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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. +1 And if it's not, try other ammo until it is. Factory barrels shoot better than most shooters.
  2. Also be careful if you use one for shining things up. Even with a cotton wheel, the metal gets hot pretty quickly. Another thing: I dont use a dremel as an excuse for laziness. Most of what I polish (including feed ramps) can easily be done by hand it just takes longer. But it is more gradual and does not have the danger of catching an edge and tearing things up.
  3. +1 That's exactly how a comp woks. The forward shooting gasses go into an "expansion chamber" and then slam into a wall generating a forward force that offsets much of the recoil force which is what operates the gun. That reduces recoil and muzzle lift but also reduces the ability of the slide to drive to the rear and cycle the gun.
  4. It says right on the first page of the Kuhnhausen manual that you have to prepare your Dremel for gunsmithing by putting it in the closet then setting a bowling ball on it and locking the closet door. It doesn't really say that but it should....
  5. I would be OK with that if their PC didn't charge about 50% extra for their "performance quality tune" and then sell you a dog that needs a ton of work.
  6. The worst is the Muzak versions you have to hear when you are trapped in the elevator.
  7. You're not nit picking and Remington is certainly not the only gun maker shipping junk. Smith Wesson has been doing it for a number of years now. The truth is, gun makers have enjoyed a strong upsurge in sales from the "tailwind" provided by the national panic that ensued after the last presidential election when all the fear mongers started screaming that guns were going to be outlawed and even collected. A lot of that is still going on and gun supplies (and ammo) have dried up but gun makers have also enjoyed major sales increases. How Remington managed to sail with those following seas and still go into major debt is probably the usual story: idiots in management. Well, I called it: And then a panic sell:
  8. Go ahead if there's a problem. The topic has been pretty accurately discussed and there is clearly no home brew solution to a quartz watch which just died for no reason. Except maybe a ballpeen hammer.... starting to sound like a plan to me.
  9. Hi bockerSV, I sincerely hope what you have advised is not effective... 'Cause that means the instructions for replacing the battery (required maintenance btw,) are not in the owner manual. There is no information at all about the battery in the owner's manual except for the ERRONEOUS claim that the battery type is listed on the watch back. It is not. Changing the battery is not that bad except you have to rip the paper seal off and then kluge it back on. Obviously, they intend it to be replaced at the factory or service center where they have new paper seals to install.
  10. From post #13 above: My reply was: The ANALOG watch is dead. has nothing to do with the reset. It's just a mechanical quartz movement and it is stone dead even with a new battery. If I decide to use the "warranty" I will have to mail it both ways at my expense and pay a "repair fee" which doesn't sound like much of a warranty to me.
  11. I have put about 20k rounds through my 9mm STI Trojan. Hasn't failed in so many years I couldn't count. Like any 1911, you have to tune the extractor once in a while.
  12. I have other watches. The core problem is that everything sold today is throw away junk and warranties are a joke.
  13. I don't know if it's "special". Maybe short yellow bus special since it only ran 18 months before it died. What ticks me off is the "lifetime warranty" which requires you pay $20 plus shipping both ways to use it so you end up paying about $40 to get $60 watch fixed...... some warranty.
  14. Looks like the lifetime warranty is not going to be worth much...... I'm glad you took a photo of the seal. it says to short the two pins. ... dunno why that is... I'd try that before I chucked it. It resets the digital watch. I did it about five times. No problem with the dig watch, it's the analog movement that's stone dead.
  15. Funny you would mention that..... I bought a TIVO premiere box and was discussing their "Plan prices" and they said that the lifetime plan was $500. I was actually going to buy that one because I watch TV a lot and plan to live another 20 years..... until the guy mentioned that the "lifetime" in lifetime plan was just the lifetime of the converter box (which average a few years life). I said no thanks.....
  16. Yeah, I have a cheapo digital watch that's 10 years old and keeps perfect time. I just collect wrist watches that I think are cool. I like the analog type which have a digital secondary back display. It's not like getting ripped off for $60 is going to break me, it just bugs me that companies put warranties on junk that is full of defects.... WHOA! That last sentence gave me a deja vu moment and made me flash back to the new SW627 I bought a couple of years ago..... and it was WAYYYY more than $60.
  17. +1 All barrels are not created equal. The better ones are tighter tolerance and the "service grade" are looser and more forgiving to out of spec ammo.
  18. I ripped the seal off and found a CR2032 Lithium coin cell. That's the good news. The bad news is that a new battery did not get the watch running. It's dead after a long life of 18 months being worn about one day a week. I called the watch maker which is geneva watch and ran in to a looping voice mail jail. Left a message and got no response. Sent an email and got no response. Looks like the lifetime warranty is not going to be worth much......
  19. Is this reload 9mm ammo? I had that problem because the cases were not sized (tapered) and were jamming up like a cork in a wine bottle.
  20. I have this stupid Kenneth Cole watch KC9110 model I bought last year and the battery seems to be dead. Anybody know what kind of battery it uses? The battery has a seal over it and I am sure tearing it off voids the warranty. I have tried contacting the "maker" which is geneva watch but no reply. I don't want to have to spend $30/year ad infinitum to keep a $60 watch going.... which is what it would cost to mail it back and get it done.
  21. Agree it is very much likely a fit problem. Only other way I have seen lugs cracked off was from people who do a lot of slide drops onto n empty chamber. Not assuming you did, but that will stress the lugs.
  22. That isn't true: the industry music formats were well established for many years before Apple got into it. Music CD's were sold with WAV files and music online was sold in MP3 format for the simple reason that WAV files were too large and took too much download time. Apple's "MP4" format did not improve sound, reduce file size or add any benefit other than making it locked file that only loads onto an Ipod. No benefit at all to customers, just blocking out all other music sources. If apple's ecosystem was "closed" it's by their own design and intention. Try to understand this: Suppose ABC Video came out and said we are going to start a video DVD's service. So you buy a membership and you order a DVD. But it won't play in your player that uses the industry standard format. You have to buy the ABC player for $300. Which also means the video won't play in your mini van's player you use to for the kids. And what's the most important thing, ABC didn't tell anybody about the non compatible format before they took your money. Of course, when called on it ABC starts whining about how big a problem video pirating is and how they had to take it upon themselves to implement a proprietary format to prevent it from happening.... which just happens to block usage of the product on all industry standard hardware. That's a crock and everybody knows it and ABC (many years later) fixes the problem they still don't admit ever existed. How happy would you be? As for the legal outcome, it was probably never in doubt. Judges don't understand technical info they go with whoever can line up the most "experts" to tell their version. The bottom line is apple screwed up. They burned their customers over greed. And they could have easily settled years ago for good will by just giving a small rebate on each song downloaded under the useless format as a customer "nuisance fee". But it is what it is and I won't be doing business anymore with apple. And they may not care.
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