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Everything posted by spook

  1. Got it last Christmas. Figured out today I watched it at least 15 times since I got it. This is a piece of art. Jeff Bridges and John Goodman are added to my favorite actors list.
  2. TBF, yeah I run them through the Auto prime after I load them. Sometimes my Square deal (probably the operator ) does a real crappy job of seating primers. I always have one or two that need re-seating. For the rest I do exactly as Patrick. Anything that requires force goes in the practice bin.
  3. Hawker, I use Federal 150 LP primers. Never have misfires (do have 'em with Winchesters). What I do is just load them on my Square deal. My match ammo gets another run through the Lee auto prime.
  4. Even, Paul's is right, but if you want a fast answer, I suggest you post your question on http://www.mattburkett.com It's probably faster than waiting around here for him to answer it.
  5. I think I would like to have one of the saver tools, but they're a bit expensive. I can buy more than 50 clips for that money. I throw them away when the start to suck. For less than a buck a piece, I just buy a few every now and then.
  6. spook


    Bubber, I hear ya. It's definately a must to have a relaxed strong hand grip. I've noticed that it's good to have a high grip for recoil contol, but with the high grip I cannot pull the trigger fast enough. There's too much finger in the guard and I'm pulling it with the second pad (is this correct English?) of my finger. I find that I can pull the trigger the fastest with the pad of my finger towards the first joint. But when I want to do this, I have to grip really low on the gun. The reason is probably that I have large hands. George, that's exactly the point of my thread. Revolvers don't recover as well as autos do. So how do you deal with that? Paul, I think you're right. Just seeing what happens when you shoot is the best way to find out. I was wondering. I seem to have real trouble with my support hand, concernig it's position on the gun. It feels like it doesn't do much at all. Sometimes I wonder if I need it at all . Do you have any things you watch for with your support hand? Bjorn
  7. Dave, these might help. http://www.brianenos.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard...43&topic=10 http://www.brianenos.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard...43&topic=30 Greetings, Bjorn
  8. bomgrene, it'll take time. I had a serious flinching problem. I tried everything. Nothing helped. I didn't know what to do. It just went away. It takes time and [insert Chris Farley as motivational speaker voice] "a positive mental attitude". Just trust that you will overcome the flinch. If you focus on the flinching too much, it will never go away. Take small steps and don't worry and be patient. It took me about a year.
  9. spook


    Yeah, disappointing is the right word. And in the end everyone will know the truth, so why bother? Just be honest. Nothing bad will happen.
  10. I hate bumping my head agaist thing that should have been made higher. Bumping my head p!sses me off more than anything. I get sooooo mad when it happens. I am only 6'3" and come from the country where the average man is taller than anywhere in the world. So why the f^*k do I keep bumping my head against things like door posts? Make them higher dammit!!! Dave, keep working on reloads. I used to do 5 second reloads about a year ago. Now, when I dryfire, I have a nice "easy" drill: Draw and 5 reloads in under 10 seconds. I always make it. Just practice like a maniac. You can do it.
  11. spook


    A new thread to follow up Paul's last, about the flich/timing thing. I was wondering (ans so was Paul I believe) how much pressure you apply when shooting your revo. Compared to autos. Comparison between light anb heavy loads etc. What do you notice when you shoot from this perspective? I'll go first I notice that when I do live fire excercise, the pressure seems to be bigger (compared to dry fire). I put a near death grip on my gun. If I loosen up, I get awful split times, but the gun does come down nicely (just very slowly). This made me think. With an auto, the slide does most of the work. Brian says in his book that it doesn't matter how high a gun recoils, if it just comes back the same way/place. I wonder if this also goes for revolver shooters. Jerr M. holds his gun so high that the web of his hand almost touches the spur of the hammer when he's shooting. He does this to cut down recoil. So appearently to him it matters how high the gun recoils. I also read an article one in which he said that it is VERY important to watch the FS all the way through the shot. STAYING with it, not just calling it and waiting until it's back in the notch. So I wonder how all this is affected by grip pressure. Please tell me your experiences Bjorn
  12. Yeah, that kind of "law"is just a tax in disguise. If the government is really worried you might get yourself killed, why is it still legal to smoke, or drink? Because the government make big bucks on that.
  13. Yeah Brian the forum is Rooooooling. It rocks. Thanks man.
  14. I think this is a common thing with revolvers. With a revolver there's no slide moving the gun around. Therefore you can use your muscles more effectively for moving the gun back. I tried to "let the revolver do the work" a couple of times. This just led to the worst split times ever. That big 625 comes back sloooowly on itself.
  15. Dave, the top guys in my country used the safariland when they won the European Steel Challenge. I've tried it once but (to me ) it's the most awful, unsecure holster I've ever seen (OK, maybe I'm exagerrating a little). It seemed like the shroud is there to tip the gun over when it falls out. Like that's the only reason they put it there. If you want fast and safe, go with CR (I don't have one yet, but tried one). The USA holster, which is originally a German holster, I've tried. It's fast, very fast. I wouldn't recommend it if you want the feeling of a secure holster. It is secure, but your draws will be scary with this thing. The gun needs to be lifted about 0.1" before you can draw. So, my two cents: Safariland 002 blows (for revo). With CR you cannot go wrong. USA holster is really fast, but I wouldn't feel comfortable wtih one (even though they're very secure).
  16. Thanks for the reply Wakal. Yeah, that's what I thought. In the end, it's all about money. I think that's why the rest of the world is so sick and tired of this whole Iraq thing. To me, it's so obvious that a war on Iraq is just good for US economy. If Bush had any intention of retaliating the WTC bombings, then why isn't Osama's head on a stake in the front yard of the White House? Why isn't he criticising Saudi Arabia? Why doesn't he tell the US citizens (and the rest of the Western world what "evidence" he has on the whole thing? I saw a recent documentary on a German researcher, who did research on the Osama videos. Appears he doesn't even mention the WTC in his videos. CNN "translates" and puts the word WTC in the subtitles about 5 times. Kinda makes you wonder what to believe. Guess we'll never find out, though. We're all just puppets in the big game.
  17. Vince, I think you're right when you say it's the guns. People tend to watch times. They like being fast. You can't be(/look ) fast with a revolver if you don't practice your like mad. BUT, I also think there's something else involved. Most people I know that are really competitive have been competing since there was just open and standard (and modified, but I'll get to that later). The newbies tend to listen to the experienced shooters (at least in my region/area, which is the Netherlands). They tell them to get this and that and mostly advise them to get a Standard or Open gun. I think this is also the reason there are so many more Tanfoglios in Europe. It's a little paradoxal, but there are so many Tanfoglios, because a lot of people shoot them, and tell other people to buy one. Same reason why there are so many Open and Standard competitors. Nobody here says:"Go try production first" They all say: "Wanna shoot my gun?" And two days later you see the new guy bought the same gun". Plus, if there's no competition, people go to other divisions. This (I think) is the reason there are so few modified shooters. It's a division that's just as expensive as Open, but with no competition. Over here, we have ONE Modified competitor (and about 90 or so open shooters. With production, the reason for few competitors is the unfamiliarity with the rules. Plus a lot of people doubt which gun to get and wait until a "winning gun" is determined (I know, I know, it's the shooter not the gun. But lots of people think it's all in the gun). So long story short: New shooters are not FAMILIAR with the idea that you can win DIVISIONS. They just think:"I'll be slow with a revolver/production gun. That racegun was so much cooler/faster. Gotta get me one of those". Just my 2 cents on that thread drift. Now on revolver division I can be shorter . I think it's the only division with PERFECT rules. No .40 for major crap. A capacity limit (sort of) and no dimension limits (except weight). It's the coolest. If I were king of IPSC, those would be the rules for standard too. (And I'd probably make a lot of friends too, with the capacity limit)
  18. Hi Vince, A1: Sub 2 second reloads with my wheelgun. Love it. A2: Cost. It's a friggin' expensive game. Should have sticked to fencing.
  19. Thanks Ron, This time I forgot.
  20. Yeah, Wakal, killing the enemy sounds like something that would make sense to some people. A question rises. Why don't the people that are trying to find a reason to attack Iraq, try to attack Saudi Arabia? I mean, almost every terrorist that was involved in the WTC Bombing was a Saudi, plus the dictatorial regime in SA is ten times as bad as that in Iraq. Wouldn't that make sense?
  21. Bill, made me laugh. If you want to post a link, just go to the link and cut and paste the adress from the adress bar.
  22. Duane: Back??? Paul: I like the way you spell americans in all caps. (Edited by spook at 9:05 pm on Jan. 26, 2003)
  23. RB, I said trajectory, but I meant torque. Low velocity means low torque, resulting in awful accuracy. I don't know anything about ICORE, but I would go with a lighter bullet or a higher velocity just for that reason. The drop is not really an issue, although 12cm at 50m seems like a lot to me.
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