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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Joe D

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Everything posted by Joe D

  1. Which of these smokes less using lead bullets loaded to a Minor PF?
  2. I do hear voices in my head.
  3. I wonder if Dave was sick or had gun problems? I have shot with him enough to know something was going on out of the ordinary.
  4. Duane, I promised myself I would not dump another round - well there was this stage in Saturday's IDPA match. You know the rest. Is there a Twelve Step Program for round dumpers?
  5. I just can't take this anymore! I can't live in the closet forever. I am stepping out of the closet and admitting on a public forum that I have dumped a round. I am ready to have the buttons stripped from my gamer vest, my multiple projectile bullets ground into the dirt, the "fire on tan" sights crushed with a hammer and my spring loaded shoes ripped from my feet.
  6. Bunny farts would have way too much recoil for me.
  7. I resemble that comment about my loads being "bunny fart" loads. They are mouse fart loads thank you!
  8. I load 3.0 gr of TG with a 147 gr plated bullet. OAL is 1.135" makes a 128 pf. I have found jacketed bullets to be a little slower than plated and a lot slower than lead.
  9. I hate to be negative about your idea, but if you are holding your breath waiting on Bill Wilson to join any constructive conversation about IDPA I had better dial 911 for you. I shoot both IDPA and USPSA. I see problems with both games. Difference is USPSA listens, BW does not. There is a Q&A section in the Front Sight. The President has his own section. Bill's lack of comments is, IMO, more of an arrogance issue than anything else. If it is a cost issue dump Ken's Corner.
  10. Interesting, just about all I shoot are 200 gr SWC lead bullets. Never had a feed problem with any of them. I run an 11 lb. spring. A light spring will show up any feeding issues. Most feed problems are mag related. I tend to use only Wilson mags. Most shooters load the 200 SWC too short. I load mine to the same OAL as 230 RN - 1.260".
  11. Joe D

    Glock Springs

    Buy several and decide which one you like the best. I am stll trying to decide if I like a 10 lb or 12 lb the best. Leaning toward the 12 lb.
  12. Jim will usually just shoot a -3 so he can make that up to get to slide lock. OTOH we could just make every stage Limited Vickers. That would take care of the dumpers like Jim. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have seen him dump rounds. I OTOH would never do that!
  13. The only problem I have seen with Kimbers is improper extractor tension. That takes about 5 min to fix. All six of mine have been flawless.
  14. I would like to know where he posts. Folks in his position do probably need a thick hide. That comes with the job. Most of the complainers, me included, would probably quieten down a bit if we had someone that a least heard our complaints/suggestions.
  15. Ken, no offense taken. I am somewhat vocal in my opinions. I have never been one of those that just stands quietly in line. The problem I have with Robert's position is he really can't make any decisions. Jane, that does not cover the situation I am talking about. What I am referring to is if I am moving from one cover point to another and engaging targets as I am moving. If I happen to have a miss or fail to knock down a popper and find myself at slide lock in the open I have to go to cover to even start a reload.
  16. Ken, most of my ill feelings toward Bill Wilson would go away if he just added a Q&A section to either the TJ or the website. If he does not want to answer questions directly then appoint someone to. I don't care for his lack of contact with members. TSA looks to be interesting. I just have a problem with the founder's habit of quoting himself on the website. The only real issues I have with the IDPA rules boils down to a few rules. 1. Having to retain an empty mag unless I am at slide lock. 2. Not being able to do a reload if I happen to be caught in the open. 3. This is the granddaddy of all dumb rules. Trying to determine if someone dumped rounds to get to slide lock.
  17. I think we need a group hug. The one thing I would change about IDPA is the lack of contact by Bill Wilson. He could vastly improve IDPA by just adding a Question and Answer section to the Tactical Journal or adding a page to the website. I view his refusal to do this as arrogance. I take this as "This is my game, if you don't like it leave." During the "Great Holster Debate" I was contacted personally by Joyce Wilson to get my input. That was a nice touch, but that did not last long. Couple of things I did not like about that. One, IDPA did not respond to members until they were in trouble. Two, Bill sent his wife to do his job. I feel he avoids any personal contact with members because he does not want anyone questioning him. Yes, I still feel IDPA would be better off without Bill Wilson. Will I stop shooting IDPA - nope. Will I stop complaining - nope.
  18. If you just have to slather grease on your gun then go to any auto parts store and purchase a tube of engine assembly grease. It is just as good as any of the afore mentioned lubes. Costs about $4 for a huge tube. I don't use grease on any of my guns. I don't like the thought of any dust/grit being held in place by grease and turning into a lapping compound. FP-10 stays in place and lubes well.
  19. That much will put you in ESP. On the bright side you don't have to shoot against Dave Sevigny.
  20. How much do you want to remove and where? Certain areas of Glocks need to be "touched up" to make the gun a little easier on the knuckle and trigger finger. Anyone asks why that area is smoother just tell them it is normal wear. That being said you can't go and remove a 1/4" of material off the trigger guard. That puts you into ESP. I always polish the inside of the trigger guard a little where the side of my trigger finger rubs.
  21. NX, guess you did not read my first post. If you just have to have an aftermarket barrel get the Lone Wolf. It is as good as any of them at half the price. OTOH if you want to waste money get a Bar-Sto or KKM. I have always felt some of the barrels, Bar-Sto and KKM, were way overpriced. The lead bullet issue, with stock Glock barrels, is the oldest Internet myth. Ranks right up there with firing out of battery and the dreaded unsupported chamber myth. I have put well over 20,000, probably closer to 30,000, lead bullets through my G34, G35 and G21 without any problem at all.
  22. Wise choice. OTOH your friends won't think you are cool with that ugly stock barrel.
  23. If you just have to have an aftermarket barrel go with the Lone Wolf $89 barrel. It is just as well made and accurate as a KKM, Bar-Sto, Storm Lake or any of the rest. I have installed dozens of aftermarket barrels. That being said, I am yet to find and aftermarket barrel that is any more accurate than my stock G35 barrel. Lead? I have been shooting lead through it for years. All aftermarket barrels have a tighter chamber = less reliability. I use a standard Lee carbide sizing die. No need for the U/EGW die. I have not had any issues with overworked brass. I once loaded .40 brass 10 times with Major PF loads just to see.
  24. Interesting problem. I run my G35 with a 10 lb spring for IDPA and IPSC Minor. Ran a 13# ISMI with 3 coils cut for years without any issues.
  25. That's not exactly how I hold the gun while shooting. That was an old picture I had sent my sister to give her an idea of what a thumb over thumb grip was. Some moron had told her to put her left thumb behind the slide. My wrists are pretty straight when shooting. I have shot a match with Dave Sevigny. I have seen the high weak hand style he uses. It did not work for me. I really don't have any issues controlling the gun using my grip.
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