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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. We looked up a licensed reverend in the yellow pages... it was Reverend Fink (seriously) whose main job was making wine barrels. We were married in the warehouse where the barrels are stored and the witness was the kid who loads them on the truck. The smell of all the wine fumes made us both woozy.....I am dead serious..... that's how we got married.
  2. I always wondered if a cop was gay would he get even more annoyed when a lady flirted with him.... just a possibility.
  3. Pull the trigger and let it fall. Then (holding the trigger in to rotate the sear fully) thumb raise and lower the hammer and see if you can feel the half cock notch rubbing the sear nose. Keep backing the screw out until there is absolutely no drag there.
  4. I have a SS STI frame with a 9mm top end and a .40SW top end. Although it seems to be folk wisdom that the two calibers need different ejectors (and slide stops), mine works perfectly with no changes at all to the bottom end. I just drop the other slide/barrel top on it and shoot (does require different magazines). My .40 top end was built up by Bob Hunter at Hunter Customs. You might get a quote from him, he did a good job on mine.
  5. reminds me why we love women so much..... a device to reduce pain in a throbbing elbow needs to have "fashion sense".....
  6. Out here in north kali, we are enjoying the effects of global warming. This year our winter has been "hybrid weather" with daytime highs in the 70's (more like summer) and night time lows in the upper 30's (like winter). No rain at to speak of so far and water rationing is looming unless the rainfall picks up.
  7. Even if it is radar, it may be the "burst" type that only shoot when they clock and the beam is narrow.
  8. That's what they all use now. You can use your radar detectors for paperweights because they are useless.
  9. Learn the wisdom my mother and father told me: "remember, son... you don't just marry her, you also marry HER FAMILY." If you can't deal with them now...... picture dealing with them for the next 40 years. BTW: My wife (then fiance) told everybody we were getting married and her mother promptly told her that she would have to come back to Lousiana and have the marriage in their Catholic church or the marriage would not be real in the eye's of God. We didn't, her mom didn't speak to her for five years (OK with me). She still doesn't speak to me and we have been married 25 years. Just don't delude yourself into thinking these people will ever get any better. As horrible as it sounds, they are probably being "polite" now because you arent' married yet.
  10. The barrel is likely not fitted properly. "Drop in" barrels don't always fit the slide theya re dropping into.... hence the barrel makers will let you send the slide in and they will fit a barrel for a nominal fee. I bought a Firedragon 40-9 barrel for my G35 and it was not right. They sent me another that groups like a bullseye gun. With barrels, it's all in the fit.
  11. I'm thankful for my family and the usual blessings. And I am thankful that the present government will be forced to adopt new leaders in one year, so there is a chance we will get someone better.
  12. The 4" can not possibly shoot softer than the 5", since the 4" has lower mass and probably a stiffer recoil spring yet is absorbing the same total recoil energy.I have the 5" XD and like shooting it.
  13. But, you must let it heal fully first. The pain is from micro tears and they have to heal. I have constant tendonitis, and I remember asking my doctor what to do for it. I said: "It hurts when I do this." He said: "Then stop doing that." Seriously, if you have tendonitis you have to stop doing what caused it until it heals.
  14. Anybody else notice how video makes your hands look fat? Just kidding....
  15. Jim too funny I was thinking the same thing about Brittany, Lindsay and Paris and nicole.. Paris??? she's just the pot head opiate addict, partier, wannabe model daughter of daddy warbucks.. Lindsay is a drunken cokehead at 19 who cant drive, and Brittany... PSYCHO!! What is so fascinating about celebrity trouble makers? Oj... Isnt he supposed to be in Prison? There is a perverse pleasure to be derived by the unwashed masses when they see the "high and mighty" brought down. I believe the term "shadenfreude" was coined to explain it.
  16. At least this time he isn't going to get away with it. I'm going to enjoy watching him tap dance off to prison.
  17. I'd be giving them away to the scummiest low lives that I could find on the condition they be sure and tell everybody where they got them while they are on vacation....
  18. It's genuinely amazing how evil people are, how petty and vindictive, and how they turn into their real selves after you "insult their ego" by leaving their company. Speaking of evil: The whole story reminded me of the absolute cheapest, meanest, most assholic SOB I ever had the misfortune to work for: his name was Joe Verozza and he owned Power 10, inc. His specialty was to fire people a week before Xmas because the company paid out the annual profit sharing at the end of the calendar year and he took orgasmic delight in screwing the employee out of the profit sharing he had earned with his year's work. Same guy who fired me a week before Xmas back in 1990. Turned out to be the best thing that could have ever happened to me.
  19. They read them, they just choose not to follow them....
  20. BBB is useless, dist attorney has better things to do. I have had good luck with the state's attorney general office in the past in similar situations. I got ripped off by K-Mart on some tires and the AG fried their butts.
  21. You can also take a stock spring and bend it 1/2 coil shorter to make an extra power spring... (OH NO! Another spring clipping gunsmith!)
  22. My dad was a lot more cruel. He would ask the dealer's price on the used car.... then take out his checkbook and write a check for the amount he would offer and set the check in front of the guy and then stop talking. I swear it was like this on a nice, clean Corvair the dealer had tagged at $1299 (this was back in 1968)......My dad writes a check fior $600 and sets it in front of the guy. DEAD SILENCE... Salesman: "We can't possibly sell it for that." About 30 seconds go by in dead silence and the salesman starts to sweat. "You'll have to come up on that offer." He is still sweating..... "You can't expect us to sell it for that." I knew we had him when he said: "There is no way we will give you the 90 day warranty for that price." We didn't want the warranty, but he bought the car for $600. I though the salesman was going to have a stroke. The check sitting under his nose was making him so crazy.
  23. I pissed off a salesman so bad he went and found the owner of the dealership (the real owner) who came up to me and said: "I didn't stay in business 20 years by giving away cars." ME: "Did you stay in business by watching customers walk out?" And I did......
  24. Ever notice if you buy something on Amazon or E-bay, the seller hounds you to do the review thing to pump up his rating? I found out why.... they want lot's of OK ratings to bury the bad ones. I ordered an electric toothbrush from a seller on Amazon... after I paid, the final orde page came up and I noticed he had put for delivery: "3 - 15 days" WTH? Anyway, I wait... and wait... and wait.... and after 15 days I start sending emails asking what's up? NO ANSWER. Five emails.... no answer. So, I contact Amazon and they say it has to be three days after the final delivery day... so, three days later, Amazon finally starts to do something. A week later, Amazon gets back to me and the seller is whining that it wasn't his fault, the item was "unavailable". So, he takes my money, doesn't bother to tell me it's unavailable, won't answer any of my e-mails... and then cops an attitude. Well, I'll fix this guy: I write up the facts in his review.... next day, I check his profile to see if the review I wrote is there. It is..... buried three pages back under ten other reviews of "it arrived"... "wasn't broken".... "got what I ordered"..etc. I went through a whole pile and found others who had been scammed like me.... but that's why they hound people to write the good ones (to bury the bad ones). I jumped on Amazon and asked why they don't boot the guy and got a BS reply. He is still there selling. If you get what you ordered... why should we give them kudos?
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