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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Chills, no great words of wisdom here. Have a 17 year son, a 12 year old son and a 9 year old daughter. Best thing that I can tell you to do is to talk to her. When she talks - listen. The communication will help your relationship. That age and the next few years are tough. She's questioning everything in her life. Set some expectations for her in clear language where there is no guessing as to what you expect after disgussing your expectations with her mother. When you and Mom are on the same page and are consistant - life is easier. The shaking of your head when she does something. She's young and just doesn't get what you want. She's not a mind reader. Some people go crazy when I say this, but training children is a lot like training bird dogs. Be consistant and don't give commands that you are not willing to enforce. Bluntly, I probably make a better bird dog trainer than a father, but the kids are turning out OK despite that fact. Good luck, Rick
  2. Spend time with family and friends and enjoy a beverage of your choosing. If you can get away, you deserve it - go for it.
  3. Airic, this is from the NROI interpretations: "NROI Rulings Title: External Modifications Created: 2/28/05 Updated: 3/08/05 Effective: 3/08/05 Rule number: US Appendix D9 i Applies to: Pistol Ruling authority: John Amidon Status: Released Ruling Questions by the membership. 1) I am very new to the sport and even though I've read the rule book a couple of times now I still have one question. - For Production Division: Can an extended magazine release be added to the firearm and still be legal? The folks from Beretta do offer an extend magazine release for the 92FS but I just wanted to make sure that I can remain in the Production Division if I install this onto my 92FS. 2) Does the USPSA make exceptions in the type of equipment a disabled or handicapped person may use? As a factory option, glock offers an extended mag release and extended slide stop which can be put on all glock models as a factory options. The extended mag release is the same stock part used on the larger frame glock pistols . The extended slide stop is the same one used on the glock 34 and glock 35. I am confused between the difference in Appendix D4 Special conditions: #19 and US Appendix D9 special conditions: #21 in the January 2004 edition rule book. If I have glock set my glock 17 up with the stock extended mag release and stock extended slide stop in question would it be legal to use in the US production division? Interpretation: US Appendix D9 Production Division 21.5 "External modifications other than sights not allowed." This clause is not meant to prohibit exchanging external parts from one approved model handgun to another approved model handgun. Exchanging external parts from one approved model handgun to another approved model handgun from the same manufacturer is allowed, providing that the parts are original manufacturers parts and offered in their catalogs or on their handguns that otherwise meet division criteria. The following original manufacturer parts may be exchanged: Extended mag release, extended slide stop and external safeties including ambidextrious, provided they stay within the intent of the division. No added weights, no mag well attachments, no thumb rest or external devices used to help reduce recoil and/or muzzle flip may be exchanged. " I believe that is the ruling to which you alluded. It doesn't address mags though. Rick
  4. Duck, I don't think that it is legal since that mag was made for the G18. No gun comes with that mag as a standard mag. There has been some discusion as to weather you can shoot Production with something like a Dawson or Arrendondo base pad in Production. From the rule book about the base pads: 21. Allowed modifications are very limited and include the following: 21.1 No weighted attachments allowed to magazine. Rick
  5. Thanks for the input everyone. I put the part in here about picking up the Blazer empties so no one thought that I just littered the range with my trash. No I am not thinking or reloading a case that wasn't designed to be reloaded. Found some good prices on Zero bullets from Angus Hobdell on the web and am just about tempted to buy some Vhit N320 (Yes, I know that I said it was too expensive before, but I want clean) or Titegroup and see what happens. Can someone give me a link for brass at a penny a pop? I've seen it closer to $20/1000 and then you have to add shipping. I am considering just buying some Blazer Brass and then keeping the once fired for my reloads. It's only about $10 more / 1000 and all the headstamps will be the same. Thanks again, Rick
  6. Clay1

    Da Bears

    I was going to post last night but I was too disappointed to even post. Packers lost last night 48 to 3. It was the most devestating loss since 1980 the announcer said. YES, I'M STILL A PACKER FAN!
  7. Clay1

    Da Bears

    I was going to post last night but I was too disappointed to even post. Packers lost last night 48 to 3. It was the most devestating loss since 1980 the announcer said. YES, I'M STILL A PACKER FAN!
  8. The USPSA web site has a wonderful link: http://www.uspsa.org/ On the left side of the screen there is a tab that says: "Where can I find a match?" You might be surprised at the clubs close to you. Glad that you found such a nice club like CASA, that is always a sweet deal. Rick
  9. If all else fails, it's an excuse to get another gun I like the way that you think Shred. Rick
  10. Shred, do you think that it would be production legal to take a single action only pistol and make it a double action? This is a cut and paste on the external modification NROI ruling: "Interpretation: US Appendix D9 Production Division 21.5 "External modifications other than sights not allowed." This clause is not meant to prohibit exchanging external parts from one approved model handgun to another approved model handgun. Exchanging external parts from one approved model handgun to another approved model handgun from the same manufacturer is allowed, providing that the parts are original manufacturers parts and offered in their catalogs or on their handguns that otherwise meet division criteria. The following original manufacturer parts may be exchanged: Extended mag release, extended slide stop and external safeties including ambidextrious, provided they stay within the intent of the division. No added weights, no mag well attachments, no thumb rest or external devices used to help reduce recoil and/or muzzle flip may be exchanged. " I'm learning and am just asking the question. I really don't know the answer. I understand that the hammer is an internal part, but can't find a rule addressing this. Thanks Rick
  11. Good deal Many. Congrats to your wife, heck of a nice Christmas present. Looking forward to the pictures as well. Rick
  12. I guess that I should have said earlier that I will be shooting this out of a G34. I've spent a good portion of tonight reading threads back to early 2004 from "reloading and load data 9mm/38" I see many people like Titegroup, but some think it is dirty. One of the things that I like about the Blazer round is that I think that it is very clean. V V 310 is not an option for me for pressures. V V 320 is out on costs alone. Titegroup vs. 231, which is cleaner to shoot in a 147 grain minor load? I see the Zeros beat out Montana Golds for the number one slot in production on the Nationals equipment survey this year. Do you think more people are shooting the FMJ or the JHP? One note, I'm not looking for the Uber mouse load. If more people are shooting these in Production than anything else there is probably a reason to the madness. On the topic if I like to reload or not. I don't. I shot 10,000 rounds in a season shooting a shotgun and pulling a handle on a Mec 9000 G and that fixed my reloading interests. I have all of the loading equipment, but don't load for 9mm at this time. This year I will finish up at about 11,000 rounds. Not really a lot compared to many on these boards, but more than just a weekend shooter. I will be shooting more in 2006 and not less. Rick
  13. I use the high cap mags as well and load 10 rounds. I posted the above so I could really say: MERLIN: I LIKE YOUR CURRENT AVATAR TOO! I think you have a winner he my friend. Merlin's avatars are like the weather in Wisconsin, just wait a bit and it will change.
  14. Thanks Dave and Lee for the responses. I've read through many of the posts in the reloading forum for 9mm. I even saved a few threads to my computer. The V V powders seemed to be very sensitive to pressures with slight powder weight changes so I am not interested in loading N310. I see where Steve Anderson / Matt Burkett and many other shooters use the V V, but they are not for me. Tight Group is 60% of the cost of V V and the pressures are much less. I have shot a few of the 147 mouse loads and they are sweet. I guess that I am so use to the Blazer stuff. The snap of the 140 pf load through my G34 seems to aid in returning the muzzle to the target quickly. They are a quick snap instead of a push. One of my other concerns has to do with trajectories. The 115 Blazers shoot flat for me out to 50 yards. I have shot USPSA targets at 100 yards with them. I think that a 900'/sec load has to have more of an arch to the trajectory. The A zone is a long target though and probably won't make much difference but would be interested in finding out what you think.
  15. Clay1


    Tightloop, I thought once you were retired you were too busy to get much done? I have a friend that seems to be busier once he retired than when he worked a 50 hr week.
  16. Clay1

    Da Bears

    David, you got it bad. I understand that you can't help yourself. I'm still a PACKERS fan even though we have had a terrible year. There are fans and then there are fans! Good luck to your Bears, EXCEPT when they play the Packers. I'll see you at area 5 this year. Rick
  17. Ok, a couple of times a year I tend to ask myself this same question. To this point I have been very happy shooting 9mm Luger, Blazer 115 grain factory loads. I pay about $110/1000 delivered from Natchez. I have been thinking of trying a 147 grain load. If I shoot a 147 JHP Zero with tightgroup powder I can reload them for about $80/1000. My question is do you feel it is worth it to pull the handle 1000 times for $30, plus chasing brass at the range? Yes, you have to pick up the aluminum cases but picking them up to reload is more than just sweeping them into the junk. I would use the ammo for USPSA and IDPA matches. My answer to this in the past has always been NO, it's not worth the $30. Now I am not thinking so much of cost savings, but whether or not the 147 is superior for steel, USPSA poppers / plates. Even if the cost was the same do you think the 147 grain load is better for this game? Thanks, Rick
  18. Congrats Lori. You deserve the recognition for the great shooting. Humbly, Rick
  19. OK, I'm new at this but let me insert foot in mouth and see how many agree with me or point me in a better direction. 10.1.1 Procedural penalties are imposed when a competitor fails to comply with procedures specified in a written stage briefing. The Range Officer imposing the procedural penalties must clearly record the number of penalties, and the reason why they were imposed, on the competitor’s score sheet. 10.2.2 A competitor who fails to comply with a procedure specified in the written stage briefing will incur 1 procedural penalty for each occurrence. However, if a competitor has gained a significant advantage during non-compliance, the competitor may be assessed 1 procedural penalty for each shot fired, instead of a single penalty (e.g. firing multiple shots contrary to the required position or stance). 10.2.7 A competitor who fails to shoot at any scoring target with at least one round will incur 1 procedural penalty per target, plus the applicable number of misses, except where the provisions of Rules or 9.9.2 apply. 9.4.5 In a Virginia Count or Fixed Time Course of Fire: Extra shots (i.e. shots fired in excess of the number specified in a component string or stage), will each incur one procedural penalty. Additionally, during scoring, no more than the specified number and highest scoring hits will be awarded. Extra hits (i.e. hits on the scoring area of scoring paper targets in excess of the total number specified in the stage), will each incur one procedural penalty. Note that hits on hard cover and/or penalty targets are not treated as Extra Hits. US9.4.5.3 Stacked shots (i.e. shooting more than the required rounds on a target, but shooting at fewer targets than specified in any string), will incur one procedural penalty per target not engaged in any string. This penalty will not be applied if the written stage briefing specifically authorizes stacked shots. The above rules apply, now how to score it. I believe since he did not fire two rounds at T5 he gets a FTE and two misses. After the reload he get an extra shot PE but because it did not score (hit hardcover) he does not get an extra hit PE. Again, I'm new at this ROing stuff so I will easily yield to those more experienced. Rick
  20. Clay1

    New Baby Humor

    Trigger T, this is your wife in a very short time. Can't wait to see what you look like. I still won't be able to beat you though. My 3 are all older, but I remember the days (and the nights). Rick
  21. Here is one of my favorites: Course of Fire Rules CoF 1. All CoF must either simulate a possible real life scenario or test skills that might reasonably be used in a real life self-defense confrontation. If you cannot honestly say “that could happen,” it probably won’t make a good IDPA stage. Ben, the drive is a little long for no shooting involved. If you go, say hi to the crew for me.
  22. Mark, May 1 will be 25 years with the same lady. It still amazes me that she has put up with me for all of this time. What is terrible is when she beats me at a gun game. We shot rimfire silhouette for a while. I was shooting an Anschutz with a tricked out Leupold 40X scope. Momma was shooting a Sako Finnfire with a Weaver T36. I have been spanked on more than one occation. Life is good, enjoy the holidays with your family.
  23. Liota, Mark didn't play fair. He has had the benefit of the advice from the Lady's forum's. I bow to his superior sensitivity training. Sorry man, I just couldn't help myself. I have to put the sh it on you. Of course Mark it right, let her shoot some different guns. I don't know what kind of experience she has. Have her shoot a rimfire and some nice 9mm guns. Me on the other hand I shoot a G34 and bought the wife the same model so mags etc would be interchangeable. I also have a back up on match day if she doesn't want to go that day (Yes, selfish self center bas tid that I am). She did shoot with me last Sunday and we have another date this Sunday. A little shooting, a little shopping and maybe I'll get lucky too. Good luck with your buying decision, Rick
  24. Glock 17 or 34. Target shooting fine, personal defense is still an option.
  25. Happy holidays man! Thanks for all that you do for us. Rick
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