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Everything posted by titandriver

  1. Don't make it so hard for us geezers that can barely put one foot in front of the other Joe!!! Better make certain to have some defib paddles on hand!!
  2. I concur! Have no idea why IPSC is dragging their feet when it comes to accepting USPSA rules!
  3. You're allowed 20 round mags in MA?
  4. So lets see a pic of that new comp if you don't mind!
  5. I'm with Sarge -- awesome piece of kit! Loaded over 25,000 rounds of 40 with 180 Bear Creeks and NO problems!
  6. Thanks Joe! I'm gonna try to make one or two of 'em next year. Also, we're working on putting on some rifle/pistol matches here next year, sure hope it works out! See ya!
  7. Never could get my DW Mayhem Elite to run 100% with 20 rounds in the mags. K10's or Caspians, Grams guts or stock, Hennings pads or stock, made no difference. Now if you stayed at 17 or fewer it would work just fine. If I put 17 or 18 rounds in the Caspian mags I'd have to pound it in with a rubber mallet due to the swelling near the top. Wouldn't drop free either. The K10's were marginally better but after about 7000 rounds I gave up on it. Shame to cuz I really loved the way they feel and shoot. If 20 round mags that fit and work 100% ever come to market I'll go back to it; otherwise it'll just sit in the safe unless someone wants to buy it from me! Should add, if anyone would be willing to massage the frame to accept SVI/STI mags, it would be a definite keeper! Unfortunately there are only a couple of guys who do that modification and they will only do it on a new build.
  8. Steel cases? No sir, XM855. Green tips are steel though.
  9. I got that same "mag tuning, squeeze 'em in a vice" advice from Gary Smith himself. Can't figure out why they won't take their own advice and fix the problem themselves before sending the mags.
  10. Saw LOTS of WW & CCI SP primers at the Billings gun show last weekend. $32-$35 per K price range. 1000 round case lots of Fed. 223 ammo as well for $375 per case.
  11. Dunno, I've got three six inch pistols in 40 S&W, one weighs 36 ounces, one weighs 42 ounces, and one weighs 49 ounces. My most used blaster is the 36 ounce one. I shoot 180's, 200's, and 220's in 'em all at major PF and the lightest pistol feels the best with any bullet weight.
  12. 24C's are out of stock so no saving 20% on them!
  13. Ahh.............. noticed the rear sight looked like it is raised quite a bit so was curious why the tall front. Thanks!
  14. This from Shred - on this forum in 2003: Just got a Dawson Mini-Gun Stroker. It's an excellent piece of work-- the slide stroke on this thing is so long you can rack it back and see daylight in front of the disconnector rail. I think Dave says it goes an extra 0.3". I was expecting more dot movement with the long travel, but it shoots soft and quick. So I think it's a little more involved than just putting in an 8lb recoil spring!
  15. Is the CBR good to go for 3 Gun or should I hold out for a SP3G? Thanks! Patrick - can you hook a brother up?
  16. This: Of course,I don't have the kind of money Sarge or Pat have!!!!
  17. Weren't optional re-shoots given the one year at Berry- late '90's - when there was a torrential downpour one day during the Nationals match?
  18. This'll cure what ails your pistol!
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