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Am I being too paranoid?

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Last night I went by a local SW OH gun store (and no Chris Keen they don't have Oneshot B) ). I was buying a jewel stashed among the many AK's and such...a like new HK94 for a very good price (relatively speaking)

I was already a bit on edge, which happens almost every time I go in this place, but this time it was because I had a bunch of cash in my pocket and they have a diverse clientele.

As you know in such stores lately it is hard to get to the counter for all the people and this place is no different. Some are shopping, some wasting time, others are standing around waiting for their ATF forms to get called in and approved.

I fill out my form and hand it to their designated caller who has the ATF on the phone with several other people's forms.

So, after standing there for a while for all the calls to clear, some people are declined, pending, etc. but the crowd has thinned and everyone waited on except this last guy...we'll call him T. They ask if anyone else has questions/needs help so I turn to this guy and say "next". The guy behind the case says "awe he's been here for a while" and the guy T doesn't really seem to need help but asks some off the wall question...no shocker.

The thing is this guy was standing right in the middle of the sales area where we all had to walk around him. He was also standing near enough to the guy on the phone that he must of been able to here the calls...name, SS, address... you guys know the questions...

The whole time T seems to be on his phone talking or getting calls.

Once I was paid up, and I was as careful as I could be with a pile of cash, I was out the door.

After a while I got to thinking, that guy wasn't buying or really looking for that matter. The one question he did ask was beyond the normal dumb question you expect to hear... so what's up?!

Am I just being too paranoid or was this guy surfing for info?

I've been thinking about going back and talking to the shop and asking to see their video tape...I'm no LEO and not a "PI-wanna be" but I also don't want this guy and his buddies cruising by my place. I really don't expect much from the store...but is it worth pursuing or am I just paranoid? :ph34r:

And I was sure that no one followed me home...fyi.

By way...the 94 is "like new"...maybe a box of ammo thru her... :-) It even has the factory hollywood bling (barrel shroud with factory vertical grip) on it. :cheers:

Edited by hk_mtbr
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I'd talk to the store manager/owner about your concerns. If they don't take it seriously, I'd talk to a police detective or friendly LEO. As described, it is suspicious and potentially serious. You might want to procede quickly since most places don't keep video for long. I doubt they'd just give you the video though.

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You have a very valid point to be concerned, that's exactly how identity thieves fish for info. Very simple but effective, the cell phone thing can be saving info he's picking up from the guy getting clearance.

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The guy should be making those calls in private... no way should he be reading SS number off where people could hear them like that. I would have insisted he go elsewhere to make the call or make sure everyone cleared out and the guy spoke low.

Do you have Lifelock?

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I was already a bit on edge, which happens almost every time I go in this place, but this time it was because I had a bunch of cash in my pocket and they have a diverse clientele.

Diverse Clientele? Whats that?

Thugs and non-thugs...

And I'm not mis-judging the thugs...they are what they are... :ph34r:

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I was already a bit on edge, which happens almost every time I go in this place, but this time it was because I had a bunch of cash in my pocket and they have a diverse clientele.

Diverse Clientele? Whats that?

I take it to mean customers from various socio-economic classes. I didn't read any more into it.


I think you are right to be concerned. The salesman shouldn't have been making those calls in the open, and the shop shouldn't allow folks to loiter like that.

I file that under 'hard to find good help.' You'd think an employee would have the sense to notice that the person in question had been lingering too long, but that might be expecting too much out of the hired help.

I second the advice to call the store owner and let him know that he might have something fishy going on in his shop, with the next step being a call to a local detective (or maybe better yet, an ATF agent.)

Edited by Leozinho
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Last night I went by a local SW OH gun store (and no Chris Keen they don't have Oneshot B) ). I was buying a jewel stashed among the many AK's and such...a like new HK94 for a very good price (relatively speaking)

I was already a bit on edge, which happens almost every time I go in this place, but this time it was because I had a bunch of cash in my pocket and they have a diverse clientele.

As you know in such stores lately it is hard to get to the counter for all the people and this place is no different. Some are shopping, some wasting time, others are standing around waiting for their ATF forms to get called in and approved.

I fill out my form and hand it to their designated caller who has the ATF on the phone with several other people's forms.

So, after standing there for a while for all the calls to clear, some people are declined, pending, etc. but the crowd has thinned and everyone waited on except this last guy...we'll call him T. They ask if anyone else has questions/needs help so I turn to this guy and say "next". The guy behind the case says "awe he's been here for a while" and the guy T doesn't really seem to need help but asks some off the wall question...no shocker.

The thing is this guy was standing right in the middle of the sales area where we all had to walk around him. He was also standing near enough to the guy on the phone that he must of been able to here the calls...name, SS, address... you guys know the questions...

The whole time T seems to be on his phone talking or getting calls.

Once I was paid up, and I was as careful as I could be with a pile of cash, I was out the door.

After a while I got to thinking, that guy wasn't buying or really looking for that matter. The one question he did ask was beyond the normal dumb question you expect to hear... so what's up?!

Am I just being too paranoid or was this guy surfing for info?

I've been thinking about going back and talking to the shop and asking to see their video tape...I'm no LEO and not a "PI-wanna be" but I also don't want this guy and his buddies cruising by my place. I really don't expect much from the store...but is it worth pursuing or am I just paranoid? :ph34r:

And I was sure that no one followed me home...fyi.

By way...the 94 is "like new"...maybe a box of ammo thru her... :-) It even has the factory hollywood bling (barrel shroud with factory vertical grip) on it. :cheers:

T W by chance?

Edited by sandman78
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I agree that the guy on the phone shouldn't spout info so others can hear it, and I don't think that you are too paranoid but..

I go to gunshops occasionally with no real intent to buy. The fact is that I am looking for very few specific things right now and most places don't have what I want. That doesn't stop me from spending 45 minutes looking at stuff.

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Too many gun stores make their ATF calls out in the open like that. One I know of a little more North of there has their Cashier call the forms in ..... right there at the cash register. <_<

Thats why I like the local gun store that sponsors me, because they dont use the phone to do their checks, they do it all on the web.

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Too many gun stores make their ATF calls out in the open like that. One I know of a little more North of there has their Cashier call the forms in ..... right there at the cash register. <_<

Thats why I like the local gun store that sponsors me, because they dont use the phone to do their checks, they do it all on the web.

That was the first time buying a gun in there...mostly due to high prices and... <_< I actually waited for a couple of other "ner-do-wells" to leave before I started my transaction...of course I might look a little sketchy sometimes too.

They also ripped up someone's form when they failed...wonder what they did with that then???

Live and learn I suppose...I don't expect to find another deal there anytime soon and they sure don't carry much reloading supplies anymore...they do have a bunch of Trailboss though.

Keep your eyes and ears open!

Thanks for all the info and pm's!

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"I go to gunshops occasionally with no real intent to buy. The fact is that I am looking for very few specific things right now and most places don't have what I want. That doesn't stop me from spending 45 minutes looking at stuff. "
Maybe so, but sometimes your guts tell you things that set off alarms worth listening to. I sense that's what happened here. I'd investigate it as soon as possible. Save the surveillance video footage.
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I go to gunshops occasionally with no real intent to buy. The fact is that I am looking for very few specific things right now and most places don't have what I want. That doesn't stop me from spending 45 minutes looking at stuff.

Me too (that's how I discovered the HK94 I wasn't looking for one, really) but this guy wasn't looking at anything and just stood within the same spot the whole time I was there.

Like Sig Lady said...sometimes it is just a gut feeling...


Edited by hk_mtbr
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I go to gunshops occasionally with no real intent to buy. The fact is that I am looking for very few specific things right now and most places don't have what I want. That doesn't stop me from spending 45 minutes looking at stuff.

Me too (that's how I discovered the HK94 I wasn't looking for one, really) but this guy wasn't looking at anything and just stood within the same spot the whole time I was there.

Like Sig Lady said...sometimes it is just a gut feeling...


Maybe he was with BATF and was investigating the shop or observing their process. <shrug>

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They also ripped up someone's form when they failed...wonder what they did with that then???

Thanks for all the info and pm's!

The form they ripped up was a form 4473 when they failed? If I remember correctly, when I had my FFL, that was a no no!

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I don't know about you, but the 44-73's I fill out says SSN is optional and I always opt not to fill in that box.

YES +1

They also ripped up someone's form when they failed...wonder what they did with that then???

Thanks for all the info and pm's!

The form they ripped up was a form 4473 when they failed? If I remember correctly, when I had my FFL, that was a no no!

That kinda stuff The BATF is looking for you must keep a record of ALL that stuff. The BATF I have dealt with were nice about it but are give oral inspection the hard way :roflol:

I wouldn't buy things from a place who was running a place with everything out in the open

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