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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Liota, the RO and the RM looked at it and scored it Alpha / Mike. So months later it resurfaced and there were CLEARLY two holes? So what happened in your opinion?
  2. DQ - no need to elaborate. Merlin, your new Avatar is truly dissgusting! Damn man, where did you get that one?
  3. Again, an IDPA match prompted this thread in combination with reading Saul Kirsch's new book: Thinking Practical Shooting. I did just read Michael Voigts article in Front Sight as well and it mirrored Saul's thoughts. Good timing on Front Sight's part. Rick
  4. Dave, glad that things are working out for you and your son. Sometimes it is really good to shine a strong light on these types of things. Sounds like you are getting to the bottom of it. One thing that has impressed me throughout your experience is that you kept a very positive attitude and worked toward a solution. What a nice rolemodel you have been for your son. Some people might have kicked and sputtered and cussed and not solved a thing.
  5. Hi Kevin, I use the Comp-Tac locking paddle. Comp-Tac was fast with my order (under one week). They also made my holster to fit my exact belt. I told them that I was wearing a Wilderness Instructors CSM and they made it to minimize the light in the channel. Fast and custom service, they are high on my list. Can't speak to the other vendor's products. Rick
  6. I have put used mags back in the mag pouch and have messed up the next stage. I personally will never put a partial back in a mag holder. For me the partial belongs anywhere except a mag holder. I would rather drop it on the ground than put it back in my holder and increase the probability of screwing up the next stage. I wear jeans often, not the best choice for match attaire, but still I wear them. The mags don't fit in a tight front pocket very well. My weak hand rear pocket carries my wallet so the mag isn't going there either. I prefer not to drop it in the sandy soil so I have started taking it and putting it in my underarm on my strong side. This allows me to ULSC with no problems. I then just carry the empty mags back to the range bag. The empty mags go back in one section of the bag that is seperate from the loaded mags, the partial mags all get unloaded and reloaded to capacity (I shoot production so 10 rounds). Of the four mag pouches on me the very back mag gets 11 rounds so at LAMR I have a 10 round mag and one in the barrel. This has been working well for me. The point is to have a sequence that is consistant and repeatable. Good luck developing one that works for you. Rick
  7. I can't speak for any other shooter but myself. I have both hands on the gun BEFORE my finger enters the trigger guard. I do prep the trigger on the way to the sight picture / while my arms are extending.
  8. Sorry, that you had a problem. I don't have my Front Sight at home, it's at work, but if you have one handy write the guy that writes the Junior articles and ask him what's appropriate. Congrats on taking the time to do things with you son, sounds like you and your son will have a good time together when you find the right club. Rick
  9. The current USPSA publication Front Sight has a nice article on 40 S&W brass and reloading it. Another good reason to subscribe. This thread might also help: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...=28802&hl=u+die Rick
  10. If it's a classifier they can reshoot the stage, thats in the rules. If it is a match that's a whole different story. If it is a fun league night who cares. Some get a reshoot in a match and some just take their lumps and just learn and look forward to the next match. Mark, the pet peeve thing came from a specific match recently where after having a bad reload the shooter looks over to the SO and asks "can I just start over?" This was during a competition and the SO let him. That's not fair to the rest of us who worked hard on making everything happen the right way the first time around. As an SO the proper response is: "work through it" and then keep the clock running. Rick
  11. Thanks SRT for the reply. If you look at this graphic: http://www.topglock.com/info/partgraphic.htm you are talking about part number 21, which the graphic refers to as a "slide lock". So who makes a precision one and is it Production legal? Thanks Rick
  12. Thanks for joining in there Clay A. I don't mind asking questions. I thought that I knew a thing or two about Glocks. I have two G34s one set up for Production/SSP and one set up for Limited/ESP. I'll admitt when I don't know something, but am curious to learn.
  13. Mark, that has become a recent pet peeve of mine at some IDPA clubs. The rules are there, inforce them, just because you have to think about what to do doesn't mean that someone gets to run the stage for free one time. Does that mean if I don't like the run that I had I can just drop a mag and then ask to do it over?
  14. Thanks Dan for the reminder and the service to country. Rick
  15. Robert, just read the article in the current Front Sight on Double Tap. Sounds like a very nice facility to have. I think that most of us have had experiences with certain clubs that if you didn't shoot what they shot you were somehow less than. Too bad, because another shooter should be your friend by default. Rick
  16. "all three have precision slide locks installed." What is a precision slide lock? Do you have a link with a picture or description? Never heard of one. Thanks
  17. I've been thinking all along in this thread about picking up the mag before leaving the station, but Gun Geek brings up a great point. This is cut and paste from the rulebook: Appendix TWO - Approved IDPA Reloads Failure to do an IDPA approved reload will result in a three (3) second procedural penalty per infraction. Failure to do the reload specified by the CoF will result in a three (3) second procedural penalty or an FTDR. Failure to properly stow a partial magazine or live ammunition after a Tactical Reload or Reload with Retention prior to firing the first shot after the reload, will incur a procedural penalty.
  18. Be careful with Botach, do a search on them. I use to do business with them. Impossible to get a hold of if you have a problem. If you can walk in and walk out with product in hand - great, but if you order something over the internet from those guys you will get burnt, it's just a matter of time. Rick
  19. I agree. I just thought that they last part of the definition spoke to the Perfect double part of the thread: "The depression, pool, or pit produced by wallowing animals." Wallowing animals describes some shooters very succinctly.
  20. wal·low ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wl) intr.v. wal·lowed, wal·low·ing, wal·lows To roll the body about indolently or clumsily in or as if in water, snow, or mud. To luxuriate; revel: wallow in self-righteousness. To be plentifully supplied: wallowing in money. To move with difficulty in a clumsy or rolling manner; flounder: “The car wallowed back through the slush, with ribbons of bright water trickling down the windshield from the roof” (Anne Tyler). To swell or surge forth; billow. n. The act or an instance of wallowing. A pool of water or mud where animals go to wallow. The depression, pool, or pit produced by wallowing animals. A condition of degradation or baseness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Middle English walowen, from Old English wealwian. See wel-2 in Indo-European Roots.]
  21. I've been happy with my MK IV timer, but haven't had the pleasure of the service department. Thanks for the info. Rick
  22. Liota, don't try to think tactical. Think that this is a strange contract negotiation and that these are the rules. You just need to play by the rules. There are many rules in a football game that I don't understand the why or where, but they are the rules. This is a game that we play. Duane Thomas, I see your point.
  23. I've never heard the term super threat either, but we have had some local matches where a target was identified as having a knife and another target was identified as being unarmed. The COF said to shoot the targets in Tactical priority and we we suppose to engage the knife yielding target before the unarmed target. Never seen that in the rule book either, but have shot a course like that.
  24. I've already had my slump for the year and right now am on a nice positive note. One of the things that I had to deal with is that winning depends on the performance of the other shooters. If you train hard and have a goal of winning a particular match and you shoot your best that you have ever shot in that match but don't win because someone else shot better, did you loose? No, you shot better than you ever have. I personally win by seeing my draw times for an A hit decreasing, my reloads getting faster, my movement getting much better and my mental training seeing successes where in the past I focused on my failures. The hobby is so varied, which keeps us coming back. It is very unlike shooting skeet, where you shoot the same game over and over and can compare last week's score to this week's or last year's scores to this year's scores. It is hard to get a handle on the progress. A local GM, Ben Stoeger, told me: "Everyone thinks I am a total dorkass for the notebook that I keep, but whenever I have that "feeling" that I don't have the skills to win, I look at the book. There it is PROOF, I am indeed getting better." I kept that piece of advice and think of it often when I make entries into my own training log. Rick
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