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Everything posted by spook

  1. Uh, well, I dunno Dave, sorry. I'm not in the US (Europe). I couldn't tell you for sure, so I would ask Vince Pinto in the IPSC/USPSA rules questions forum. I think it's no problem. The 625's I'm shooting are one "model of 1988" (5000 produces worldwide) and one "model of 1989" (don't know how many produced). So be sure to double check before buying.
  2. You make me wish I was an American. My country probably doesn't even have enough revolvershooters to form a team .
  3. Dave, It seems most people here got the most impotant stuff in perspective. You have to practice a lot, the gear will follow. The biggest reason for people to buy a 625 seems to be fast reloads, due to the enormous charge holes. If you get a 646, the holes are relatively the same size (holes are smaller, but so is the cylinder). If you get a 610, the holes are relatively small(er), so you'll chamfer them to "as big as you like". A 686 will bring speedloaders into the game, plus you'll shoot minor (or work up some funky .357 loads), so I personally would stay away from them and go with a moonclip gun. Just go with whatever you feel is best, or whatever is the cheapest. I know you already load .40, so why not go with a 610 or 646? With practice, reloads will be just as fast. You say you don't know a lot about revolvers. Well, there's not that much you should know to be competitive. You just have to know YOUR revolver. And practice like a maniac. Good luck pickin' one. And remember: Buying a new gun is fun!
  4. spook

    2003 Dakar

    Pat, that's a pretty cool site. Thanks.
  5. spook

    2003 Dakar

    Pat, I thought it was from Paris to Dakar (hence the name of the rally)? Is it really to Egypt?
  6. Flex said:"...."but, I (personnally) couldn't let that crappy trigger get the best of me.... " I'm with Flex. You can always get a better gun. If you want it, go for it. But I would use it and practice with it until I could kick everybody's @ss with it. Do you know how much fun it is to kick ass with a cheap gun?
  7. Duane, I think your assumptions are right. I did notice a lot of difference going from N340 to N320. N320 is sooo much softer. With bullet weight it's exactly what you say. The heavier, the more it flips, but it's softer and not so loud. That's why I shoot 230's. I would expect the 155's to be really snappy. In the end, it's all about what you like best. I bet the great shooters can do everything with factory ammo, but the tailor made stuff is just better for the mental game.
  8. Bill, the Nill's are custom made and arguably the best grips in the world (IMO). However, the custom fit requires you to go to the factory and have them measure your hands and show them how you grip the gun etc. You can also give them a drawing of your hand, but the fit will be less "custom". They're great grips. BTW, you can also buy blanks (partly finished) from Nill.
  9. Merry Christmas Vince. And a happy 2003. You've been a great help in answering my (sometimes irritating ) questions. Thanks. Björn
  10. jamxc, you can shoot ipsc in Belgium. Look at http://www.bpsa.be for more info. Unfortunately there's no IDPA in Europe, for as far as I know. Hope this helps. BTW, hope to see you if you ever come to any Dutch matches. Good luck in Belgium. Björn
  11. Thanks Julien. A merry Christmas and a very happy 2003 everyone!! Björn
  12. ROTFLMAO, Flex, your post, followed by Erik's are too much... Travis, Mira is beautiful. How could I forget her?
  13. Now who would name their kid after a Swedish fighter jet?
  14. L2s and Ron, yeah, I've noticed the same. When I LAMR and before SR, I snap at the gun (and grip it) about 5 times. This not only makes my draw smoother, but also faster (as fast is smooth, this makes sense, right?).
  15. Patrick, what kind of springs are you using now?
  16. DD, you could use one of those foldable work benches and put an SDB on that. I would go with an SDB and maybe an electronic scale (a lil'expensive, but no hassle). "Am I going to be able to get a press, set it up, and leave it, and then crank out .45 ammo that will do as well as the factory stuff I buy now, whenever I feel like it, without intensive study or explosive mishaps?" Yup. that's what you will have when you have found "your" load, and setup your press. You will need a press (SDB), scale, caliper, flip tray, safety glasses(!!!) and you're good to go. Good luck. Björn
  17. You go grrl! I'm currently in university, will finish in one or two years. For any math problems (I studied physics for a year), just post them in "Question that don't fit anywhere" Good luck.
  18. Bjorn, dude, I didn't mean it like that. I'm really really NOT offended DON'T CHANGE YOUR FORUMNAME! I'M REALLY COOL WITH IT!! etc., etc. BTW, are you from Germany or Scandinavia? Don't worry about getting used to revo's. In a couple of months you have to get used to shooting autos again. The bass thing is really cool. Especially when you shoot moonclips.
  19. Erik, let me start off by saying this has nothing to do with lust (), but I think Gwyneth Paltrow is the perfect woman. I don't know why. She just is.
  20. NOONE HERE LIKES AL PACINO???? Loved him in Carlito's Way, Serpico and Scent of a Woman.
  21. Yeah, we've had fun this year. Congratulations on your A classification.
  22. Steve, LOL. That's exactly how I felt. A guy who also shot revo shot right before me and finished in about 26 seconds. Then I had to shoot. I remembered thinking "Wow, that was faster than 26 seconds" It was.
  23. Leonardo in the women's category. LOL. He's a very good actor though. Too bad he accepted to play in Titanic What surprises me is that some of the "pretty boy" actors, who were famous for their looks, rather than their acting skills are really good. To name a few: Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise all played some brilliant stuff. Pitt in Kalifornia, Depp in almost all of his movies. And I know I'm probably the only one, but I really really liked Vanilla Sky (though it depressed me for about two weeks after I watched it) Brian, nice list. BTW, after seeing Training Day, I would like to add Denzel to my list. Awesome role. (Edited by spook at 10:50 am on Dec. 18, 2002)
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