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I dunno what they are called across the country, but here they are either Slurpees or Icees.

I hadnt had one in several years and on a whim got one the other day. They are simply awesome and turned a shitty day into a great one. O the power of a cherry flavored ice drink.

On a side note, kinda pathetic that at 25 years old the whole face of a day can change by something as minor as a beverage.

btw, they also taste awesome with a couple shots of Grey Goose tossed in.

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On a side note, kinda pathetic that at 25 years old the whole face of a day can change by something as minor as a beverage.

Hardly pathetic. Simple things make the most significant changes. I hold the same feelings with a good cup of coffee, tea or a good meal.

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On a side note, kinda pathetic that at 25 years old the whole face of a day can change by something as minor as a beverage.

In a world where the richest people are still unhappy and unsatisfied with any material posession, and the majority of people is still trying to follow in their footsteps, I think that is pretty great actually :)

Brought a smile to my face at least.

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Slurpees/Icees make me think of days long past, when a bunch of neighborhood kids could safely walk a mile or so down the road with 50 cents in their pocket or pick up a few "glass" soda bottles and refund them for change and buy some wax lips and bubble gum with trading cards or the big slabs of Jolly Rancher candy, and the Icees. All for half of what a 20oz, soda costs today.

good times


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Well, that heavy a sugar hit would be enough to make ANYONE (except a diabetic) feel great for a short while...! :lol::surprise:

They are kinda neat, though. It's simply too cold here yet to be swilling ICE right now. It'd be asking for trouble. Slurpees (yes that's what they call 'em here, too) are good only over 80 degrees outside temperature.

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Actually, depending on where you get em, they are either slurpees (7-11) or Icee (anywhere else, usually a gas station). Been a while since I've had one.. and thankfully I don't get the Brain freeze like some of you do.. they tend to make me cough after I've finished them.. Just like having a nice Wendy's Frosty. :)

Edited by sargenv
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They are great. When I grew up in Arizona there was a place that built its business (some UofA students as I recall) with their version of a slurpy called EEGES (Im not sure if I spelled that correctly). They offered a large variety of flavors and sizes up to a Gallon. Pina-colada was our favorite and at parties it would get mixed with Rum........ :cheers:

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The Wreck Bar in Christianstead, St. Croix, assuming it is stil lthere has/had a "Slurpee Machine", but it was not a kids drink there. Frozen Margarittas in several flavors and small was large and they went up from there.

After two, you have no brain to freeze.


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Slurpees/Icees make me think of days long past, when a bunch of neighborhood kids could safely walk a mile or so down the road with 50 cents in their pocket or pick up a few "glass" soda bottles and refund them for change and buy some wax lips and bubble gum with trading cards or the big slabs of Jolly Rancher candy, and the Icees. All for half of what a 20oz, soda costs today.

good times


Trapr you reminded me of when I was little ....... we used to walk about a mile up the road to Bill's Boats & Bait shop ... it was this little carry-out / drive-thru / boat sales & bait shop ( :huh: ) that had a Slurpie machine and a video game or two. We would spend countless hours on a summer day up there, then come home with some change still in our pocket.

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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Speaking of slurpee/slushies with rocket fuel, if you're ever in New Orleans/Metarie LA, you have to check out their drive-thru daiquiri stands. Get this, at at 1500 cal a pop, they get by the open container laws by keeping the paper on the suck end of the straw when they hand it out to you in your car!!! :D

Oh yeah, Frozen Cokes and pop corn at the K-Mart was the treat as a youngster.

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I've now stopped on the way to work, and the way home, for the last 3 days. Cherry is my flavor, but I may branch out later this week. It is $1.16 with tax for a 44oz. cup, what a deal.

Siggy, funny you mention diabetics, as my lady (a nursing school student) is going to do her first blood draw on me tommorow to see if I am diabetic, as recent problems may suggest. Better enjoy these Slurpees while I still can!!

All the Cheeseburger in Paradise resturants have Slupree type machine where you can get half daquari and half pina colada mix that is also very tasty.

btw, the Kmart Slurpee and popcorn memories are coming back hard now, thanks everyone for awakening them!!

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Speaking of slurpee/slushies with rocket fuel, if you're ever in New Orleans/Metarie LA, you have to check out their drive-thru daiquiri stands. Get this, at at 1500 cal a pop, they get by the open container laws by keeping the paper on the suck end of the straw when they hand it out to you in your car!!! :D

Oh yeah, Frozen Cokes and pop corn at the K-Mart was the treat as a youngster.

i was just reading this and was gonna post about NOLA daquiri shops, but you beat me to it! they still got them? i thought they tightened up on the drinking laws. was there in the navy "81-84, and it was legal to drive around w/ an open container.....what a place! of course, being a 25yr. old sailor just out of the fleet, i would never do such things.......we used to get "Algiers Annihalators", i think they were 2 qts. or so......when i think back, i get scared....... :cheers:

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Slurpees/Icees make me think of days long past, when a bunch of neighborhood kids could safely walk a mile or so down the road with 50 cents in their pocket or pick up a few "glass" soda bottles and refund them for change and buy some wax lips and bubble gum with trading cards or the big slabs of Jolly Rancher candy, and the Icees. All for half of what a 20oz, soda costs today.

good times


That was my Summer when I was a kid. I can remember the day we went up to the Circle K and there was an Astroids game over by the magazine rack. I went home with my Icee or Freeze, but not my Jolly-Ranchers. I just had to try that Astroids.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane

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