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Getting two vertibre fused


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After back pain for the last 15 years and due to the fact that the last day at SMM3G I could bearly stand I thought I would get the old back checked out. I was helped in My decision by it popping and sending me to my knees. Found out through the MRI that I have basicly no disc left between the bones at L5 ( where the spine goes into the pelvis ) which are now grinding on each other and it is all extruded out into the space the nerve occupies, or at least did, there is absolutely no clearance left! L4 is way herniated also and also impinging on the nerves ( 1mm of clearance in a space that used to be 10mm). Looks like the only thing left ot do is fuse the lowest two vertibre in my lower back. I guess 3-gunning is on hold for a while, as well as work and play. I guess my youth is catching up with me. Man this just plain sucks! KurtM

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I don't even want to think about how uncomfortable that sounds like it feels. Good luck, whatever you decide to do. Sounds like a real pain almost in the ass.

On a lighter note, maybe someone else will finally win with Irons.

Get well soon. I was looking forward to running into you at a match and promptly getting my ass handed to me.

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If it is just the disc extruding that needs to be addressed you may want to ask your surgeon about a percutaneous lumbar discectomy. It is a minimally invasive procedure with very quick recovery times compared to open procedures. All depends on exactly what issues you are having and I don't have the stats on its efficacy, but it is definitely something to discuss. Good luck to you.

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Kurt, it sounds I am in the exact same situation but have two above the destroyed bottom disk that are herniated bad. At least they will work on you. The doctors tell me I am too young and with my profession they won't do the surgery. They tell me unless I pick up a new profession I will be back every couple years for the next one up and then the next one up. Come back when I can't walk is what they tell me. All in all I don't have it too bad, once in a while I get the thing where my legs shut off and I spend a couple days straight on my feet to get things working again. Dropping like a sack of shit because your legs shut off sucks but they come back after a bit LOL. Spending a couple days straight on my feet gets old, but I will have plenty of time to sleep when I die. Keep going as best you can and keep your sense of humor, sometimes that is all there is but it can be enough.

DO reference checks on your surgeon, lots of them. Make sure the one you are going to use is THE guy in the quadrant of the country you are in. You don't want a second string guy working on your spine!!! It might take a while to get in with THE guy but it beats the hell out of the alternative.

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I hurts like hell for the first 3-4 weeks then slowly improves. I had l5-s1 fused in April 2003. I was back shooting in 5 months and back to limited duty in 6, full duty in 12 months. Make sure they put you in a good physical therapy plan. Check all the doctors. I had 3 really well known ones tell me yeah we can fix it but you'll never work ion LE again. I found a good one that had a better outlook on the career front.


Find a new doctor. You will end up with permanent nerve damage and when you finally can't walk it may not be repairable.

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I am about 2 months ahead of you and know exactly how you feel about our youth catching up to us. I was not able to shoot the MM3G this year because I had c4-c7 fused on Feb 4. I have been in a neck brace 24/7 since that time, just 11 more days left until I can (hopefully) stop wearing it. At least 3 more months until I can start shooting.

So my advise to you is when you decide to have the surgery make up your mind that your life will change for the recovery period and then you just have to ride it out. And trust me it is not easy, you will get to a point where you feel like you are just using up oxygen that someone else could put to better use.

I am not trying to discourage you or talk you out of the surgery but I just want to give you a heads up on the difficulties ahead.

I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery.


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Had fusion done 12 years ago. It saved my life and career!!! HSmith...find a new Doc, my best friend had the same problem. He waited for 5 months before surgery, now he has no feeling in his right foot. Doc said if he'd of had it within 1 week of initial pain he would have full recovery. Good luck, when you get up and about again , walking is the best thing for recovery.

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Keep us posted,please. I go in for surgical consultation again in 2 weeks, as L4-L6 are herniated, and L1 and L2 have ruptured, and L3 is bulging as well. It ain't gonna be fun, but it has to better than what we suffer. Good luck and a swift recovery.


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I will definately keep everyone informed! I am pretty sure I have found "the guy" Dr. Francel here in OKC. Seems like the go to guy for most all , he even fixes other not so go to guys work and seems to have the rep. I will be in in the next week or so so I will have a nice first hand report. BTW He told me that I could wait as long as I wanted BUT there was a good chance to do irrepairable damage to the nerves and since I don't have ANY room I better think about it as soon as I can. I am skipping out on a full tour at my job and the economic crunch is also going to suck, BUT I WANT TO WALK WITHOUT PAIN AGAIN! So I will have to work extra long the next time I go. Thanks for all the support, just hearing some of you guys that have has it done and are running and gunning has MADE MY DAY. Thankl You all and I will let you all know! KURTM

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I will definately keep everyone informed! I am pretty sure I have found "the guy" Dr. Francel here in OKC. Seems like the go to guy for most all , he even fixes other not so go to guys work and seems to have the rep. I will be in in the next week or so so I will have a nice first hand report. BTW He told me that I could wait as long as I wanted BUT there was a good chance to do irrepairable damage to the nerves and since I don't have ANY room I better think about it as soon as I can. I am skipping out on a full tour at my job and the economic crunch is also going to suck, BUT I WANT TO WALK WITHOUT PAIN AGAIN! So I will have to work extra long the next time I go. Thanks for all the support, just hearing some of you guys that have has it done and are running and gunning has MADE MY DAY. Thankl You all and I will let you all know! KURTM

just Fused L5 S-1 to L4 in august. I was shooting in 2 months. I returned to USPSA in 3 months. I was threatened by doctors that I would have drop foot and even possible lower paralisis If I didn't commit to surgery. 6 months in a turtle shell brace and I'm as god as new. 1 thing Kurt. when we have degenerative discs, the fusions usually take their toll on other areas of the spine. I am noticing my upper verts are starting to lose the curve, and have horrible upper body back pain. I just want to be walked on half the day now! I feel like I need to be adjusted or popped to stand straight but it doesn't do anything but relieve some pain for a short time. I also walk/ stand in a forward position kind of pronated. humpbackish in a small way. I imagine it will only get worse over time. the good news is I shoot better on the move now than I ever did when I didn't pay so much attention to my body's position. now I'm almost constantly crouching, leaning forward and heal-toe'ing all over the COF and at work! Good luck kurt. be sure to get three of the same opinions before you just dive in and let them hack on you.

choose your Dr and hospital wisely. took me 3 months of x-rays, MRI's CT's and 5 orthopoedic surgeons before I felt comfortable with 1 surgeon enough to commit. 2 said I was too young and to wait until I could barely walk. what BS! consider your options and don't just settle for what 1 dr advises. be safe!

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percutaneous lumbar discectomy. It is a minimally invasive procedure with very quick recovery times compared to open procedures.

+1...sorry in advance for sideline quarterbacking but I had this done (L4) and was up walking that afternoon...not happily but better that day. Was back riding in months and did first race within first year.

I also started tai chi for rehab...fyi...very relaxing and adds strength and flexibility...later progressed to yoga for more strength and more flex...mostly chics in those classes too ;-)

YMMV of course.

Good luck whatever the case.

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I had l5-s1 fused in April 2003.

Make sure they put you in a good physical therapy plan.

Check all the doctors.

This is good advice. I'm not fused, but I'm bulged at L5-S1 since last August 2007. I haven't competed in a long time.

I've finally found a good PT/doc combo and I'm getting better. Question your doctor and your PT - YOU are in charge of your health and blind faith in doctors is a big mistake IMO.

Good luck Kurt!

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They just moved this up to tomorrow! I am still triing to come to grips with the whole thing, but I think it is the best thing to do. If all goes right I will be back running and gunning in about 3 monthes, but I will still make the Ky match and CMMG...I just might not be up to my usuall style. KurtM

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most back injuries are caused by weak ab muscles, and too much upper body strength. Make sure you follow the rehab routine and keep it up for rest of your life, and don't do things like skydiving. Remember those fused disks will be under alot stress and if you break those pins [happens farily often] it will worse.

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