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Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. Thanks for asking. The surgery went fine. A few days before the operation I jammed that same finger. That has not healed yet. Talk about being frustrated!!!!! I shot a local IPSC match 2 weeks ago with my G35 in Limited. I had some good stages and some not so good stages. On the bad stages I lost my grip. I tested some light .45ACP loads in my Kimber. It is really soft shooting. Those .45 SWC bullets make real big holes. I made some 9 round mags that would fit into the box. A single stack with 10 + 9 is not bad. On the + side I have been working on my fitness level. Dropped 12 lbs so far. 8 more to go. Even started running again. I came to the realization that I had allowed myself to fall out of shape. This caused a slow but steady decline in my match scores.
  2. There is nothing in the IDPA rule book about printing. This was clarified years ago by IDPA. What they are saying is you can't see the gun. Has nothing to do with printing. Some competitors were wearing mesh/see through vests. The gun was visible through the mesh. BTW the "hot" set up for ESP is a STI in .45ACP loaded to a 128-130pf. Mine is just about ready.
  3. Stainless steel has carbon as part of it's chemistry. Some more than others. Even low carbon SS, like 316L, still has a bit of carbon. Chromium is the element that helps SS avoid rust. Chromium forms what is called a "passive film" on the surface. When this film is scratched it quickly forms a new layer. Salt water/sweat breaks this film down too fast for it to repair itself before it starts to rust. There are three basic types of SS. Within those three are many grades. Some are heat treatable some are not.
  4. My wife's practice load for her G34 is 3.5 gr of Titegroup and a 125 gr Valiant lead bullet at 1050 fps. I have put a 1,000 rds through it without cleaning - very little lead. We have shot over 30,000 rounds of lead through our Glocks.
  5. My .40 Kimber feeds flawlessly from the Wilson .45 mags. Metal Form 10mm mags work well also. You can improve the feeding with a Kimber by grinding a little more "slope" into the feed ramp. The Kimber ramp has a little bit of a hump to it. The Kart profile works much better.
  6. Here's some good news. Brownells is going to start carrying Caspian small parts and slides. The blue Bomar cut slide is about the same price as a STI. They will also carry the slides in stainless.
  7. I can't decide which rule is more ridiculous - dumping rounds FTDR or having to retain an empty mag.
  8. I saw on either this forum or the 1911 forum a post about a company in Canada that offers true left hand 1911s. I can't pull the name out of my memory file just yet. As we get older the old hard drive spins a little slower.
  9. Guys, I don't know why we are spinning our wheels on the "round dumping" rule. IDPA knows they have a bad rule. Bill Wilson is just too stubborn to change it. I do not know of any club in the southeast that even trys to enforce it. I have been an SO for many years. You will never see me give any kind of penality for round dumping. How can I prove someone did it? I cannot read minds. Just another IPSC phobia Wilson rule.
  10. Do I need to send my "SO Tip" in advance or just pay by the stage like last year. If you guys wanted to raise some extra money allow the shooter to buy a stage. $20 gets you a reshoot on a bad stage. Shooter has to take the reshoot score. We may do this at the Anniston charity match.
  11. I usually send an email to IDPA HQ after each match just to let them know how many rounds I dumped to get to slide lock.
  12. My G21 has the "short" trigger bar. I use a reduced power striker spring with the stock striker. Have not had a single light strike with Federal or CCI. The only brass I don't like is S&B. You have to use a lot of pressure to seat the primers correctly.
  13. About the only thing I think about for the Limited 6 shooters is the reload points. I make sure there is some kind of cover available for them. 90% of the stages I design are 17 or 18 rounders.
  14. Don't know about a Trojan but my .40 Kimber shoots great. It is my most accurate 1911.
  15. The altered revolver divisions have pretty much killed the revolver in IDPA. Bill got some bad advice. Should have left it like it was. Maybe one exception - I would have started out with a 4" max barrel length. Your .45 1911 will work fine in two IDPA divisions, ESP and CDP.
  16. 4.4 gr of TG would not do that kind of damage. You either had a double charge/over charge or dramatic bullet set back.
  17. Thanks for the replies. I figured out it is a .093". Guess I need a trip to Lowes to find a roll pin. I have build many 1911s. This was my first 2011. I would not use a Kart EZ fit next time either. A regular "gunsmith" fit barrel is easier to install. I filed on those little "nubs" until they were completely gone. Nice lock up now. About .048" engagement with a center firing pin location. An Ed Brown grip safety fit much better than the STI GS. Only needed just a small amount for grinding. This is a put together gun from spare parts laying about. I am doing it on the cheap. I may just Parkerize it. On a side note the STI slide and Kart barrel fit on my Kimber .40 perfectly. The Kimber barrel went into the STI slide and locked up perfectly also. Well almost. I had to take the .198" slide stop out and put a .200" in.
  18. Well just finished fitting all the major parts on a 2011 in .40 that I have been building while waiting for my hand to heal from surgery. Everything went together pretty smoothly. Sure is a lot of extra material on the bottom of the slide. Anyway I am fitting the ejector this morning so I cut the little notch on the ejector and notice that the pin hole looks a little large. Got a pin out and it just flops around in the hole. What gives here? Does STI use a larger diameter pin? If so they ought to ship you one with the frame kit.
  19. Stage malfunction. I would have given you a reshoot.
  20. I am just curious about something. Why all this fuss and expense to get one more round? My SVI mags hold 19+1 reloadable, 20+1 not. My Glock mags hold 20+1. That's a total of 40 rounds or 41. I can think of only one instance in 6+ years of shooting IPSC where starting with 21 in the gun allowed me to shoot a stage without a reload. Am I missing something here? I don't recall a time where I could not find a good reload point even on the high round count stages. Maybe there are stages over 36 rounds now. I have not shot IPSC very much in the last couple of years. If I design a stage it is going to have a maximum 18 rounds or a minimum of 22.
  21. That is absolute nonsense. That MD was a moron. If the SO knocks my gun out of my holster he is the one that needs a DQ, not me. I knocked a timer out of a SO's hand once while drawing. Did I get a reshoot? Darn tooting I did. Where has all the common sense gone?
  22. Make sure they are not too long.
  23. I run a 13# ISMI with a couple of coils cut for major and a 10# spring for minor in my G35. Never had a problem with either.
  24. I like the versatility of the .40. I just did not like the way a 9mm felt in a 1911 type gun. The .40 felt better to me. It does not make much difference in a Glock. I shoot the 34 just as well as the 35. The G35 can be used for Production, Limited 10, Limited, SSP and ESP. There is some truth to what Robbie is saying. I have always felt I was much faster with my Kimber .40 than with my Glock 35. A couple of months ago I shot an El Prez 5 or 6 times with each gun. I just knew I was really smoking with the Kimber. By the time I added up the times and points down I found out I was much better off shooting the Glock.
  25. The KZ is not a single stack.
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