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    Jason Bradley

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  1. I don’t run my thumbs forward enough to really touch it. I do like that these will prevent you from dumping the mag on table starts. That alone might be worth it if a guy has that problem.
  2. So this is not to critique the product. I’ve just always wondered why these are pretty common on open guns but very few people at a high level run these on Prod/CO. At least that I’ve seen.
  3. What do you even know! Psshhh!
  4. I have about 40k of bullets already bought and paid for. Don’t want to buy new ones for the rival. Though, I’ve noticed chamber length changes in my TP9SFX as I’ve gotten new ones. I’m just gonna shoot my older ones I guess. Though, with my current loads, they shoot low with the fixed irons. So, can’t really find a sweet spot. I might just get some CZ’s . Oh wait. They have CIP too!
  5. Thanks for the huge compliment. I’m starting to get back into things. I needed a break. currently I’m trying to remember my load data. I lost all my precut info. also, I’m starting to get pissed off at these stupid ass CIP chambers. I want one load that’ll work across all my guns, but some bullet ogives are just too round and I don’t want to load super short. europeans and their 115 gr fmj
  6. Mine is pretty short!. I don’t want to ream the barrel but I want to keep my reloads the same and have them work for every gun. Not sure what I’m gonna do at the moment. Right now I’be still got 5 TP9SFX set up. So, not in a hurry.
  7. I had way too much going on with work, life, etc in the weeks leading up to Nats. I had to back out. I ended up getting sick that week so it was best I ended up not going. I'm also dealing with serious burnout. I have zero desire to shoot right now. The org has some issues right now! That's not helping cure my burnout. Maybe a long off season will help? Though, I'm finding it difficult to get away from everything. The video of 2020 nats has only a few stages. I don't film myself. Those were taken by a buddy. Most of them in the video are bad stages for me.
  8. Yeah. If the OP wants quality info, PSTG is the place to go. No drama. No bad info to sort thru. Just good, correct info.
  9. Just know,… most the time, the answer is skill. Not gear!
  10. I know it takes me several thousand rounds to really trust a gun. Especially when we’re taking about Nats!
  11. Also, Masons gun was actually his CO grip module and he didn’t even put a magwell on it. Not the one in the pic posted above. His upper is a grey guns upper in .40. No magic voodoo. 100% the person pulling the trigger. this is like a basic understanding that some people either get to or they don’t. Like other issues in life. Like a good credit score or saving money, learning a good trade. You know things that normal intelligent people come to understand as they mature. skill trumps everything else. If you learn/accept that, you’re at least heading in the right direction.
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