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Chuck Anderson

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Everything posted by Chuck Anderson

  1. Why don't you read what I wrote. A deliberate attempt to screw with the match yes. The amount of time you take to shoot a stage no. You're partial logic makes about as much sense as me saying I would DQ someone for having an AD while reloading and you saying I wanted to DQ them for reloading. What I wrote was that I would not DQ for what was shown in the video. If the shooter continued to do it after direction from the range official, absolutely.
  2. 10.6.1 or 10.6.2. Both are lists of examples and not all inclusive. Deliberately and repeatedly interfering with match operations seems to fit the bill to a T to me.
  3. If it was legitimately him taking his time I'd be fine with it. It really doesn't matter to me and I know it will take longer to deal with the issue than to just let him run. However in this case it's a group of shooters who decided to have a contest to see how much they could screw with the RO's and see how long they could get away with LAMR. At that point it changes for me from a legitmately long LAMR to a deliberate attempt to interfere with match operations. Hence the potential DQ. That said, for just what was in the video it wouldn't have justified a DQ in my mind. I would have ULSC'd him and dropped him to the back of the order. The second time it happened, after the warning to knock it off, would have been a DQ from me.
  4. No. Just no. In a vacuum you're completely right Flex. Knowing that Emanuel went to that stage with the specific intent to screw with the RO and see how long he could drag it out and mess with the rest of te shooters in the match? I'd drop him to the bottom of the squad. If he wanted to keep screwing around he's always welcome to arbitrate the DQ he'd receive from me. Regular shooter who takes awhile, it is what it is. Shooter who talks about how he's going to do it ahead of time, then posts video of it? Sorry, seems like the definition of Unsportsmanlike to me.
  5. I was planning to shoot this until I saw the NRA rules about sponsored shooters. I get some help from a couple companies so I'm not eligible to compete. Oh well.
  6. .40 for major has been around for years and remains unchanged. 9mm is the lower end for minor.
  7. What does that mean? Does it mean the Blade-Tech Quad pouch is no longer legal in Production next year? Nope. Just as legal as they were before (depended on distance from belt). Each mag is individually retained.
  8. LOL - you can understand the mistake!!!!! Pretty sure it's not the first time or the last. Besides I think we kept you pretty busy during awards doing the pics for everyone.
  9. Frank Cook out of Missoula MT won it. Close but not quite and I hope nobody called and told him that. Frank Koch out of Canada won it. He's already been contacted and is very much looking forward to it. Both are great guys.
  10. We still don't have a location for next year. None of the clubs up north could do it next year so it will probably be south again. Still waiting on a couple other things to schedule before we can get a hard answer on the venue for next year. I'm hoping to have it all clear in the next few months.
  11. Heard some of that and talked to the staff an the RMs. according to them everyone had the same walkthrough. Staff or competitor. If a shooter asked if they could hold the door open with their hand they were told they could, but the RO's can't offer that info first. Just like any other stage. As a side note they also said the people who shot it that way were way slower than those who shot it the way it was designed. Nothing changed with stage 4, still in the match.
  12. Cool, I've been sending Bruce emails and Facebook messages trying to get you guys to come over but never got a response. (to be honest I'm too cheap to ship my Sig and figured it would be a good way to dump it off on you. ). We are shooting in May on Mothers Day. Hopefully it'll be good weather because I'm going to be paying for that one for awhile.
  13. PDX is the big airport to fly into. Portland. You can fly into Bend but it will be an expensive puddle jumper. Match will finish shooting Tuesday night( well Wed about 2AM). Awards will be at noon in Bend on Wed. Match hotel reservations should be made through Crimson Trace. Should be info in the website for it. I'm shooting A1 now but I'll try to check tonight.
  14. No DQ. Is it down range? There is an argument whether it's safely down range but it's not an argument I would make to DQ someone. If they sweep themselves when doing it, sure. But not for what you've described.
  15. What should it be? (And I already know the Mayor's view). It's one of the questions that came up for the new USPSA book. Open or closed at start. I'm good with open but hadn't heard a lot of thought either way.
  16. Whoa whoa whoa. Back it up guys. USPSA will hopefully be voting on a new MG rule book at the in person meeting that first weekend in July. Any rule changes that go into effect would not be immediate and would have to be announced just like everything else. Second, while everything is subject to change, none of the current drafts have anything at all about targeting equipment to be made illegal. Big mags and chest carriers are still fine. The new book is about consolidating the rifle, SG, Multigun, etc books into one much shorter rule book. It also brings rules much more in line with IMGA while clarifying a lot of the things IMGA leaves out or leaves to MD discretion. There is normally a better way to figure this stuff out than posting a bunch of rumors. Hit up your AD and ask. I'm more than happy to discuss any potential rule changes. BTW. The SG thing is an IPSC rule, not USPSA. I don't think anyone in the USPSA BOD has any interest in duplicating what IPSC did with their last rule changes. Not gonna get into it but I have zero interest in IPSC shotgun at this point
  17. Area 1 hasn't heard a peep either. Sounds like BS to me
  18. Got to thinking. Does anybody know of an Area match with a higher attendance? I know A6 has been in the high 300's but I've never seen one break 400. Didn't know if that used to happen 80's and 90's or if this is a first. Anyone?
  19. Just got down here yesterday. It's hot this weekend but next week should be perfect for the match. Highs of 80-82 and lows in the mid 50's. Couldn't ask for better weather. Went out and took a look at the range. I was floored. It a week before the match and it look s like they are setting up a world shoot. The Production value at this match is better than anything I've seen at a Nationals. Heck the shoot house looks like nicer than my house. Ken and crew have been putting this together for quite a while and it shows. This isn't the typical, build it Monday to shoot Thursday area match. Final thing. The raffle gun is done. It looks incredible. Here is the package and what we're goin to do with it. It's a complete open gun package. Full open gun, mags, holster, belt, mag pouches, and 500 rounds of ammo. Everything for someone to try out open. We will be selling raffle tickets during the match. $5 each or 5 for $20. Bring you're money. All the money from the raffle is going to be used for $500 (and whatever is left over) scholarships to the MGM Junior Camp in July. That's more than the camp costs but should help with some of the travel and ammo costs. These scholarships will be offered to Area 1 kids until June 1. Of they aren't all gone we'll turn it over to MGM to help out kids from any area. I need two things for this to work well. Everyone to buy tickets and the juniors to contact me ASAP to get in line for scholarships. Email me at area1@uspsa.org if you are interested in going. I would really like to thank the sponsors of this prize package in particular. This was the easiest package to put together. I just thought what would be the coolest thing and called someone at that company. Without havin to ask twice they just gave. Here is the breakdown in no particular order. Safariland-holster, belt, mag pouches, ELS DC Ammo- 500 rounds 9mm Major ammo Schuemann Barrel- Barrel And Ti comp STI-Magazines Brownells- All the parts, frame, slide, trigger parts, etc C-More- optic Springer Precision- IonBond Cameron's Custom- They put everything together and built one of the finest, most bad ass open guns I've seen. When I looked at my pathetic old open gun in my safe it made me sad. They also donated the scope mount and mag well. I would not have been able to get this done if not for Tony and Eddie at Cameron's. Believe me the $12 we would have raised if I built it would not do much for the Junior program. All of the above companies were great to work with. We will draw the raffle during the awards on Sunday. You don't have to be there to win but you do have to come to the match to buy tickets. We have about 430 people registered for the match now. Should be a very good chance to walk away with, what I think is, the best prize package ever gIven away in USPSA.
  20. Sat with Don Bednorz and Jerry M at the MG Nats Awards. Jerry was trying to talk Don into coming over to the Mossberg after Don had some issues with his venerable Remington in the match. Jerry spoke very highly of the Mossberg. I know Jerry is sponsored by Mossberg and all, but I've never heard Jerry push anything he didn't believe in, and certainly not to Don who is one of the nicest guys in Multigun. Made me want to switch and I need a new tube gun like a hole in the head.
  21. Whoa! That's a lot of DQ's. Wonder why. Huh? There were 9 DQ's this year. 22 Last year. What makes you think that's a lot?
  22. To the first part...so? I can understand someone mistakenly making an argument that the match is crooked because they allow shooters to buy their way onto the squad. But this makes no sense at all. They are on the Super Squad because they are "sponsored"? Or are they sponsored because they are good enough to be on the Super Squad. Besides the fact that your argument is fundamentally flawed based on the several unsponsored shooters that end up on the Super Squad every year. As to the second part. No offense, but spoken like someone who has never been on the squad looking from the inside. Some will shoot better on, some will shoot worse. There is a great deal of screwing with people that goes on within the Super Squad. I've had to play referee on arguments between shooters, nurse egos, and watch a former Para shooter mess with a current Para shooter. The arguments about special treatment are nuts. I've shot with regular squads, super squads and the B super squad. I've seen everything you describe as "Special" treatment on every other squad, and rarely on the Super Squad. Jay is right. I rarely shoot with a group that tapes and resets the stage more quickly. I've also never seen a walkthrough run long. The 5 minute buzzer goes off and we're done. Just not getting, one, what stage you watched where it ran long, and two, why you would be paying so little attention to your own match that you would be timing the other squads walkthrough times. The Super Squads exist for simple reasons. One to have a better sense of how the match is going, who's winning. By putting all the likely stage winners on one squad it makes it easier to see who is leading the event and leads to more even media coverage. Two, few people will keep a better and closer eye on the guys who are likely to win a stage than the guy who is likely to come in second on the stage. There is no cheating that goes on within the Super Squads. No fudging, no weaseling. The guys watch each other like hawks to make sure it's a fair match. That doesn't mean some won't argue for a reshoot here and there. But it's based on knowledge of the rules and experience, not the name of the gun company on the shirt. As has already been mentioned it also keeps everyone at the top on a consistent schedule related to weather. Makes it less likely that the National Champion is decided by who got to shoot the stage in the sunny weather and who shot it in the driving downpour where he couldn't see the targets. It also means if one of them finds a hole in the stage they at least all have the same opportunity to exploit it.
  23. Have you skipped the last few MG Nats? Put the MG Nats at Rockcastle or a range without bays and it will do just fine. As far as the BOD, we do not get a vote on anything except multi year contracts that extend beyond the Presidents term Charles...not surprised. Maybe next year you can come and see you wrong you were instead of complaining from afar. I had several shooters, including one I never ever expected I would hear say this, tell me it was the best multi gun match they shot. USPSA/IMGA didn't matter, simply the best. That said, I don't agree and still see areas to improve. But the MG matches of three or more years ago are gone. This was a legitimate National Championship.
  24. 1st, how do you think they got on the AMU? Every one of them is an extremely talented shooter. 2nd, what does the AMU do as far as sponsorship to USPSA? What possible link is there? The AMU shooters you refer to were put on the squads because they were expected to be in the hunt for the win.
  25. It's not just the MD. In general HQ (Dave Thomas) has a big hand in picking who the Super Squads are for Nationals. It's based on who try anticipate will finish well at the top. I've never heard of making a decision based on sponsorship. It's more than just placement in the previous years Nationals. Obviously any gun Max picks up he will be a threat to win to win with. If Graufel shows up to shoot the Productuon Nats I just about guarantee he'll be in the squad. As far as it being an advantage or not. It's a toss up. Being with them when you're getting your butt kicked can be demoralizing. It can also lead to an awful lot of pressure that isn't there on the other squads. There really isn't a good objective way to do it. If you go based solely on prior performance you can miss the potential winner. If you allow people to pick you end up with 100 people trying to be on that squad.
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