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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. I know what you mean. Way back when I was first shooting, one thing always amazed me: every internet pro shot sub 2" groups at 25 yards.... all the time, every gun, no problem. Yet, when I went to the range (often) and shot in local competitive leagues...... you could count the number of guys who actually could hold 2" groups on the fingers of one hand with plenty of fingers to spare.
  2. My brother always corroded wrist watches. It must be something in their sweat.
  3. Browning Hi Power barrels are steel in the white. I just use common sense care for mine.
  4. +2 Ports don't do jack. The reduction in muzzle rise a compensator provides is NOT due the gas escaping out the ports vertically, it is the reduction in recoil from the gas entering the comp expanding and slamming into the front wall of the compensator (creating a forward force offsetting the recoil impulse). I have about four different ported barrels. They look very cool, don't do a thing other than that. Of course, I never would argue that placebo effects are not completely real to the person convinced they are real.
  5. Let's see... nine crowns and four root canals on board. Wait until you get an open nerve root and you feel like somebody has shoved a cattle prod in your mouth. Root canal is about the second worst thing.... the only worse thing is the pain makes you beg for one.
  6. I was wondering how many started gunsmithing because there were so few gunsmiths around that you had to wait six months for anything and had to pay through the nose...
  7. maybe ask her out to the alley behind the bar and give her a crash course in manners.....
  8. The last one who said "she needed more space" to me meant that she wanted more freedom to screw the guy she had been doing behind my back for the last three months...... On the upside, I ended up married to a woman who makes a six figure salary and doesn't lie to me. I definitely traded up, I just didn't know what a favor the bitch did me at the time....
  9. It breaks your heart when they die. Our little Italian greyhound came so close to dying a few years back when she was only a year old. She has some kind of immune system disorder and when she got a kidney infection, the infection almost killed her and her immune system went wild and tried to finish her off. It was a gruesome thing to watch. By the usual standards, she was at the point where we should have given up (she stopped eating and drinking and could hardly move)> She had given up trying. But, we kept putting her back into intensive care for IV fluids and feedings to keep her alive. I never prayed so hard for anything, and the deal I made was if she recovered, she would live like a queen... by the grace of God she lived and gradually regained most of her former self. Now she is back to flying through the house like a cruise missile. Her newest trick is she gets bored at 5AM and starts barking until we will go in and play with her. She is spoiled rotten.... but I keep the deal I made. I never forget how lucky it was that she got better.
  10. Don't know about Lone Wolf barrels. If extraction is iffy, are you shooting reloads? High quality barrels can choke on 9mm relaods because the brass is a bit wide just ahead of the rim. My Firedragon 9mm conversion barrel worked no problem in my G35 with either extractor, never changed the ejector. "Presonally I never felt the conversion barrels were competition reliable because the breach face is too large and the only thing holding the case was the extractor." True, but a pivoting spring loaded extractor will move the rim far enough to pin it against the breech face and still give good extraction (at least on all my coversions). The only one which will FTE once in a while is the Springfield XD which has a fixed extractor so it has NO TENSION at all extracting 9mm with a conversion barrel.... and it still extracts OK about 99% of the time.
  11. hence the reason there was no difference in performance.
  12. It extends slightly farther out when struck. The myth is that ill give better ignition, in reality it is the energy of the strike, not how far the tip will protrude when dry fired. My gripe with the C+S pins is all the ones I got were poorly made and had to be trimmed because they were binding.... they also extended too far out at rest and dragged on the primers (more trimming needed). And after very careful measurements with reduced power mainsprings, I did not see any advantage at all for striking energy transferred by the pin. They are worthless.
  13. Cancer is the worst thing on earth. It's hard to believe that I would ever pray for my father to die, but at the end it was the case. Nothing to do but try to be supportive.
  14. I agree, but the Barry Bonds thing really sickens me. The absolute hypocrisy of this guy breaking a record set by a man who actually set it just using his own ability and no artificial doping..... and we are just supposed to pretend that Barry didn't do dope? It really is too much to stomach for me. We will end up with two sets of record books in sports: one with dope, one without.
  15. It seems like sports have reached an all time low: we have an NBA ref who was mob-owned fixing games....the Tour de France is a "who cares anymore" because all the big guns are either on doping suspension or under investigation. And out here we are all supposed to be aglow as barry closes in on hank Aaron's home run record..... as a grand jury is closing in on deciding if barry's lies in the Valco investigation rate a perjury trial. Kind of takes the shine right off it all....
  16. I know what you mean. national network golfcoverage is three hours of commercials occasionally interrupted by a guy swinging a golf club. I hate it when Woods is in the lead because then they revert to their preferred coverage mode of only following him... golf swing, eight commercials.... golf swing, eight commercials.....
  17. Poor Sergio Garcia..... officially dubbed the "best player never to have won a major" came so close. BTW, that's the same title that plagued Phil Mickelson for so many years. I thought Sergio had it. he needed that six foot putt on the last hole and he hit it perfectly..... but it looked like it took a tiny hop left on the way which was just enough to make it catch the edge and spin out. An 1/8" to the right, and he would have been the champion. Instead, he ended up tied in a playoff which he lost by a single stroke. I feel sorry for the guy, I was really rooting for him.
  18. The DA mechanicals in my CZ-85 are kind of wierd, not smooth and linear like most. I could only get mine down to about 7.5#, but I didn't try pushing it into the "misfire" zone.
  19. gas is killing everybody, and it's also strangling our economy. That fuel cost runs through every single thing we buy and the inflation is already taking off.Too bad we can't get people to conserve. Maybe when it's $10/gallon? Not a rebuttal just something else to think about - Too bad we can't drill for oil right here at home and build some new refineries so that when there is a problem with one another one can pick up the slack! I believe we have many wells here in the US that are "capped off" because they don't become "profitable enough" to pump until crude hits about $60 - $70. Until then, it's cheaper to import. As for more refineries? Yes, the oil companies should have been building them except they might have noticed: 1) Building more refineries costs them $$$ 2) Having more refineries removes their #1 excuse for gouging on price Doesn't take an MBA in economics to see why they are not building new refineries.
  20. gas is killing everybody, and it's also strangling our economy. That fuel cost runs through every single thing we buy and the inflation is already taking off.Too bad we can't get people to conserve. Maybe when it's $10/gallon?
  21. Doesn't look right to me. peening usually means something is colliding with something else..... if the gap is too wide, that could be the reason. I'm surprised the barrel material is soft enough to do it that quickly.
  22. Just tried this. Yup, another good idea from BE. Thanks! Chuck edit; Thanks Mr Wide45 for digging this up! He is correct: the spinning polishers are polishing the wrong direction (at right angle to the axis the ammo goes in and out). Always polish in and out only. And cranky feeders get the most "bang for the buck" polishing the top of the ramp(enetering the throat) and the inside upper surface of the throat.... the tip of the round drags the top of the throat going in and the side of the case is dragging on the top of the ramp as it feeds.
  23. If you hand polish as I described, it will take about six lifetimes to screw up a feed ramp.
  24. Here's how to keep it flat: You need a large, long, wide mill file. remove the slide and triple tape every surface you don't want the file to hit. Use many layers of tape across the top of the rear sight Clamp slide in panavise. Lay the flat file on top of BOTH sets of sights and file the top of the front sight gently using the TAPED top of the rear sights as the cradle to keep the file dead flat in all planes. Build up the height of the rear sight platform for the file a tad (with tape layers) and that will make sure the front sight top has a little downward cant to make sure the face view will be square and you won't see an image of the top edge as you view from the back. NOTE: as you file, check frequently to make sure your file hasn't cut through the tape on the rear sight since you don't want to file that. Add tape as required.
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