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People that have no regards for their personal hygiene.

Heavy Barrel

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Do people in today's society lack the intelligence needed when it comes to using antiperspirant's :wacko:

I can't stand it when you wait 45 min to an hour, to be seated at some elegant restaurant.

And while your enjoying your meal, a party is seated across the isle from you.

Before you can take a breath, your whole evening is trashed because some one with in that party reeks worse than a Boy's high school locker room. :sick:

You struggle to keep your composure, but those last few bites you have to force down. And they don't taste like the first. Cause your sense of smell has been over come by their pungent body oder.

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Before you can take a breath, your whole evening is trashed because some one with in that party reeks worse than a Boy's high school locker room. :sick:

I have sooooo been there.

I seem to notice that this behavior follows a certain population that calls themselves a specific color which is located on the bottom of a three light traffic light.

I'm all for saving the planet... but not at the expense of my nose.

I work with University students.. I feel your pain.

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Earth is brown, dirt is brown, they are dirty.

Many years ago we had a gentleman at a place I worked who had a similar problem. I was new there and asked what the game was. tHe answer he is always like that. Next day and for quite a while I would leave little bottles of deodorant on his desk in the morning. He finally git the hint.

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As a former member of the traveling tribe the call Deadheads, I understand completely.

I could never get around this. I can't tell you how many girls I would meet at shows, get rather close, only to have the libido stomped on by the olfactory senses! My last GF before I met my wife decided that all sense of grooming/odor control was just an effort by MEN to make women into the image of pre-pubecent booys! That's right, I mean you can't make this stuff up! I went up to Washington state to find work right after she proclaimed this. When I came back, she had more hair on her legs than I! (not to mention under her arms, and OTHER PLACES :surprise: )

Well. as you can probably guess, we never really got back into the swing of our relationship. I would refuse getting "close" unless she shaved and used deodorant. She was having issues with my surrendering to "society": and "the man" (I kid you not!)

People, people, people, the chemicals they use in deodorants will not kill you or cause you harm unless you EAT THEM! If you think those crystals you buy at the headshop, the patchouli oil, or the sage you rub under your arms kills the stench, YOU ARE WRONG!!

Now, some guys I used to work with call this "smelling like Ron". But that is a different story ;)

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Another annoying problem is people (the earthy crowd, yes) who think eating mass quantities of onions and garlic is good for their health. The residual odor of someone who eats a continual diet of onions/garlic is so wretched I don't even have words for it. It ends up not even smelling merely like onions/garlic any more but something entirely cloying and nauseous. It's so overpowering that it sticks to your clothes and you can smell it all over yourself if you've spent even 15 minutes in a room with someone whose diet is as above. It's just plain gross. Not to mention rude.

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Years ago, we were headed back to the shop at the end of a long hot day with a couple of older farm hands in the truck. Dad rolled the windows up to turn on the AC, and one of them said "Damn! Somebody's deoderant done quit workin!"

The guy sitting next to him said, with a perfectly straight face (he may have been serious): "Weren't mine. I didn't use none!"

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Sig Lady,


My wife read this and had one word for me as she was walking away, David.

He was a 45 YO bachelor who I worked with building furniture and custom interiors with. It wasn't too bad until we were working around this time of year when his sweat would just get pungent. I was instqalling this huge cabinet with him once. It was the size of a smalll room and was designed to hold a complete entertainment system and we were inside it screwing it to the house framing. Inside that smalll enclosure, at about 120F without any sort of breeze. When I was driving home, I had to rolll down the windows and drive with my head in the breeze.

That was because his smell somehow got on me! :sick:

Yeah, I DO get it!

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Years ago, we were headed back to the shop at the end of a long hot day with a couple of older farm hands in the truck. Dad rolled the windows up to turn on the AC, and one of them said "Damn! Somebody's deoderant done quit workin!"

The guy sitting next to him said, with a perfectly straight face (he may have been serious): "Weren't mine. I didn't use none!"

That's Ron!

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I worked with a russian immigrant years ago, he was extremely rank as well as possibly the greediest person I have ever known. He had an upper/lower 2 family, and rented both of them out. The renters in the upper called the health department, he had been living in the attic with no AC, no water, no bathroom, and his aroma was getting into their apartment. The health department threw him out so he started living in the office, coming back late at night and 'getting there first' in the morning. During the attic period I was sent out to train him on a couple jobs, the second involved getting inside a CNC machine with him. It was well over 100* and NO air moving. It didn't last a full minute. I sent him home, did the job, and called our boss and told him I would NEVER work with him again until he had corrected his hygiene problems. The boss got mad at me for not being a 'team player', so I told him that if he would train him I would train him, the boss made it about 3 minutes in a machine with him and all my transgressions were forgiven. He was fired a couple months later for damaging equipment repeatedly. It took 2 years to find all the machines he had screwed up....

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Another annoying problem is people (the earthy crowd, yes) who think eating mass quantities of onions and garlic is good for their health.

Bleh yeah :sick:

There's a rather rotund woman who lives down the street who we refer to as Onion Girl...

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A couple years back my dad decided to help out the local can lady and haul her cans to the recycle center for her. She had been paying $15 a load to have them hauled, and he offered to do it for free. He gets all of the cans loaded, only to find out that she is not letting the cans out of her sight and is going with. He makes it about 3 blocks and has to pull the truck over and throw up. :sick: When all was said and done, he had to leave his truck windows down and air fresheners in it for over a month before the smell stopped bothereing him. :huh: Needless to say, someone else hauls them now. :closedeyes:

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Try being in the healthcare industry in the US and add in extreme obesity. Yep...that was last week.


Two stories, somewhat related to each other and the topic at hand.

My wife works as a Labour and Delivery nurse, and worked for years in the US. As nurses job skills are highly portable, she seemed to find that more than a few of her co-workers were the spouses of servicemen. As such, they often used base hospitals for thier own health care needs.

Sgt Kiefer and Mrs Kiefer were visiting the base hospital for a prenatal visit. They were in one of three curtained exam rooms. While waiting for her turn, Sgt Kiefer all of a sudden wrinkles up his nose and says in a less than discrete volumn, "Did you sh-t babe?"

Mrs Kiefer looks at him in horror, and tried to shush him, but he repeated the question even louder. She said she'd explain later, and told him to shut up.

The lady in the booth next door had a foul smelling box, bad enough that you could taste it when she disrobed. :surprise:

Further north and with a Boston accent, one of my wifes girlfriends was working in a womens clinic. A lady presented herself at the counter, complaining of a green discharge and a nasty smelling box. Foul smelling was an understatement, as the doctor was about ready to break out a biosuit for the exam.

With the patient up in stirups, the nurse handed the doctor an swab kit only to realize he was not asking for one. He was asking for a set of retractors. :unsure:

You know how some women will tuck folded bills into thier bra rather than take a purse while out clubbing? It would seem this sister found her own unique method. :surprise: The doctor pulled a rolled up bill from you guessed where. The sick part is the patient retrieved it for Taxi money home. Remember when mom told you to wash your hands after handling money? She was wise beyond words.

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As all good stories start out, This is no sh#$.

I used to work in a small office. Many of the men took their 'morning constitutional' in the small bathroom, so the air was usually very gross all morning. But, when you went in there you could always tell, over all the other mixed 'aromas', whether the janitor had been in there yet to clean. Yup, he was that bad - - it was enough to gag a maggot.

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I work in IT and deal with many poeple who "are not from around here" if you get my drift. One girl smelled SO bad I put up Glade Air Fresheners around my cube to block the stench. The smell was so bad it felt like someone slapped you in the face each time you smelled it. One person asked if I thought I might get in trouble from HR for putting up the air fresheners. I told him IF I got in trouble for that, SHE better get in trouble for that reaking dead cow, 2 year old road kill, funk of a smell coming from her way! After about a month the girl either got the hint and went "home" or moved somewhere else in the company.

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For the 1st twelve years of my adult working life, I turned wrenches at a car dealership in Houston. One of the Techs would wear the same uniform 2 or 3 days in a row like religion. If he was at the back parts counter, I would find something else to do until he was out of there. The smell made my eyes burn and my stomach churn. I never understood why he didn't wear a clean uniform each day. They gave us 7 per 5 day work week! And the uniform service cleaned and pressed them. FREE. It was just plain disgusting.

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