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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Can second David's recomendation of Lanny Bassham as well. His book: With Winning in Mind is a classic and a part of my shooting library. Saul's book compliments Lanny's very well indeed. As a production shooter I wasted months literally "trying" to go fast. I still have a ton of work to do to get where I want to be, but shooting as fast as I can shoot A's really helped my final score as well. Rick
  2. I think that it is touched on in this thread, but to put a finer point on it, I think that my shooting became more consistant when I knew how to do the mechanics of the game and added mental training to the mix. The mental game is just huge. If you do X in practice but can't duplicate that on match day because you are "trying" to make it happen then mental training will add to your technique approach. Highly recomend Saul Kirsch's book: Thinking Practical Shooting along with a great dry fire book like Steve Anderson's. Perfect combo to get to that next level. Rick
  3. I don't know if this is possible but I would like to have an application like the Ohio Classifier Calculator in my palm so that I could figure out how I did on the classifiers right at the range right after shooting the stage. What do you think, feasible? Thanks
  4. I had a very interesting experience this weekend and thought that I would share it. It is interesting in the Chinese sense of the word. I am almost evangelical in my promoting of the shooting sports and never miss an opportunity to introduce someone who is new to the hobby or new to firearms. I have shown many people how to shoot in the past. My son's girlfriend was with us this weekend and had never shot any type of firearm ever. I went over basic stance, grip, sight picture, trigger control, muzzle control and safety in the house before we ever went outside with the gun. I had her dry fire the weapon, my G34, a couple of times so that she would get a feel for when the trigger would actually fire. At the line, ready to shoot, last minute safety instructions given. I fire a round so that she could hear what the report would be like so that it wouldn't be a surprise. I put a magazine in the gun and chambered a round. Then I felt that I didn't have any experience with this shooter so I removed the magazine, making the gun in effect a single shot. I'm standing close to the shooter so I could control her arm if need be, but everything went well on the dry firing so I think this is going to be just like any other introduction. Stance if fine, finger outside of the trigger guard is great, she aims and releases the shot. When the gun goes off she screams, jumps straight back and points the muzzle at her feet. She actually jumped so far that I had to put my arm out so that she didn't end up up range of me and partically catch her. Damn, young girls can move fast. The point of this post is that my initial precaution of loading one single round in that gun until the shooter became more familiar with the situation could have diverted a nightmarish outcome. She went on (with another instruction on muzzle control) to shoot more and hit her target just fine. I just felt like posting this for any of you who might want to initiate any brand spanking new shooter out there. Single shot is the only way to go until some history is there.
  5. Brian carries the Safariland product line - yes on this forum. A comment on the IDPA stuff. If you get the CR Speed belt which is very popular you can wear the inner and out belt for USPSA but in IDPA you will have to wear just one of the belts since and inner and outer is not legal in that game. Some just wear the inner. For my particular holster, a Comp-Tac Locking paddle a Wilderness CSM (Competition Shooters Model) works better for me than the CR Speed. I have the CR Speed and never wear it and much prefer the Wilderness, but the CR Speed is very popular. If you can get a copy of Front Sight the USPSA publication there is an equipment survey in this month's magazine that you might find helpful. There is also an equipment survey in this month's Tactical Journal the IDPA publication. Off hand I remember that Comp-Tac, Bladetech and Tactical Response were the most popular holsters for IDPA and Safariland and Ghost (Rescomp/CR Speed) were the most popular for Limited holsters in USPSA. Have fun with your search, Rick
  6. I'm looking for a good book on CCW. I am thinking of buying Armed Response by David Kenik and was wondering if any of you have read the book? If anyone can make another recomendation on appropriate books I would appreciate it. I'm not asking for actual advice on the subject in this thread since that is not the purpose of this board, I am asking for a reference for a good book on the subject from people that I trust. If you have a good reference for actual tactics for home defense would love to hear those as well. If you would like to make a comment that you feel is out of the scope of this forum, feel free to PM me. Appreciate the references, Rick
  7. Something about seeing pumpkin parts flying in the air and raining down really trips my trigger if you know what I mean.
  8. Wild video - cool stuff.
  9. I'm excited about shooting the area 5 match and meeting many of the people on this board. Shot a match at Holmen last weekend. Wonderful facility and super people are to be found there. Yes, we have fantastic cheese, brats, great beer and friendly people, but there are NO Antelope in Wisconsin.
  10. We have some night shoots in our area. Most of them are restricted to Sharpshooters and above for classification. This gives a little cushion to "being familiar with your weapon" feeling that makes the SOs more comfortable. I see no reason not to start SOME COFs with flashlight in hand, but like most things in this game variety is important. Some from the holder, some from the drawer/night stand and some with the light in hand makes sense. Have fun and be safe. Rick
  11. Halloween was over three weeks ago and I have 5 pumpkins that started to go soft. I took them over to the farm and sat them all in a nice row about 2 feet apart. I had some Win, White box, 115 gr, FMJ ammo and some Speer, Gold Dot, 124 Gr, +P stuff. I shot these through my G34. The FMJ put a nice 9mm hole on the way in and a hole about the size of a dime for the exit. The Gold Dots expanded on impact and put a quarter size hole on the entrance and a silver dollar size hole for the exit. What a huge difference. Some times you hear about hollow points not expanding at all or actuallly closing up in some designs. These Gold Dots were spectacular. Pumpkins parts were flying everywhere! What a riot. My kids thought it was a grand time and talk about reaction targets. Just had to share. Happy thanksgiving everyone, Rick
  12. Thanks for the offer of help Rob. Like I said things are better these days, I think they were just overloaded for a while. What a nice touch to offer to help. You don't see that everyday with all organizations.
  13. Most of the local clubs are hot to get the results posted the next day and certainly within a couple of days of the shoot's completion. There was one club that the results never make it to their web site until just before the next shoot a month later. I don't shoot there anymore. On USPSA not posting classifier results that I know have been uploaded right away. It happens. I think that they were worse a number of months ago. Things were two months on average for a while. They seem to have gotten better lately for me. Rick
  14. I have another hobby: Amateur Radio (some refer to it as Ham radio). When we all get together at national shows etc, you just close your eyes and start listening to the voices because that is how you relate to each other - with the spoken word. Many of us had tags made up with our call signs on them so you could figure out who was who. I'm getting better figuring out who is who at the local shoots from the people that I meet on this board. One of the things that has helped was a BE T shirt. So Merlin, what do you look like today?
  15. I thought that Angus had some pretty good prices on Zeros in the past. Something to look into. Rick
  16. To each there own I guess. Merlin is always full of laughs and good humor and makes me smile more than occationally. The thing for me is more along the lines of what Folsoml wrote. I just identify with certain people by their avatar. In internet communication you just don't get tone influctuation in sentances, you really don't know what the person looks like unless they post a picture so us visually oriented types tend to associate with the graphic as much as the written word. I wouldn't know Merlin if I saw him up close and personal, but if he wore a button with that cartoon caracter with the big mustache on his shirt I could pick him out in a hurry. Do what makes you happy Merlin. I guess old farts like me aren't use to change. We just get into a comfort zone and BAM someone kicks it up a notch. Have fun with the avatar thing. Rick
  17. All if favor of Merlin returning to the "Person he use to be" say "I". "I" Tried to make the "I" a larger font but I guess it didn't work.
  18. Clay1

    G21c Question

    Go have fun at the match, but you will probably do better shooting in a division that is more appropriate. Limited 10 would probably be your most appropriate division. Here is a link to check out the rules. Make sure you look at the USPSA Rules and not the IPSC rules. The USPSA rules are the ones used in the US. http://www.uspsa.org/ Have a grand time, Rick
  19. Clay1

    G21c Question

    Sorry I don't know the answer to your question. I do have one comment. If the "Fort Benning" match is a USPSA match by using the ported barrel you will be shooting in open class with the rest of the ported barrel guns. If it is an IDPA match no ported barrels are allowed in any class. Rick
  20. Clay1

    George Orwell Plaza

    At least they post that you are being monitored. I don't think that many of us come to the understanding that we are under surveilance many, many times during a day.
  21. " I have been afraid reseating my primers in my loaded rounds" Pull the bullets and powder first. I wouldn't try to set a primmer deeper with any tool on loaded ammo. "Unfortunately my 650 doesn't seat my primers deep enough to ignite 100% reliably." Call Dillion.
  22. Nice post Larry. Thanks for the input. Rick
  23. I can hear the excitment in your words. Congrats to both you and your wife. It's really nice sharing with your spouse. My wife is from a non hunting family. A couple of weeks ago she left me at home (I had to work) so she could go deer hunting. Yes, just her and the kids went and I stayed home, what's wrong with that picture? She actually took her first deer many years ago with a Smith Model 27. The woman can shoot, but I just can't seem to get her interested in shooting these cardboard targets. Turkey and deer - get out of the lady's way. I'm jealous. Have fun with your new equipment. Rick
  24. I wasn't running the shooter, (I wasn't the RO) but heard what I thought was a squib one time - the round didn't sound right. I was new at the time and said nothing because I was shooting with many experienced shooters. Luckily there was nothing lodged in the barrel. I asked about it after it was done and made the decision right there that if that ever happened again I would yell stop, even if I wasn't running the shooter. Some might get all bent out of shape, but I don't need to see anyone get hurt if the RO for whatever reason doesn't hear it and I do.
  25. Thanks Shred, good clip indeed. To the original post, the TJ is not paying anyone for articles to print so they have a nice looking magazine without solid content. It was either the previous issue or the one before that, but basically they said they will print your grandmother's grocery list because they don't have any content worth printing. I find this very sad indeed. The publication looks professional and is, but there is little inside worth reading. I wish that would change. One of you guys out there, yes you that always wanted to be a writer. You could write a nice article with a few digital photos to put on a disk and send in to the magazine for publication. Guess what? I would much rather read something that many of you wrote on technique than what has been filling up the pages of the magazine lately. Dirtypool started a thread recently about movement. Would love to see him write an article along those lines for TJ - something worth reading. Shred, open a word document and go for it, I'll be looking forward to reading it. Better yet, take some of that money that I spend on dues and pay someone to write a nice article for the publication every month. Rant mode off now. Rick
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