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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. Is the rear sight assembly centered on the slide itself? Sometimes those can be loose enough to walk a little and have to be tightened up.
  2. The trigger has almost nothing to do with a Kaboom. That is more about getting the slide completely back into battery.True. A buggered trigger group in a Glock is more likely to be the blame if you hear: bang-bang-bang-bang-bang with one trigger pull
  3. Might have to chuck the contact lenses. I am also very nearsighted and the best solution for me was to get glasses with distance scrip in the left eye and a close scrip in the right eye I sight through. That scrip would focus at the sight length. Take a business card to the optometrist and get the scrip that makes the letters sharp at arm's length for the sighting eye. You might be able to keep the contact lenses and get one for the right eye that brings the focus point up to sight distance. I did not like contacts because they would "fog up" from me not blinking my eyes enough when sighting.
  4. Not always true. Never said it was always true. But in my experience, it's true WAY more than it's not. Just a suggestion.
  5. Just be sure to check the weight of the Trojan 9mm, not the .45. Because they (Springfield) use the same slide and bushing, the 9mm barrel is noticeably thicker, accounting for the weight increase for the 9mm versions. I am assuming that this is the case with STI as well. Chris My 9mm Trojan with bushing does have the "standard" outside diameter barrel of 1911 spec so when 9mm is bored, the barrel walls are thicker and the barrel is the heaviest of all the calibers (least amount of metal bored out). Don't know exactly how much more weight that adds compared to .40 or .45, but it does add some.
  6. This one shows a price of $3600 new, so $2k for mint condition used sounds like a steal if it's the same gun. http://www.mannyusa.com/Firearms_Training/product/USA_STI_Xtreme_Delux.html beautiful gun
  7. On a slightly philosophical note: in my (lengthy) life I have found it to never be wise to buy "entry level" anything. You will eventually outgrow it and wish you had bought something better so you end up selling the entry level thing and buying what you wish you had bought in the first place. My suggestion is save $$$ until you can buy a good version of whatever it is you are seeking like a a used STI Trojan which is probably in the $900 ballpark.
  8. I would ask them that exact question. In many cases, different "levels" of trigger kits may mean the competition kit is the lightest but may require soft primers for reliable ignition. These are the questions to ask.
  9. Did that on my G35 way back when I got it. Trigger finger angle makes it drag on the inside of the trigger guardand I took some sandpaper and beveled the inside of the trigger guard and polished it very smooth. Also need to "work" the edge of the trigger safety so it lays down smooth when depressed. Easy to do with the edge of an Xacto blade.
  10. For what it's worth, I will speak the blasphemy: when Is et up a SW revo for light DA pull, I have a home made mandrel bend thing I use to curve the spring. I reduce spring force until I get a misfire on DA pull with whatever ammo is to be used, then increase it maybe 15% above that level. Even more blasphemous: I set the curve so I get the mainspring force I want when the strain screw is about 1/4 turn out from all the way in and I use blue loctite to hold it in place. That gives me a shade of extra spring I can turn in if needed while shooting if some stiff ammo shows up. For the rebound spring: the correct force there depends on mainspring because the RB spring has to move the hammer back against the mainspring to reset. I use the minimum RB spring that gives good trigger reset and usually cut the spring so I can dial it in. What constitutes a "good trigger return" is obviously subjective. That means the mainspring and RB go as a set for a given gun. I realize cutting coils springs and bending leaf springs is not stylish but it beats having a mountain of spare springs. YMMV
  11. +1 That's why I think the Trojan is the best value. For about $300 more (compared to mass made) you get a semi custom gun. IMHO, that's a good deal.
  12. Brand new is $1135, so adjust used price from there based on condition. https://www.dawsonprecision.com/ProductDetail.jsp?LISTID=80000E0A-1388518199
  13. +1 That's it exactly. I have some of the "10 round limit" magazines (because I live in california) and they are so tight with ten rounds loaded in that they can not be inserted into the gun at all with the slide forward.
  14. I am looking forward to watching NCIS Nawluns.I always liked Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap and Enterprise but I just can't watch the show. I was raised in Louisiana and the accents they are doing are so completely phoney that they sound like fingernails on chalkboard. My wife is also from La and when she heard it she said "OH MY GOD!" They just should not do accents when they do them that badly.
  15. Love that show. Spader is totally believable as the psycho antihero.
  16. That pretty much sums up the established wisdom as I have understood it. I even seen differences in wear rates between the SW stainless steel guns versus carbon steel (stainless wears a lot faster at critical wear points) so I don't think I want to do much shooting with anything made from scandium/aluminum.... scandium was a good idea to make a carry gun lighter.
  17. You can remove the sear. I convert mine to DAO with a second hammer that I milled off the full cock notch. Brownells used to sell the military "parts kits" for the M9 that had virtually every internal part in it for about $20 so I had a spare hammer. Hammer takes about 20 seconds to change, the sear is harder.
  18. It happens. A lawyer in court at a loss for words stammered, shook his head and said: "Your honor.... I move that my next question be stricken from the record."
  19. Bird not make nest In bare tree. James Bond (when Japanese friend commented on his abundant chest hair)
  20. On one of my favorite shows which was "Mad About You", jaime who played the wife got angry and started ranting and said: "So this is what marriage is? You put up with my crap and I put up with your crap? Paul the husband thought for a moment and said: "This is what I was thinking...."
  21. Reminds me of the man who became obsessed with finding the meaning of life. He abandoned his work and family and spent his whole life searching for the meaning of life. Finally, at the age of 92, he learned that there was a monk who knew the meaning of life but he would have to climb a mountain to find him. So he dragged his old body up the mountain and finally came upon the monk and asked him: "What is the meaning of life?" The monk answered slowly and deliberately: "Life is like a fountain." The man waited and waited and finally exploded: "You mean I wasted my whole life for this and all you can say is that life is like a fountain?" The mnk looked concerned and said: "You mean...... life isn't like a fountain?"
  22. I like it OK. It is similar to a DA revolver, trigger pull is in the 9 - 10# range. If I was to use a Ber 92 for carry or defense, I would opt for the DAO version so the trigger pull was the same each time.
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