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Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. There is a certain satisfaction one gets beating the guys with the high $$$$$ guns with one that costs a fraction of what their's did. I shot a $279 Charles Daly/Armscor for several months in CDP. I thought about getting one of the Parkerized guns in .38 Super and sticking a Kart 9mm barrel in it. I have enough odd parts laying about to make a pretty good shooter. Metal Form says they will have some 10 round 9mm mags ready this spring.
  2. Joe D

    New Rule?

    I need to read my new rule book. What is that [rule] going to accomplish? If someone wants to sand bag they will just shoot the classifier match poorly. It would be soooo much simpler if IDPA went to a IPSC (I can't believe I said IDPA and IPSC in the same sentence) style classifier system. Whoops!!!!! I hear my phone ringing, must be Bill calling. I knew I should not have said IDPA and IPSC in the same sentence.
  3. I shoot a 1911 in ESP. I start with 10 in the gun with a 9 round reload mag. A 1911 using a 200 gr SWC at a 130 pf is pretty soft. This my be THE ultimate gamer gun. Yes it does fit in the box. I am toying with Glock 21 for SSP.
  4. I did a non-scientific test a couple of years ago with some .40 cases and one of my G35s. I got up to the eight reload point and decided that was enough.I really was not seeing anything bad happening to the cases. The bulge was not getting any larger. My load was 4.3 gr of Titegroup with a 180 gr bullet. As a rule I don't worry about it. .40 and 9mm brass is so cheap that I just buy one fired from Brassman and never pick it up. I do pick up one fired .40 when the Hoover PD uses our range.
  5. I like a FO front with a plain black rear. My G35 is set up where the large dot fills the rear notch. If I can see all of the dot I know the sights are aligned. I shoot it like a dot sight. At arms length the dot fills the rear.
  6. Lead bullets have a lower coefficient of friction than jacketed bullets = higher velocity with same powder charge. I have shot tens of thousands lead bullets through my Glocks over the years. I don't shoot them in matches because of the smoke.
  7. I get reports from shooters that the XDs as a whole are not the most accurate of guns. Most of the magazine articles I have read seem to agree. I cannot say for certain as I do not own one. One thing that would keep me from owning one is the location of the slide release. It sits right under my thumb. The slide will not lock back for me. Someone gave me a HS2000 several years ago to shoot IDPA with. The gun pointed great, but I could not live with the slide release. I have no experience with a CZ. I have been toying around with a G21 for IDPA SSP. I shot about a 100 rounds through mine the other day. I set up some simple stages. I kept track of the shots that were on the very edge of the 0 circle. There were 8 hits that would have been a -1 with a 9mm or .40 yet cut the perf. with a 200 gr SWC. Hmmmmm let's see that equals 4 seconds.
  8. BUL, do you have one of the new model BULs? Round trigger guard?
  9. I am yet to find a reason to buy an aftermarket barrel for a Glock. All of mine group better than I can shoot. My wife's G34 has shot a 5 shot group at 25 yds that could be covered by a nickel. My G35s will group under 1 1/4" with several loads. The G21 that I just purchased appears to be just as accurate. Have not grouped it yet, but the bullet goes where the front sight is. Here's a group that I shot with one of my G35s.
  10. If you look in the Springs section all of your questions will be answered.
  11. I buy just about everything from www.brownells.com . Try an STI/SVI mag before you buy. Like I stated I have "heard" that they work. I do not know for certain.
  12. I sure wish Glock would get off their butt and bring out a 5" single stack .45ACP.
  13. I like the looks I get when I design a stage that can be shot more than one way. I like a gun and holster that bulge the rule book to the extreme. I like a 125.1 PF load. I love my spring loaded vest.
  14. There is no way to predict what your gun will do. I do know that the 200 gr SWC tends to group well in most guns. Start at 4.4 gr of Titegroup and go up from there. 4.4 just barely makes Major out of my Kimber. 4.5 gr groups around 1" @ 25 yds in both of my Kimbers.
  15. G21 for CDP, ESP and SSP. If you think it shoots soft at a 165 pf try it at a 130 pf. Those big fat 200gr SWC bullets sure do help with the scoring.
  16. I was told by Saul that the new BULs, round trigger guard, would accept STI/SVI mags without modification. I hate repeating something that I do not know as fact. Don't waste your time talking with anyone at Charles Daly.
  17. FYI the Radian Pro Amp is the same muff as the Dillon at 1/2 the cost.
  18. When I hear the Mall Ninja SO/MD of either sport start being critical of the other I just blast them until they start crying and curl up into a fetal position.
  19. I am an electronic muff junkie. I have owned just about all of them at one time or another. After all the smoke cleared, pardon pun, I have settled on two that IMO are the best for several reasons. The Radian Pro Amp and the Pro Ear Predator 300 run neck and neck. The Radian muff is about half the cost of the Predators. The Radian uses cheap AAA batteries also. When I go to the range I find myself usually reaching for the Radians. The Predator needs a bit more gain for me. It appears that the gain is not adjustable in the Predators. Others my find it perfect for them. Another Radian muff, the Pro Magnum is larger than either, but has a lot of gain.
  20. I use TG for 9mm, .40, .45GAP and .45ACP. Clays is probably a little better for the .45ACP, but I wanted to stick with one powder.
  21. I have "heard", boy I hate repeating things just heard, not proven, that the load Dave Sevigny shoots is a cannister grade of WST. Seems like the load is 3.7-3.8 gr of WST with a 147. WST is slower than Titegroup. It falls between VV320 and 231. I use 3.0 gr of TG with a 147 for my wife's G34. The 3.7 gr of WST would make sense. On Hodgdon's burn rate chart TG is # 8 with VV320 14 and WST 15. 231 is 19.
  22. Some bullet nose profiles will cause the bullets to hang up in the mag if you are using mag extensions. A friend gave me four extensions for .40 a couple of years ago. He could not get them to feed from his mags at 1.135" I dropped the OAL to 1.125" and the problem went away. I used 4.3 gr of Titegroup and a 180 gr Rainier HP. I just changed to a Zero 180 grain TC and they appear to feed OK at the 1.135" length.
  23. I hope I did not ruffle too many feathers here. Things were getting a little boring. Flex, my comment about rules and authority was just a general feeling I have about some issues not directed at anyone in particular. My apologies. I guess one thing I don't buy into, as mentioned by others, is this Zen thing. Folks have the right to buy into it if they choose. I have never been one of those "sit at the feet of the master" kind of guys. I would rather find my own drum to march to.
  24. Most "dumps" will be only one round per stage. One extra round is at worst a .20 split. I will always make up a -3. Have made up a -1 on a close target. Figure I picked up .30 sec. The rules I have a problem with are the ones that cannot be enforced. A Vickers count stage says you may fire as many rounds at a target as you choose. The other dumb rule is having to retain an empty mag. Come on Bill get rid of the IPSC phobia once and for all. Always question [edit] rules and [edit] authority.
  25. Of all the dumb rules IDPA has the dumping one has to take the cake. Someone please tell me how to read a shooter's mind. How can an SO give a FTDR to someone that fires three rounds into a target instead of two? Shooter's response to being accused for dumping - "I thought my second shot was a -3 so I shot a make up." "I thought I had a miss so I made up a shot". "I was making up a -1". Let's get real here, you will never get a penality from me for firing an extra round on any stage I SO.
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