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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Anyone consider running rimfire carbine at AP matches? OK, I dind't get much sleep last night and I'm just leaving to go set up the monthly AP match and was thinking it'd be cool to take my .22 AR and give it a try. I have not thought about problems, and obviously since the NRA doesn't recognize it, it wouldn't count for score. Just thinking it might be interesting to offer it as a fun shoot. Keep in mind, for our matches we're only drawing 7 entries or so and two of those are me shooting two guns.
  2. There usually are. No matter how hard the RO's try to keep people from doing stupid stuff. The match is brutal mentally as well as physically. By the end of several minutes of shooting people tend to fade a bit. That and the stupid zipline probably caught a couple. Loading before crossing the yellow line.
  3. Take a look at the USPSA.org website under match results. Go to 2011 and check out the Production Nats. If you click on the competitors USPSA Number it brings up a summary of their stage performance, breakdown by stage of all their hits, and the number you're looking for at the bottom is the percentage of points they received. Give you an example, Ben Stoeger won with 94.48% and I was 16th with 88.85%. You can kind of poke around a bit. Some are faster with sloppier hits, others are slower with great hits.
  4. Still have about 20 slots left in this match. It's open to everyone at this point. The sponsors have stepped up big time for this. Just for signing up Crimson Trace is sending each competitor a Universal Rail Laser, a Universal Rail Light and a cert for one additional item from CT. (There are a couple restrictions, but as usual I haven't seen it so I'm not sure what exactly they are). For $175.00 you get all the Crimson Trace loot. A shot at some of the coolest prize table gear I've seen (I'm there are two thermal imaging optics from FLIR, where else you gonna get a two thousand dollar scope?) Two BBQ Dinners are included, one courtesy of NIKE, the other Crimson Trace. Giveaways at each. The Match Book should be posted soon with all the stages so you can see what you're in for. Quick rundown on the guns you'll be shooting though. Everything is subject to change but we're pretty much locked at this point Stage 1 FNH SCAR-L with Leupold VX-6 1-6 Multigun Scope, Leupold DeltaPoint in WARNE RAMP mount, Crimson Trace MVF-515 Light and Laser. Stage 4 Your choice of handguns, Glock 17, Springfield XDM, or Smith & Wesson M&P each equipped with a Crimson Trace Light and Laser. Stage 5 Primary Weapons System MK112 rifle with Crimson Trace IR Laser and NVG's Stage 6 Colt Competition's new 7.62 match grade rifle with Leupold scope and NVG Stage 8 FNH M240B with FLIR Thermal Optic This will be unique opportunity to shoot some of the most advanced gear we can lay our hands on. Don't miss it.
  5. hello, what about the revolver? can only shot 6 bullet even if gun have 8 bullet. is that shooting proceedure? In Revolver yes, Production you can shoot all 8
  6. Don't get me wrong. I'm 110% positive that Shannon, Manny and Frank will put on a great match and it will turn out awesome. That's why I already sent them my money because I don't want to miss it. All three of them have plenty of experience and if they say they can pull it off I'm sure they will. I'm just looking for travel info.
  7. I'm curious if it's a full day on Sunday, or if we can request to shoot the morning on that schedule. Be nice to fly out that night. And also if we'll need to be there on Thursday for registration, gun inspection or anything else, or if we just need to be on the range Friday morning. Sounds great. I'm just really short time at work and trying to minimize the time away.
  8. Just signed up. Very smooth and easy. 600 slots? Dang that's a lot of bodies in such a short time. Any chance we can get a schedule? I need to put in for time off, book travel etc. and I still have no idea how long I'll actually be in Frostproof.
  9. Any particular reason hes selling it? My logic..is ..if a glock is polymer and can last that long...an Ar should too.. There is a difference. A big difference in the polymer used in a Glock and this stuff. The take down pins, as well as the trigger pins are plastic. The takedown pins didn't look like you could replace them with standard metal pins either. The trigger was interesting but not anything I would use. The spot where the stock mounted to the receiver did not look like it would hold up. It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
  10. Sounds like you've done a great job. The one thing I would recommend on random prizes. Make the order to the prizes random and let the person pick what they get. It's really rough when you award specific prizes that the person can't use, or can't get home. We've done it before where we gave out steel targets to the guy who flew to the match, or the box of bullets for the gun he doesn't own. I'd much rather let someone come and pick their goodie. It makes for a lot less sales on the classified page.
  11. Just to clear something up since you've mentioned it incorrectly a couple times. There never was a proposed 5lb trigger pull in USPSA. IPSC has a 5lb first shot rule now. The USPSA BOD voted in and a month later rescinded a 3lb rule. The BOD thought it was in the best interests of Production. After it was put in place and the vast majority of shooters who contacted BOD members said they didn't think it was a good thing the BOD voted to remove that limit. In this case there are two guys, (well really just you anymore) arguing that this change needs to be made. I've stated my opinion along with several others as to why this is a rule change that should not and doesn't need to be made. We can continue to make rules and add to the rule book, trying to cover every little item. Right now the rule is pretty easy to remember and very easy to implement. If you declare minor, you're minor for the match. If you declare major, you're major for the match, unless you blow it at chrono. I can explain that rule to someone in about 10 seconds. You are proposing a rule that would not be easy to maintain, and could very easily lead to cheating, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And it's a rule that doesn't make the sport any more "fair" in my opinion (I know your opinion is different). I don't think the rule on popper calibration is fair. It might be out of calibration but once you shoot it down it can't be calibrated. That's not fair. I bet I can come up with an 8 page rule that would cover every eventuality and make everyone happy and sing Kumbaya at the end of the match. But no one would remember it, and it doesn't really add to the sport. The rules aren't perfect. They never will be. I don't want a sport that has an encyclopedia for a rule book.
  12. Kimber has primarily focused on supporting USA Shooting, the group that supports our Olympic athletes. Kimber donates a lot to that group. I wish they'd support our sports as well but they are putting a lot of money into at least some shooting sport.
  13. Buddy of mine just bought one. Brought it up last week. He's selling it this week. I was surprised how well the Cav Arms stuff held up, but it really seemed to hold up well. This stuff looks like junk. Might hold up really well, but I'm not going to be the one to try it. The AR lower receiver itself, really the only thing this is cutting weight on, doesn't weigh that much to begin with. Wouldn't spend my money on it. But who knows, could turn out to be Cav Arms quality.
  14. I wouldn't count on that. Each match, whether Area or other major will have its own prize distribution schedule I any. If it really matters to you ask before you go. It'll either be posted on the App or the MD should be able to answer what you're in for.
  15. that's how I've been doing it, however, if i throw the gun over the chrono, it might be easier to make pf. With a typical 39 oz gun, (17,062 grains), you only need to throw it at 10 fps to reliably make major, and it otta knock down steel pretty reliably..... at least up close. Yeah but that 50 yard target makes for a tough throw
  16. I'm a little curious about this. I heard Vance shot an SP-01, Robbie won it last year with a 5.25, Kyle the year before with an XD if memory serves and Sevigny the year before with a Glock 34. Another outstanding name in the field Enoch Smith runs an M&P. BJ this year ran a revolver. Seems like there are a lot of very, very good choices in Production but I haven't seen a clear standout. But then again I missed this year. BTW, I think your problem on the plates was a lack of match practice. We need to be seeing you in Sherwood for the monthly AP matches. And bring your crew down here will ya?
  17. So the answer is for a new shooter to play in a division that makesa stock gun less competitive? All I am saying is score it like everything else, hell, if any division needs a difference it is Production- split times in limited or open guns don't really vary all that much with major vs minor. I find it funny that we are all about "DVC" except in the most likely division a new shooter will compete in. Then it's just speed and accuracy? There is a power factor for Production. It's just not as high as Major in the other divisions. Production works well as it is. It gives the millions of owners of 9mm's a division they are completely competetive in. If they want to shoot a heavier recoiling gun they are welcome to, but they aren't getting more points for it. This has been covered repeatedly since Production came about. If you make it Major/Minor, particularly if it's limited to 10 rounds, everyone will shoot the Major cal. ammo and we're back to excluding the folks that have 9mms. Production is easily one of the most popular Divisions in USPSA. Why would anyone want to mess with that.
  18. I suspect the BoD's intention was to avoid an equipment race in Production. If their intention was to stifle new products , they would have banned those gimmicky pouches from all divisions. I don't know if you are purposely being obtuse, but in case you didn't know, the BoD recently approved rule changes in Limited that are anything but stifling new products. I'm all for leaving Production the way it is. As it's been said ad nauseum, USPSA has Open (and to a lesser degree, Limited) for folks that want to be on the cutting edge of equipment. Sounds like you should be shooting there. You mean they are avoiding a "visible" equipment race in Production. As long as you can't see the changes on the inside of the gun, race all you want. All the complaints about measuring trigger pull and the BoD reversed itself. If S&W developed the springloaded mag pouch, I wonder if it would have been banned from Production. Something makes me think it would not. Yes, I know all about the changes to Limited. Or as I have heard some call it, "Open Lite". What "new products" are being developed? Or do you mean different versions of existing products...like the thumbrest. And as I said above, cutting edge equipment means nothing without the range time to back it up. Wow, not only a stab at questioning the ethical integrity of the BOD, but a completely misguided one as well. Of all the companies to pick you choose Smith and Wesson? Seriously? If there is a single company that has a legitimate gripe about the BOD making decisions to screw with their company it's Smith. You clearly haven't been around long enough to remember the .356 TSW or for that matter the 6/8 shot revolver debate. I'd hope you can recall the issues over the M&P 9L/Pro series and how long it took to get those approved. To think that the BOD favors Smith and Wesson would be offensive if it wasn't so completely off base. If you think there will not be innovation in Limited, well tell me that in two years. I've already seen a handful of new products in prototype and the rules aren't even in effect yet.
  19. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done to change that at this point. Once the hour is over, the results are final. The registration list was posted at the range during the match for everyone to verify their entries, category and division. It can't be changed after the arbitration period even if it's wrong. The reason for the delay is someone is driving the database back and has to meet up with the guy who will post it on the website. I know everyone is anxious but it will happen.
  20. Yep, he shot Production, 1879-129x. An awesome score. Just not more awesome than the impressive scores turned in by Vance and Enoch. But also a score that if he had shot it in Metallic would have won the match. The top three Production shooters beat the whole field of Metallic Shooters. Impressive.
  21. Maybe I'm reading something nasty into your post, like joy over someones difficulty, I hope not. My point is unless you've stood out there at the Cup with everyone watching and all the pressure, you have no idea how difficult the plates are. In recent history the plates seem to be a given which is indicates how much higher the skill level has risen, but they have been the downfall of many great shooters at one time or another. Edit to add: Congratulations to Doug and everyone who competed in what a noted shooter calls the Bermuda Triangle of shooting. Not to speak for the writer on this one. I thought he was talking about Luca's 101 plate streak. (The applause after the last pass?) I would have loved to have seen that. But the plates did seem a bit evil this year. I was so confident last year with the Open gun on them and dropped a plate. The Metallic gun I was sure wasn't going to go as well I got 49. (Yes, a whopping one plate going for X count. But at least I took Martin's advice and didn't completely miss the first plate.)
  22. $50 a night during the week and $95.00 on Friday and Saturday nights.
  23. The allowance of compensators goes back to the AWB. Before if you had a comp you were in open. When rifle manufacturers started introducing comps on the rifles instead of flash hiders they were a common thing and rather than make people buy a new barrel they were allowed into Tactical (Limited, whatever). The comp size was kept to a maximum dimension of 1"x3" which excluded the big JP Tank brake and the impractical comps but allowed the smaller ones. Of course they work as well as the big ones now so there really isn't much difference. As far as covering up the ports it has been done before. I seem to remember hose clamps but I can't remember if it was sheet steel or something else.
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