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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. The funny thing is my wife runs the cardiac wing at the county hospital and she says I received great crae. She says it's unreasonable to think any ER would have a specialty doctor like an opthamologist on premises and "ON CALL" was as good as anybody would have gotten Easy for her to say.. hse isn't the one looking out through a bunch of trash in one eye. She really pissed me off this time, she acts like it's no big deal and I an unreasonable. I guess if it was somebody ele's eye, it would be no big deal to me too...
  2. Getting old is a real bitch. Yesterday at about 5PM, I notice wierd flashing neon light bars in my left eye around the edge of my vision whenever I moved my head or moved my eyes. I knew somebody with a detached retina, so I was immediately concerned: but, I also have migraine which has given me hundreds of incidents of strange flashing lights in my vision: but they were always stable and did not change when I moved my eyes. So, I was thinking of going to the hospital and right about then my wife came home. I suddenly saw a large hunk of black garbage in the vison of my left eye which waved around. I knew we had to RUN to the hospital: the good news is, I live a block from the hospital. The bad news is, it's Kaiser. By the time I got there, my left eye was gettin g foggy from bleeding into it. I told the woamn that I had a detached retina and was bleeding in my eye, and she seemd unimpressed. I kept telling her, and she said something like: "Wait over there, I marked you a "3" so it won't be too long." Well, it was too long because (as I told her) I needed to get treated IMMEDIATELY. There is a simple and quick laser zap they do to seal such things. A half hor later, a resident is looking in my eye and not finding anything. By then my eye was foggy and I could not see well from the blood. A whuile later the admitted there is no opthamologist at the hospital on weekends, but they had one "on call". I convinced them to call him and he arrived 45 minutes later. he looks in my eye and finds: A HOLE IN MY RETINA Well, what a surprise.... exactly what I had been telling those dumb forks for three hours. By then, the bleeding must have stopped by itself. He did the laser surgery this morning at 8AM. Now, My left eye is full of garbage. This morning it took about 2 hours for the black garbage to settle down below sight line. I still see a fog and can even watch the individual blood cells as the drift around if I look for them. I can see about 20-30 out of the eye looking at black letters on a bright white background, but my night vision is hosed. The doctor says that some of the blood will be absorbed "over time"... I asked how much time and he said months or years. So, there went my good eye. It's not my dominant eye but I always (used to) shoot using both eyes. Guess not anymore. Merry Christmas
  3. There is clearly "something there". But, I also know why Charlie Vanek would choose not to recommend it:1) The "sear" and striker are in two different parts (frame and slide respectively) so the vertical slop in the slide/frame fit directly adds to the striker/"sear" fit. In a 1911, all trigger parts are in the frame mounted on pins that don't move with respect to each other. 2) The striker tab and sear don't have a huge overlap area to begin with, dialing it down to fine tune the trigger break is risky. 3) The Glock firing pin blocking safety does not reset on each slide cycle, and it would not be all that difficut to make this thing go full auto just by altering the face angle of the sear. My question was if anybody used the sear to adjust the trigger release like we do on most other autos. I guess not.
  4. That was the whole point of starting the thread... I was trying to find out if people work that the way we work other sears with a primary and secondary cut to get a sharper breaking trigger.
  5. I thought of that. The Sotelo trigger bar has a nice, smooth ramp and I polished it to boot. The plunger in his kit has the edge rounded (looks kind of like a mushroom top) to add to the smooth raising action. It's possible that is part of the creep.
  6. I am not sure I understand, it sounds like you are asking for a drop-in triggers et which requires no gunsmithing? Drop-in kits only work well if: 1) They are cut properly 2) The frame they are going into has the boss pins in the right place That's why gunsmiths generally have to cut the sears to match the tolerances of the frame.
  7. Seriously? They bust your stones just for polishing? How would they know for sure it wasn't "wear" rubbing...?
  8. Pharaoh, I'm looking for one that can give me 5 lb trigger weight with some more consistent pull, and I read somewhere that such combination could give me right that. What would you suggest for something legal in Production? Thanks, Demetrio. Funny.... the stock pull weight on my G35 was about 5 pounds. The "3.5#" connector was a misnomer.... unless you put the trigger pull gauge on the very tip of the trigger.
  9. Glockmeister used to have the best prices on Glock stuff.
  10. Everybody says it's the cat's pajamas.My problem is that I am cursed with two engineering degrees and like to think I can figure out how to make two mechanical pieces fit together and work to my satisfaction.... I usually can.... eventually.....
  11. Yep, the world is filled with morons like Tom Cruise who will pontificate that ADD doesn't exist, that it's all fake to sell drugs, etc.... the funny part is he clearly has it or something similar as exhibited by his bizarre behavior. Now that hes' rich and millions of people hang on his every word, he thinks he can "get even" with those doctors who tried to help him way back when. Of course, rich people are never LOONEY.... they are just charmingly eccentric.
  12. It's insane. here is the conversation about "PAY TV": "We are going to make you pay for TV." "Why would I pay? Will you cut out all the commercials?" "No, actually, we are going to stuff in more commercials." "Oh.... but the shows will be much better?" "Not really... most of the shows will be reruns of old garbage TV from way back that was crap then and still is.... but, don't forget: because we will stuff in extra commercials we will be cutting some of it to make them fit in." "Umm..... can I see movies instead of going to a theater?" "No, we'll show movies but they will have been out for a long time and you will probably already have seen them if they were any good.... so, most of them will be crap too." SIGN ME UP!
  13. Amen, brother!I still remember back in the 80's when CD's first became popular.... the local rock station I used to listen to got a CD player in their studio. After EVERY song: "And, that ones coming to you from the SoundGoods CD player! SoundGoods located at 3874 Steven Creek Boulevard, YADDA,YADDA,YADDA..." If I had the chance I would have told him: All we want is music: we don't care if it comes from a Sony walkman or an RCA Victrola.... just SHUT THE HELL UP and play some.
  14. Yeah, the one from Sotelo is better than the stock one. I have mirror polished both the connecter face and the trigger bar faces. That did make it better, still feels a little creepy.
  15. One note of caution about removing metal at that point: It's easily possible to remove so much metal, that you'll create a trigger that will double, triple, or not stop until ammo supply ceases..... Yep, I have gotten into some heated discussions with brain dead Glock worshippers at other forums on this point: the firing pin safety on a Glock does not "reset" everytime the slide cycles (and require a new trigger pull to reactivate) like a SIG, Beretta, XD, etc does which have the pivoting lever to raise the FP safety plunger. The Glock FP "safety" plunger is simply raised by the trigger bar bump. If you fire the gun and the slide cycles, your finger will still be on the trigger when it comes back into battery (so the trigger bar is still where it is when the gun fires and the bump is raising the FP safety plunger )..... and the striker tab will be hanging on the trigger bar "hook" with the striker spring fully stretched. If you get too aggressive and have that cut overlay area too thin, the slide hitting the frame MIGHT let the striker bump past and fall (and you have a machine gun in your hand).That makes me nervous about cutting on the striker tab.
  16. Interesting. Is there any standard angles and cuts to put on the tab like there are for a 1911 sear?
  17. I polished the striker foot dead smooth to a mirror finish first thing when I started working on the trigger.
  18. OK, a Glock actually has no sear. The upraised tab on the trigger bar that mates with the foot on the striker is what acts as the sear. I polished the foot of the striker mirror smooth. Any tips on what the "sear" face should be like? I polished it very smooth. Do you keep it dead square to the tab? Cut a relief angle face at the top to get a cleaner break? Just looking for any advice. I have the Sotelo trigger and the pull is decent, but there is some annoying "stutter creep" as I pull and that sear face drags it's way across the striker face on the way to release. I'm just wondering how you guys get rid of this.... if it is possible. Thanks
  19. Smart move... the NP's have the legal power to write prescriptions!
  20. Magazines average about 40% crap content in them as well.
  21. The really scary part is that for the vast majority of the unwashed masses.... they are RIGHT!
  22. Bummer, man. My wife has the same thing, too much caffeine aggrivates it. I have Dupatryn's Syndrom which curls fingers into a pretzel. It has already ruined the ring finger on my shooting hand and is now taking the thumb. My good hand is turning into a claw. I'll trade you.
  23. Here's a quote: STI Trojan in 9mm, about $920 from dawson Precision.
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