hold hands and think positive thoughts that Merlin can make it through this. He is a wonderful guy who obviously has a major identity crisses. Think humor everyone Rick
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