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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Albany... Not if I have a vote (which I actually don't) Albany is a great range with great people but it's not a good 3 Gun range, and certainly up to holding the types of stages USPSA is now putting forward for the MG Nats. My suggestions for what they are worth (not much) Vegas Parma, ID Rockcastle, KY
  2. Called the MD today and fortunately I can put Tom's mind at ease. Every person on the waitlist has been offered a slot. Some couldn't accept because the scheduling didn't allow or they couldn't make it on shorter notice. We've also had some folks drop out for various reasons. The bottom line is the there is no more "wait list" although there are people waiting for specific schedules to open up. At this point it's first come, first served. As far as Max and Travis. They made arrangements with the MD to shoot that schedule months ago. Arrangements that I'm sure any other shooter, whether a D or GM, could have made if they asked. As to your question. Yes I see that some people think others receive special treatment. That really goes to their own belief system though. I've been shooting long enough I've seen lots of shooters receive special treatment. They are normally the ones that are polite and considerate. Whether they are National Champion, or the guy setting up the stages at his local match. If you are polite to match staff, you normally get what you need. Mouth off and get obnoxious and there really is no reason for them to go above and beyond to accomodate. As far as sponsored shooters receiving slots. That's something I have done in the past. If a sponsor wants to donate a bunch of stuff to the match I'll hold a spot for their shooter. Most don't take advantage of that spot. Some donate it to a Junior or Mil. The last A1 I did the sponsorship for had about 6 sponsored shooters but we didn't fill up either. It was easy to fit them in. This year is not a prize table match and Ken did not actively solicit prizes from anyone. The sponsors you see at this match contacted us to donate what they did.
  3. The original post was based on an incorrect assumption that you didn't make it into the match and that was source of your bitterness. I checked and found out you were in. Hence the change. That said, Travis and Max are additions that came when Ken opened up Wed/Thurs. They were not "Sponsored Slots". They were just where they could fit into a 425 person match. As far as Manny...well you're wrong. I checked the very first emails with squadding I received from Ken and he's always been in there. As far as whether a sponsor wants there shooter there for the main match or not is up to them. I'm sponsored and shooting in the staff match. From my perspective and I would hope that of my sponsors it is a better way of doing it. I'll shoot Wed/Thurs. Teach the Jr/Vet class Friday, and I'll be on the range till Monday taking pictures, meeting all the different competitors and moving around the different squads. Something I couldn't do if I was shooting in the main match. I do take offense to your implication that Max and Travis recieved special treatment because of who they are. They had the same shot as anyone else. The only person I've added to the match that wasn't on the list was Mike Hughes yesterday. And the only reason I did that is because he volunteered to come down and teach one of the Jr/Vet clinics for me when another instructor had to back out due to work and another due to surgery. If he's willing to help me out at the last minute the least I can do is find him a spot to shoot.
  4. Subscribe, unsubscribe. Doesn't matter. We all know this is the Mayor's fault whether he wants to admit it or not. Let's see, pitchfork is nice and sharp...hey, has anyone seen my torch?
  5. Tom, the MD opened the Wed/Thurs schedule to try and accomodate as many shooters as possible. I'm guessing your remark is aimed at Travis, Max and Manny. Travis and Max are on that squad because I, and the guy I'm traveling with moved to make room for them. Nothing sneaky. As far as Manny, he's paying his way to come out and teach a junior and vet clinic on Friday so he can't shoot that day. He's also been registered for a long time. Not a last minute add as you seem to imply. I'm sure if you would like to change your schedule to shoot before the general population arrives we can make it happen. In fact you can shoot on my squad.
  6. Conventional major power factor comps aren't as effective as they are with major. The size/weight to effect ratio is off. You can take one of them and cut the front couple baffles off or just start with a smaller comp. Take a look at Steel Challenge guns. That's essentially what you're looking to build. 9mm minor and almost every one of them is comped to some degree. You can also look at one of the Schuemann Hybrib barrels which work really well at minor PF and are easy to holster. The compl doesn't have the down force of a major gun, but it doesn't need it. What it mainly does is stabilize the dot to keep you on target quicker. Of course I even comp my .22's for the same reason. You could always go the smart way and build a Glock Open gun. I'm still convinced that gun rocks for 3 gun. Never have to worry about knocking the safety off when I dump it.
  7. I just got a little care package from Surefire yesterday. Three P2x Fury lights. 500 lumens the size of a 6P. That on top of the CT gear I've already got and I'm pretty well set.
  8. Very cool!!! Is there a limit on illumination devices on our person/weapons? Of course...you can't bring a Sherpa to haul your gear during the stage. As long as it's man portable go for it. And being a gamer at heart, it's gotta be either on the gun or you. No bringing a generator and spotlights and setting them up at the beginning of the stage. No littering the course with chemlights (other than those that will already be there). No having your buddy shining lights for you. If you want to mount a Hellfighter from SureFire on your Glock 34, go for it. I will say I wouldn't put a ton of effort or expense into it. You shouldn't feel the need to buy $1000.00 worth of flashlights. The longrange targets I was shooting with Travis last weekend were hit just fine without even using a light. While you can do whatever you want, you should be able to get through this without breaking the bank.
  9. Not entireley sure. I know they stock several. Best way to find out what CT will have available is to email Iain Harrison directly. Just cuts the middleman out and he can make sure they have enough. His email is iainh@crimsontrace.com
  10. FNH have jumped into the mix with one of these as a stage gun, and FLIR will be putting this on top of it. Spent an hour or two last week with Travis Gibson trying different target presentations in the dark. I'm pretty happy with what we came up with. Shouldn't be any problem hitting the long targets. For your guns we won't go past about 150 yards or so. Although we might go longer with one of the stage guns. But reaching out to distance won't be any problem with that one.
  11. So it looks like they go Green team next week. Good thing because I doubt the Blue Team would have last longer. I still can't believe they won any of the challenges. Why would you pick Gabby to sit out on the DA revolver challenge. Did they have a meeting to try and decide what the worst possible thing they could do was? Not that it would have made a difference but geez.
  12. Thats just asking for problems. The rule is your magazine needs to be 140mm. The gauge is 141.25mm to allow for wiggle room. What happens is people take their mags to 141.25mm, BUT there is a gauge that is go no-go. With the weight thing if you say the gun needs to be 43oz but we are going to give you to 45 for wiggle room you'll now have 45oz guns. Take that same theory and get your gun down to 41oz and you have 2oz of wiggle room with the 43oz rule. I think ( always a mistake) what TDZ is getting at is that the weight limit should be increased, not for wiggle room, but to more accurately reflect what many single stacks really weigh. Be easier if you could do the standard common mods and not really have to worry about milling out the grip frame to try and make weight.
  13. 4 years ago I would have agreed with you. It wasn't unheard of for the top TS shooter to finish better than the top Open shooter. Now that mag fed shotguns are bit more available there are some pretty significant differences between the Divisions. If you get one that runs, it's hard to beat a mag gun. Xrails are also a definite change in the field. Side mounted red dots are much more common on the rifle now. Not a huge deal but I find mine a bit quicker than my Deuck RTS sights. As for the pistol I'm seeing a lot more 4" plates set up as handgun targets. I'm quite a bit quicker trying to hit one at 20 yards with a dot than I am iron sights. The individual match flavor will have a lot to do with how much of a difference there is between divisions. And to answer Butch's opening question...NO
  14. Met with Iain at Crimson Trace today. Everything is shaping up great. We'll be putting a second round of invitations out April 15. The match will open to anyone who can register quick enough on May 15 if there are any spots left open. I know there have been a bunch of tire kickers who keep talking about signing up but don't. Here's the bad news. When the match fills, it's full. Invitation or not, you're not getting in. If you've got that invitation (I finally badgered Iain out of mine today) get registered. The prize table at this match is going to be incredible. It's shaping up to be an awesome event. Don't be sitting around wishing you went while your buddies did.
  15. Yeah, it's an 18" DPMS barreled gun with a SJC Titan comp. I haven't shot it much but it did slide a bit during the one match I used it at. Kind of sucks because it's great to shoot off of.
  16. I wanted to clarify this Chuck. The rules on the CTC site say "4.3 Participants must use the same firearms (handgun, rifle and shotgun) for the entire event." which contradicts what you said. There are other contradictions in Section 4 - Firearms. Can we please get clarification. Just a mistake left over from gutting the rules. I sent a version with 4.3-4.4 removed to Iain for posting this morning.
  17. I'll be there for the rifle match but heading to Bend on Sunday. See you there.
  18. It's stages like that where people might, jokingly of course, threaten to light the stage designer on fire. Kind of like this stage I shot this weekend, now what was the name of the guy who designed that stage again?
  19. I used to do that right up until the rifle quit working. Found I was getting a ton of sludge in behind the ejector. Got to try pulling it and fixing it in my hotel room at Arizona Charlies without the right tools. Not a fun experience. When I finally got the ejector out it was basically a solid plug of gunk behind it. I don't ultrasonic anything any more unless it's completely disassembled.
  20. Those mags are not allowed on IPSC matches anymore due to new rule change beginning of 2012. IPSC open division has new rule which allows 14 rounds on tube fed and 10 rounds on box fed guns. Before the rule change mag capacity was not limited. Well good, there should be a bunch of 11+ mags for sale now. Just need to figure out how to get them into the US.
  21. I've always looked at STI's as decent quality guns that may or may not run when you get them. I'd still rather pay $1600.00 for an STI than $4K for an SV that also might or might not work. I can get a lot of gunsmithing done for that price difference. I've had a handful of interactions with STI's customer service, all over a GP6 though. They've all be really, really positive though. Most dealt with swapping the front sight out and me having issues doing it. They took the gun back, set it up for me. I had asked them to install the oversized mag release which they did without even charging me. Now that I got that one installed it shot high so then sent me another front sight and a newer design recoil spring all for free. I always hate to have to deal with gun companies customer service but I thought they were very professional about it and helpful.
  22. Any chance you're coming to the Ephrata Multigun next week? I can bring mine if you want to try it.
  23. I wish I could make it this year, but I'm out of time off at work. Gives me a year to actually practice. Probably a good thing since neither of my guns ran at the last match.
  24. Yeah I think USPSA and IPSC are going to be going different directions on a lot of things if the last GA was any indication. I'll leave it at that do I don't get a nasty email from Mr. Pinto.
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