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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. You have to be careful what you read and believe. The first supplier for the dillon bag did make them in china but they were the higher quality bag. The new one is made in Indonesia By Royal Case. There is allot more to this story but you have to beware of individuals taking shots at companies due to a personal vendetta. And I am not talking about anybody taking a shot at me. At least this time
  2. Oh I know. Its just that the school has blocking software and tracking software. the other day somebody put a zip file of a shooting game on the server. they erase it at night then the kids reinstall and play over the network this shooting game. The teachers were looking for these kids trying to catch them. He cant even bring up my web page at school. They used to have a way to fool the blocking software until the school got a new one. I am wondering if the kids found a way around the new one and I am a little worried about what they would do if caught. On another note. My boys do and always have worn shooting shirts to school. Its not disallowed in the policy, only no drugs, alchohol, tabacco(we are in KY where allot of parent raise tobacco), or racial slander. Nothing about firearms. So the bigger the gun pic the better. Dont know if you have seen the email going around about how things were in 1973 compared to 2006. I sent it to the school system superintendant. Changing Times Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack. 1973 - Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack. 2006 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers. ++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school. 1973 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled. 2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students. 1973 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal. Sits still in class. 2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him a whipping. 1973 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman. 2006 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to school. 1973 - Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock. 2006 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Mary turns up pregnant. 1973 - 5 High School Boys leave town. Mary does her senior year at a special school for expectant mothers. 2006 - Middle School Counselor calls Planned Parenthood, who notifies the ACLU. Mary is driven to the next state over and gets an abortion without her parent's consent or knowledge. Mary given condoms and told to be more careful next time. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Pedro fails high school English. 1973: Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college. 2006: Pedro's cause is taken up by state democratic party. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he can't speak English. +++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed. 1973 - Ants die. 2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again. +++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary, hugs him to comfort him. 1973 - In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing. 2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. All in the name of progress!
  3. Sammy, I was thinking about you and this issue today. i have a customer who asked me to get him some 9mm para mag tubes for him. So I ordered them from Dawson to take care of my customer. They came in as 38 super. I called Dawson and I questioned them about it knowing what you told me years ago about the 9mm mags. They dont know how it used to be 6-7 years ago but they said today they are the same tube.
  4. Hey buddy, how did you get on here while at school? I dont want them calling the swat team because you were on a shooting web page.
  5. I have to disagree. USPSA is great for him. We have provisions for the handicapped. Back in the 90's I shot the Golden Gate match with Tom. I am sorry to say i dont remember his last name. He had his holster & magpouches mounted on the sides of his chair. It was cool. We all wanted to try it out. His chair was motorized. There was a stage where we had to climb stairs, go through a door and down the stairs on the other side. Tom just went around it. the MD was very helpful in determining what he could and couldnt do and the appropriate scoring. He wasnt going to win the match but he was a fierce competitor, great shot and had a good time. I know there are people from the NW here that know Tom. I wonder how he is doing and if he still shoots sometimes. I would be glad to hear from them.
  6. Just for information purposes. I was so tired of paster boxes jamming up and having to rip them open to use them that i made sure when we produced pasters that it wouldnt happen with ours. Problem is its hard to get people to break the habit of just tearing them open from the start. So we started just doing the rolls with no box. For matches this is very cost effective. instead of having complete boxes floating around and needing one box for every shooter you can lay out one roll at a time and the shooters just tear off strips as they need them. It really reduces the amount of pasters used in a match and they are cheaper than the boxes.
  7. With all the talk about the light perfs i wanted to inject something here. When we first starting making targets the factory was doing the white on the smooth side of the cardboard. There is a smooth and liney side. Everybody they have ever dealt with wanted the white on the smooth side. This meant the perfs were on the liney side which made the perfs hard to see. Last year we corrected that and now the perfs are on the smooth side and allot easier to see. The specifications for the targets say the perfs should not be able to be seen at a certain distance, i think 7yards. So there is a point when the perfs can be too deep. I shot several matches back in the 90's where the targets were cut so deep they were falling apart. I dont know if the targets referred to are my old ones or if they are somebody elses. I know there are a couiple makers who have really thin targets that are a littel cheaper than mine. Its just whatever you are looking for.
  8. The pic at the top is EGW's. I built a gun back in the early 90's with similar cuts. Not sure if the gunsmith, Johnny Nigh, or EGW did them first. I was a newbee then. The lower picture is the Bedell cuts Dan and I designed. I drew them out and he figured the spacing and how to machine them. They have evolved since the first Spitfire which had 4 slots. They now come with 5.
  9. Just curious. how far are you out from the main transmitter with your line of sight servce? I have been using hughes/direcway for 6 years. I cant get anything else out here except wifi which just became available. I talked with them but they couldnt promise me anything, just wanted the sale and a 2 year contract. They actually told me I was better off staying with what I have. Reading your post makes me wonder since you have used both.
  10. allot of the KY guys are regulars here. I shoot moslty at Ashland, then Wilmore and sometimes in Louisville at Silver Creek and Hidden Hills.
  11. Man there are so many. Rio Salado in November is usually really nice. Big bays and lots of them. Richmond Rod & Gun on the San Francisco bay for location. Frank Garcias range in Florida is great in winter. All the bays are on level ground and in a u shape. My favorite though was the Reno range. I like the desert though. The range is all flat with the bays all in a line and parking is right in front of the bays. Same level ranges with close parking is a must to be in the running for best range. I havent been to Bend,OR, Missoula, MT or Tulsa. So I cant say on those.
  12. Just got off the phone with Dillon concerning my 1050. Last night a buddy was loading and he blew up many primers. We were having problem with it jamming up. It seemed to be around the primer slide. We always seemd to get it loose and kept on going until last night with the explosion. Luckily he wasnt hurt. It swelled the primer tube and disentegrated the primer rod. I called dillon to order it and although the parts were not covered since the 1050 was over a year old we got the replacement parts on the way. They did replace some primer pickup tube caps that were worn, free of charge. Now for the problem. Many months ago I dropped one of the stage pins in a hole in the shell plate. It dropped down into a hole that is just above where the pivot screw for the primer cam is located. This stage pin was interfering with the primer cam sometime not letting it retreat thus not letting the slide or shell plate move. I assume that last night it jammed and when trying to work it out a primer ignited. I was at the post office when it happened and when I got back Tony was a littel shell shocked. He asked me if I smelled anything. I said yes. Then he proceeded to tell me what happned. 3 hours later and after robbing some parts from another press he was loading again. It appears no less than 20 primers ignited. He said it was loud. So if you drop something under the shell plate its best to disasemble the machine and retrieve it. I was too lazy to do so. I am a little suprised that Dillon doesnt offer the same service on their top of the line model as they do on the other models. Of course i do understand disqualification after a year for commercial use. I would be willing to bet that many more of these machines are in private hands than commercial loaders so i wonder if its just not an excuse to not offer the same service. Not to say that i dont think We/I should pay for problems as I had last night, that wasnt Dillons fault, excpet maybe a design flaw to allow it to happen but no big deal. i just like being able to get parts so we dont have to treat the presses like disposble items like so many other things these days.
  13. I deleted my post, it wasnt something Brian would want on his forum.
  14. I believe Starline used to make brass with your personalized headstamp so you could tell your brass from others. I dont know if they still do this or if it was even Starline but I do remeber somebody advertising this personalized brass back in the 90's.
  15. I suspect very strongly that the chrono procedure was in error. Either placement or lighting. I seriously doubt its the barrel unless its a 45 barrel. It takes 5.1 of 320 with a 180 gr Zero bullet loaded to 1.230 to make major in my guns, KKM and schueman barrels.
  16. I pretty much follow the guideline of not charging your credit card until I have the product boxed up and ready to ship. I print the shipping label and process the card at the same time. There are some exceptions like deposits on custom gun orders or special order items, moslty special configurations from STI. On occassion we will utilize a drop ship if its something we dont have in stock. My goal is to get your product to you ASAP, drop shipping is a useful tool sometimes. I wont mention a name here but I had one manufacturer just bill my card for 16,000 for product that wont be delivered for 6-8 weeks. I have just become used to their way of doing business. I guess you just have to get to know who you are dealing with.
  17. I need a source for 40 and 9mm processed brass. I just bent my decapping pin and stem becasue of a smaller shell inside a 40 case. This isnt uncommon to find rocks, mud or other shells in once fired range brass. I figure if its processed then all thats been cleaned out. By processed I mean deprimed, cleaned and resized.
  18. EGW does a good job selling the rackers for me. The ball detent thing that Joey Hardy started is the trick and what we put on our custom guns now also. Of course with Joey's blessing. Kevin, with one of our guns I see how you can get buy without one, although it came with one. I still like the conveinence of the load and unload with the racker and the use as a kickstand. You are right if the gun runs you shouldnt need it to clear jams.
  19. Ok vendor hat off and shooter hat on. The problem with any slide racker sitting that far to the rear on the left side is that you can and will catch your thumb on it at some time or another. I prefer a racker on the left side of the gun to be moved forawrd so the thumb can clear even the Sidewinder which i sell and own the mold to. Now if they could come up with a way to move the racker part forward it may be a popular product and easy to install as long as it doesnt interfere with that really critical firing pin stop and extractor fit. Vendor hat on. I actually talked a guy out of buying a sidewinder today because he wanted to put it in an existing bomar dovetail. I told him just what i said above. If it cant be put in forward you wont be happy with it. Shooter hat back on. I would rather shoot without a racker at all if it wasnt forward and out of the way of my thumb when I draw. Rackers that go on the other side are ok but are sort of awkward to use.
  20. He has a balance of all the traits needed to perfrom well at this game. On top of that he is a fierce competitor. He has learned how to adjust all those traits to each individual stage to obtain the maximum perfromance. He has done this for so long and so intensely its all second nature to him now. The traits I am referring to are. Good Eyesight. Coordination. Speed. Smart-Quick thinking. Desire to win, refusing to loose. Knowledge of the game. Knowledge of the equipment. I may have missed some. But whatever it is he has it. Now that he is older I dont think he can run with the young uns in open. Open makes the shooting easy but requires more speed. This doesnt play in Robbies favor. With iron sights he is so much better shooting he can overcome the speed factor but as he gets older the young ones are creeping up on him. I dont think anybody will dominate the sport for as long as he has again. He has a balance of all the traits needed to perfrom well at this game. On top of that he is a fierce competitor. He has learned how to adjust all those traits to each individual stage to obtain the maximum perfromance. He has done this for so long and so intensely its all second nature to him now. The traits I am referring to are. Good Eyesight. Coordination. Speed. Smart-Quick thinking. Desire to win, refusing to loose. Knowledge of the game. Knowledge of the equipment. I may have missed some. But whatever it is he has it. Now that he is older I dont think he can run with the young uns in open. Open makes the shooting easy but requires more speed. This doesnt play in Robbies favor. With iron sights he is so much better shooting he can overcome the speed factor but as he gets older the young ones are creeping up on him. I dont think anybody will dominate the sport for as long as he has again.
  21. After the first shot there is no rain on the lense. The recoil cleans it off.
  22. Your right on Bruce. the recieveing FFL doesnt even have to have an FFL to log it into his book. He can enter the name & address of the individual he recieves it from, the dealer he recieves it from or the FFL number of the dealer he recieves it from. We include a copy of our FFL as a matter of courtesy and convenience to the recieving dealer. Allot of the misconcepcions floating around are from greenhorn ATF agents who dont know the law, are trying to make up their own rules or interpretations or are following the same from a superior. I really wish the ATF was held to the same standard as we are by them. Everytime we make a mistake its a threat of our license , fines or jail time. If we could only reverse that. In some areas it is a pretty adversarial relationship with the ATF for FFL's.
  23. We have to fill the form out then mail a copy to the ATF and to our chief LEO. Funny thing is last time I called the Sheriff and he said not to send it to him but send it to the State police. I called the State police to ask where to send it to and after talking to 5-6 people i get ahold of the guy who does the selling of the confiscated guns to FFL's. He said he doesnt even know where in his own agency to mail it to. So I just mailed it to the Sheriff. I fulfilled my obligation even though it went in the trash as soon as he opened it. Something else about the ATF, we can now look up FFL's on the internet to verify their legitimacy but we can not use that verification in place of a signed faxed FFL. If the signed , faxed FFL is blurry where you cant read the numbers of the FFL then it isnt a valid FFL. The black box with the number was put on the FFL's to keep them from being faxed. They are making hte number allot bigger on new FFl's but they wont send you a new one until you have to renew. I really cant see why we cant get the verification and ship based on that. It provides us with the name and address. I had one dealer this week who required me the seller to send him a copy of my FFL before he would send me a copy of theirs. Some of these things that we think are ATF rules are nothing but rules of individual dealers.
  24. I use a local company we have been dealing with for years in the families grocery stores. I know the owner and tech guys on a first name basis. Great for false alarms and hardware problems. YOu need a system that uses entry alarms , motion sensors and glass break detectors. Be real careful of the small print when using the big guys or anybody for that matter. Best to pay for the system upfront then to lease it. The alarm system isnt any good unless you use monitoring. A pro can design a system that has been well thought out. He will make it easy for you to live with(yes you have to live with it everyday or dont bother) and harder for the crooks to bypass it. The biggest suggestion is to get a uplink backup. If they cut your phone lines this system kicks in and calls in. This gets the police on the way. Now to slow them down while the police are responding you need safes for your valuables. Just a safe or just an alarm system is not adequate, you need both. Then you can throw in a video system, drive alert and several strategically placed firearms around the house. Then you are set. But you have to use the alarm system and lock the safes.
  25. Well good news. I found a local tech that installs these things. Did that by just calling directv ads in the phone book and asked if they did direcway internet. He came out and found a fried cable end, repaired it and only charged 60.00. He drove a good 40 miles to get here. I wrote all his numbers down just in case.
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