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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. I dont think he has regular threaded barrels. I just got one in today for a customer that was a 6" barrel that needed to be cut and threaded by the gunsmith. Yea the barrel is 155.00 but you will have to pay somebody to cut and thread it. Kevin may do that but it will be more than the 155.00. The threaded barrels are not on his price sheet. Only the theaded bull barrels are there.
  2. Usable? Can you do it? Yes, but I wouldnt. Only thing that would be holding them together is some velcro without a keeper like is on the outer belts of both companies belts.
  3. I was told in December I would see barrels in matter of weeks. These have been on order since last may. Now I hear that a well known gunsmith is trying to buy the barrel business. We currently are working with KKM on barrels. He is making some for us to our spec. Doesnt help on the hybrid barrels but to be honest the demand for those has dwindled to almost nothing.
  4. It is $25.00 for the inner belt and $65.95 for the #4350 basket weave outer belt that I got used for $15.00 They sell a nylon type outer for around $37.00 which comes to $62.00 for the set Safarilands sell as individual pieces... The 4350 is the nylon belt, the blackbasketwaeve is an 028, the inner belt is an 029. I sell the 4350 for 25.00 the 029 for 15.00 and the 028 for 52.00. So you can get a nylon inner & outer for 40.00 for the set and 67.00 for the basketweave for the set.
  5. Cr Speed Belts keep going up. Retail now is 59.95, I sell them for 54.95. Just shipping them here cost allot. My last order the shipping alone was 800.00 from south Africa. They are a stiff belt. Safarilands are good and cheaper but CR is the hot item right now. Guess thats why they keep raising prices. I used to sell them for 25.00 just a couple years ago. They tell me its a combination of the falling dollar and cause they keep selling at the higher prices.
  6. Defintely a scam. Its big on cars, high dollar things. They make it seem to good to be true. I played around with one of these guys once. They give a sob story about being in Europe for wahtever reason and they will ship the car for free. The last one I did they said the car was in Canada. I wanted to know where, with cheap airfare I wanted to go look at it first. I then asked him if anybody really fell for these scams and he replied in poor english that if they didnt he wouldnt make the auctions he does.
  7. You saved at least 2 lives. The father and the daughter. Now she has a dad to be there for her as she grows up. You should be proud of a job well done.
  8. I accept Visa, MC, Discover & American Express. Discover used to have a great merchant rate but they are going up soon. American Express is ridiculous, like 3.5% but I still take it. I do not have an American Express personally and dont intend to. I have a problem with paying them for their card. Of course its been so long since I had one who knows what they do today. As far as chargebacks I have done more chargebacks as a customer than as a merchant. That happened when somebody got my numbers a couple times. One time I didnt recognize a charge , in fact my web page host changed their name so I didnt know. Once I found out i called the card company back to stop the chargeback. AS a merchant for over 10 years with probably over 20,000 credit cards transactions I have had to deal with 2 chargebacks total. One was a guy from Portugal who came here to visit his sister and used his dads card to buy a box of primers. I challenged it and dont think it ever was debited from my account because I was calling the guys sister about it. The other time I actually punched a wrong number on an order and it billed somebody elses card by accident. Thats really hard to do but it happened. AS soon as I got the notice I researched and issued an immediate credit and rebilled the correct card. Of course I do think Shooters Connection appears on my customers statements and that clears allot of things up from the start. I am suprised I havent had any fraud. Not to say I havent had many try but I verify by matching the shipping address with the billing address on new customers. I may be sorry I said this, now I will get a slew of chargebacks and fraudulent purchases.
  9. Till they break or turn into a wet noodle.
  10. Yea, he goes to take his test tomorrow. Here in the big city they give the test once a week at 1pm He may be in for a rude awakening since he didnt study or even read the book. He thinks he can pass it on his own. Ahh, I remeber how it used to be when I was 16. I knew it all. Got to learn the hardway I guess or it just doesnt stick. Dale, the Vette's gone, sold it. Think this had anything to do with that? I got him a 94 F-250 Diesel to drive. Bought it on Ebay. Already been working on it. He cant get his license for 6 months here in KY though. I will have to tell him to log on and read this. Then if he passes tomorrow he can rub it in.
  11. This is something that I first saw done by Joey Hardy and with his permission we incorporated that system in our guns. It is the neatest thing since sliced bread. Without seeing your gun it would be hard to say if it could be done on your gun.
  12. Guess not, i saw an ad in american Handgunner for a GSI, did a search on here but didnt see a good review yet. A bullet feeder isnt any good , or faster which is the only reason to buy one, unlessit has a correlator along with it. Hand loading tubes of bullets seems to me to be as slow or slower than putting the bullet on one at a time as your crank the handle.
  13. I read a few threads on bullet feeders. Looked like 3 different ones but the threads went back to 2004. Just wondering if we have found a Reliable and Reasonably priced bullet feeder as of today.
  14. Looking back after reading this I have to say thats exactly the way it works, or at least it did for me. Problem is I ended up where the next someones were Todd, Rob and Jerry. After finishing 7th at the limited nationals in Vegas, back in 98?, I went to the Florida Open to sell as a vendor. I didnt shoot it. I didnt want to. Todd was suprised and tried to give me a pep talk but I lost that desire to be the serious competitor that wanted to conquer the world. And for me the most fun was winning. At my first nationals in 95 I looked at the super squad and said i want to earn a spot on that squad one day by finishing in the top 16. I did that. What else was there and what committment would it take? And at what cost? I spent 5 years getting to that point. Five years i spent traveling to 20+ big matches a year and a local match or two every weekend. It was time to slow down and put my priorities straight. Being there for my kids as they grow up. I didnt quit completely then but i did slow down. Then I got older and fatter and had to deal with injuries and not being competitive any longer. I have seen allot of people drop out of shooting IPSC. The biggest reason is that they realized they had reached their peek and lost interest. The shooters who were there for fun 10 years ago are still there. I would like to see the stats on the drop out rate between b,c,d shooters compared to the A,M,GM shooters. I think it is real hard to transition from that fierce competitor to the fun shooter. Thats what i am trying to do. One thing I have seen allot of lately is customers calling me who have been shooters and have been out of it for years and are now getting back into it. I think once in your blood its there to stay. Its a great sport filled with good people. We will be going to a match this month. And i will still try to win.
  15. I bought the Universal pouches from Frank since they were marketed by him under his schools name. I dont know where he was buying them. Sorry. Good news is that i do carry allot of the Cr speed parts for the pouches and holsters and if I dont have the part I can get it on my next order which is pretty often now.
  16. Its hard. I wont go on with what used to be but today I cant hold a candle to the top shooters so I have had to resolve myself to doing it for fun. I am at a point right now that my boys are teenagers and yes they shoot but they also do many other things, football, baseball, wrestling, church, school. We are fining it hard to be able to shoot as often as we want. We have not shot a match since October. I do not desire to shoot anymore without my boys going. If you are not up to speed with your skills I would not go beyond a local match unless you could resolve to do it for fun. Something thats hard for a fierce competitor. It will only frustrate you and may cause you to quit altogether. I dont know whay I am contributing given I havent figured out my own situation yet.
  17. Here goes the story on the give & take. When you try to achieve more of something in this sport you generally give something else up. Thats the way the game is played also. We need to find the right balance. Yes the thicker necks give us more capacity but they also give problems with sticking. Thats why i only use it if I know I wont have to reload from it. I believe this is why STi changed the initial design. They would stick. The Sps mag holds more because it is longer. I suspect that if you took a dawson plus base pad and made it longer to fill the extra gap given us by USPSA, like the grams 4mm pad does. and we make the bottom thickness at 1mm as they are doing with the SPS we could get 21 in an STI mag I havent tried it. Guess to test it we could take a grams 4mm pad and cut it out more and see what it does. I dont know if the Delron material grams uses will hold up that thin, he could answer that and may have already by not making them that thin. The SPS mag may have a wider dimension from side to side but I think STI and SV have maximized that dimemsion to what works best. Any wider and they go side by side and dont feed properly. I tried to get both companies to make me a 45 mag with 40 cal lips on it so I could play with it, they both told me it wouldnt work. In fact i think brian may have tried it before I had the idea. Bottom line. Take the 19-20 +1 and play your game with what you know works. In the long run consistency wins matches.
  18. Derek at Millenium Custom now owns Aftec. He bought it about a month ago. Dave, As I said I have people tell me they can run both. I dont want a gun that runs both. There are a few that fall through the cracks of what should be. And yes you are right there is a reason they offer the extractors for both 38 super and super comp. The reason is the difference in rim diameters is around .020. This varies by manufacturer. If you set it up for super comp then you will have failures to feed with super. If you set it up for super then you will have cases slipping off and stovepipes and eratic ejection with super comp. Is it possible to have a fine line in the middle that may run both, maybe. I tend to believe if you take a gun that is claimed to run both and ran 1000 rounds alternating cases you will have many of one type the malfuntions i have described. As far as i am concerned anythng less than running 100% isnt good enough.
  19. I almost added this but thought no everybody knows this and that couldnt be the problem. I dont care what anybody says or says they do. You cannot set a gun up for super comp and shoot 38 super brass through it and vice versa. I know I have some tell me they can but you cant on a normal basis and expecially with an Aftec. Thats why they have a 38 super and a 38 super comp extractor. Now some may be getting away with it with ordinary extractors that bend each time a case is fed. The aftec doesnt bend, it works on springs so the variance in spring compression isnt as much as the differnce in case rim diameter between super and super comp. If he set it up for super comp then run super comp. If you want to shoot super then get a super aftec. The rest of the stuff still holds true. The back wall of the extractor groove is where the firing pin stop has to be fit up tight against to keep the extractor from rotating. the side walls are not that important except for what I talked about earlier.
  20. I got one same time as Viking. I didnt want to go to all the trouble he did to make them work. I sold mine. The mag tube itself is 140mm. No room for a pad. Viking had to take an aluminum pad and cut it down to only 1mm thing to get it to go in the gauge. I didnt realize he cut the lips down on anohter to get it to work with a dawson plus 1 pad. Yes they have used deceptive advertising to sell them here in the US. I feel for those that have bought them thinking they were legal and when they go to a match that measures then they will be put into open class. My current mags hols 20+1 and I also have a special mag Bevin tuned for me that holds 21. So I didnt need to pursue it. I only use that 21+1 mag when I need it and to behonest over the past 3 years I have only needed it twice. It has to be a mostly paper 19-21 round stage with one steel at most that I will use it on. Otherwise I use the 20+1 and plan a reload. I am a conservative shooter. The mag from bevin was one of the original 40 cal mags made by STI. The neck is thicker and allows one more round. They are short, like 129mm but Bevin makes a special pad for them. There are no more available for sale unless you get lucky and find them used. STI found a whole box of them towards the end the high cap ban and I bouht them all and sold them. Most of them not knowing what I had.
  21. Ron, maybe I am missing the problem. I understand you to say that the extractor is clocking or rotating clockwise when a round is fed under it. Is this correct? If it is then that problem is the firing pin stop fit and an EGW firing pin stop fit properly will stop that. What does the slide stop have to do with this? Or did yo mean firing pin stop? The STI's used to be good but they went to a mim part recently that is undersized. We had to switch to EGW firing pin stops becasue of it. I have heard that STI will be going back to the old firing pin stop but who knows what is out there right now. Now when you say the Extractor groove doesnt line up that tells me either the extractor or slide is out of spec. If its the extractor than you get a new one, but since you have done that, its the slide. I have seen several of these over the years. If the distance between the breechface and the back of the slide where the firing pin stop goes is too long it will not leave enough room for the case rim to slide up under the extractor hook. There has to be enough room to allow the case to pivot as it feeds. If its a small amount you can try different extractors and possibly find one that is a little out of spec the other way and it will work. This is the dimension I find off when its off. I have never seen one where the distance was too short. Now if it isnt off too much you can cut the back wall of the extractor groove to allow the hook to move forward just enough to allow the pivot of the case as it feeds. Not the best situation but a fix. If its off too much then it just gets to sloppy and the slide is trash. I think you may have a couple issues happening at once. Why did it never do it for the gunsmith and just for you? I cant go there here but I think we all know the answer to that.
  22. You need an oversized firing pin stop to get a good tight fit so it doesnt rotate. Or you can get an Aftec but even they need to have a tight fit to keep from rotating. The front and back corner or the firing pin stop needs to be broke to allow the aftec to pivot but not rotate. Instructions incuded with the aftecs.
  23. Yep, the CO in bed with one of his mens wife while he keeps him deployed was more than I wanted in this show. I bet nobody else noticed the reload but us competition shooters. That reload was like a newbies first match. I will watch again. I just wonder where those 2 rounds went. TV leads us to believe bullets stop at the first thing they hit. Wasnt his wife on the other side of that wall?
  24. Thank you all. We buried David today. He was a Veteran so they had the local American Legion post come do the 21 gun salute. It was a dificult day. David wasnt a prominate figure although he was an Icon in the community. HE was a farmer for a while then worked on a horse farm until he was kicked in the head by a horse. He was a poor man on disability. He was 58 years old. He hung around our grocery store and was a part of our life just about everyday for the better part of 18 years. He didnt have grandkids so he treated my kids like they were his grandkids. Whats sad is he finally got grandkids last year and he wont get to see them grow up. Whats really weird is I didnt expect to be effected by his death like I was. I suppose once I found out Sunday he died that morning i started thinking about his life. My wife started pulling out pictures of him and we talked about him. I got to the point I couldnt think about him or talk about him without getting choked up. I went to the funeral home last night and literally fell apart and stayed that way until I got back to work today after the funeral. He was a special person who spent most his time writing about anything. The preacher read one of his writings today, what insight this man had for life. There will be a void in this community and in our lives that can never be filled. We will miss him.
  25. A True Friend with a good heart- David Frazier I hate when friends Die I hate I didnt realize how much of a friend he was until he was gone. I hate I didnt realize how much he meant to my Wife and my 3 kids until he was gone. I hate I didnt realize how much he meant to me until he was gone. I hate I didnt appreciate how much he was there for us over the past 18 years. I hate I didnt have the time or take the time to sit and talk with him more. I hate that those times I did sit and talk with him about life, watching the clouds roll by, will be no more. I hate he will not be there to see my kids who meant so much to him grow up. I hate that he is gone. I hate I cant go back and change some things. I love that man. Sorry but I had to write this, I cant say it, but I mean it.
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