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Everything posted by B_RAD

  1. I'll have to find out exactly what the everything was. It was Matt Hopkins gun.
  2. Haven’t noticed it. I’ve got a LOT of ammo thru mine. Pics?
  3. Everyone commenting that they got 6k rnds on a dot should prepare themselves for the immanent dot failure that's just around the corner. I want to see someone post that they got 25k on three dots. Haven't heard of anyone getting that much on three dots. I've got 25k one of mine but my others all crapped out around 5-8k.
  4. If you're planning on shooting competition and you're planning on shooting a lot, you need 4 optics IMO. If you're just plinking around on the range from time to time, then you can decide what will work for you. I've had two dots go down on me in the same week.
  5. Depends. There are friends I don't mind squadding with and there are some that I try to avoid at all cost. You have to figure that out. At least I do. Though, I've also realized that you can't always avoid the the things/people that could cause your shooting to suffer. So, you should try to work through those issues.
  6. I won a P-10F at nats. Gonna upgrade to the OR. I shot one all tricked out earlier this year. I like these.
  7. Awesome. Thank you for the correction. So, sounds like a bump to open.
  8. Well,.... After I said that I started thinking more about it.and could see how he's get bumped to open or even a reshoot. My guess would be, it'd all depend on how well the RM knew the rules. I could see all several different outcomes based on who was running the show. Though, I don't know that, from memory, I agree that the score can be changed after the it's been approved. I'm wrong a lot so,.....maybe I'm wrong here too? Again, that could also depened on who's running the show and/or how good the competitor argues. It's like any other game/sport. Wrong calls get made and upheld from time to time.
  9. Did not read all the comments but I say option 3. If the shooter had something negative to his score but hit approve, it would be too late to do anything about it. Same should go for this. Though, if the shooter realized he had somewhat of an unfair advantage over the other prod shooters, and he volunteered to reshoot, I'd be ok with that. Though, that's kinda picking and choosing to enforce the rules or to not enforce. Which is not a good idea. Just saying.
  10. It's definitely the arrow, not the Indian! Kidding. Correct. Better guns do not make the shooter any better. Though, some options help. Buy what you like. Don't buy what you don't. That's my motto. While I like the glock and shoot one currently in CO. If I was shooting Limited I'd probably choose something else. I know who shot what this year at nats and where they finished. I'm just saying while I like the glock and shoot one well, for Limited where I can have something like a 2011, I'm choosing that over a glock. This is based on gear. There are other factors to consider. Like cost or maintenance. OP, it's awesome that your getting into the sport and having a good experience! Sounds like your doing well.
  11. B_RAD

    Nationals Promo

    Not sure? What'd you hear?
  12. If you go milled, you're committed to one dot foot print. That's something to think about. I shoot MOS. Yes there's a chance the plate.can come loose. I've had it happen. I still prefer the plate. I also don't care about dot height due to the plate adding extra hieght. Some seem to worry about that. I don't. The guys winning CO are using plate systems. So,..... I'd guess they don't worry about it either. Plate is just easier. Saying that, direct milled isn't bad if you don't mind having less options to change the dot down the road.
  13. So everyone that buys a legion is going to get a barrel swap to no LCI? Are they going to start shopping new legions with the non-LCI barrel?
  14. B_RAD

    Nationals Promo

    Nationals promo..... There's another Nationals match coming up......
  15. Tulsa, while large enough, isn't the best equipped range. Sorry. I shoot there monthly. It's a good place but they'd need to make some improvements IMO. There is zero cover from the sun. Maybe that's not a deal breaker but I consider it a nice amenity and something that a range that's in the talks to host big matches should have. Also, there are some serious drainage issues. You get a big rain at any range and I'm sure it'll be an issue but I've seen standing water in bays at USSA for several months. Saying all that, I'd like to see Nats there. Just host it in October and cross your fingers it doesn't rain. To speak of SUPS. The dust was crazy bad. Not sure I'd want to go back there either. Frostproof is known for almost blinding sun over the berms and the local area not being great (from what I've heard. Never shot there) So, doesn't sound like there's any place that's perfect.
  16. I don’t know that they “want” 23 bays? The next ones are already scheduled. Frostproof and Talladega. I'd say Tulsa has enough bays. They've hosted before I believe. Also, Ft. Smith, AR has around 20 bays. They've hosted A4 recently. Can't really think of anywhere else that I've shot that could do it.
  17. This! Very good stuff! I think it comes out to $10.5 per box(50 rnds) shipped. You can't buy anything else for that price! I can verify it will work in a gen 5.
  18. I'm hoping to shoot both CO and Limited next year.
  19. I'm buying a Walther now. Kidding. I thought walthers were able to do 23 +1 with no mods?
  20. Well,.... Yes and no. This nats was mostly close hoser stuff. If one gun is more accurate than another that would/could make a difference in a match that had longer more difficult shots. Not saying the outcome would have been different but using one match as a barometer to make an equipment decision might not be the best way. Saying that, I shot a glock. I shoot it well too. While I don't feel the glock is bad, there are times I wish I had a single action trigger and a more accurate gun. Not that the glock is horribly inaccurate. Just my thoughts.
  21. Your time is coming. I've since had a couple dots go down. My main one has 25k in it. My others are crapping out at around 5k.
  22. Is there anything that can be done to help make for a more forcefull reset?
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