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Are you 50 years old?

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Anybody ever do any dry firing on the toilet to pass the time ???

Very useful to practice while purging. A true IPSC shooter doing multiple things at the same time! :)

My experience this summer was great. The prep was easy, sort of like a spicy night at the local Mexican place!

I was a bit nervous (ok, i was scared crapless) the staff did a great job at calming me and once the drugs went in, it was all good. In fact the trip was so pleasant that the next time I have to go, I might actually look forward to it!

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Well I made it through the day with no problems. I was #1 for the day. Slept thru all of it. Didn't wake up until I had been in recovery for awhile. They removed 3 polyps, I won't get the lab results for about a month. The worst part of the whole process, to me, was when they put that gooey gel like stuff in the back of my throat. Some really bad tasting stuff. With it being so thick, the taste just stayed there in the back of my throat. Luckily I passed out very soon afterwords. Now I have to wait 30 days on the Lab. They said that if the Doctor calls with the results, that's bad. Good results and they send you an email.

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  • 4 months later...

About 3 years ago my dad started passing blood. A battery of tests revealed that he had colon cancer. They removed 12" of his colon. Fortunately they sewed him up and the plumbing started working again (no bag). Then he started chemo. After a couple of months his digestive system shut down...a C.dif infection (from chemo). He came closer to dying from that than the surgery. Thankfully he's been cancer free for a few years nowcheers.gif

He had not had conlonoscpy in 12 years. Regular checkups would have found a little polyp that would have been removed long before it became cancerous.

They scoped me for the first time last year. While I was out they performed a "double header"...checked out the stomach too for other issues (told them..."if you use the same scope then do the top first!"). The prep wasn't much fun and the wait in the hospital wasn't great (ask for 2 blankets). Then they gave me some good drugs and next thing you know I was in recovery. My wife told me that I said "I feel fine, I can drive home". I said it over and over and over all the way home and don't remember it!

The moral of this story...

If you're 50+ go get scoped. It's much less invasive than colon surgery!!!

Edited by sidnal
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I have undergone EXTREMELY undignified procedures of the sorts listed above. MANY times. I once had Chron's Disease. According to the AMA, much of what I will write here is "anecdotal" and therefore not true. PLEASE do not accept that B.S. argument!! I am un-insurable because of it. I have had NO Symptoms of this horrific disease for over twenty five years. I am robust and healthy!! The essential topic to comprehend falls into the category of Biofilms. This area of biology is blossoming right now in very unexpected ways. I have many Physician friends and a large percentage of them DO NOT get the significance of this. However, NIH has quietly begun The Human Microbiome Project. Look it up.

Get a high quality multi-strain probiotic, make it a part of your diet and STAY ON IT!!! You will be healthier, live longer, more resistant to whatever the disease Du Jour is AND you will be smarter. Yes it's true I am a "nut" about this. My life literally depended on it. My prognosis was to die slowly, wasting away from opportunistic infections, malnutrition, and serial surgeries to snip away bits of my intestine as they became too scarred to function any longer. And worse. Look it up!

I have written on this forum about this topic. YES I SELL probiotics. YES I think the ones I sell are the best you can get at any price. I have offered my FAMILY discount to any member of this forum that contacts me here. But I DO NOT CARE IF YOU BUY MINE or not!!!! I care about people being sick and dying too soon and sick because of ignorance and pigheadedness. SO...go to the Doc, get looked at to be certain. But.. there is little that will pay dividends in this life like taking charge of your own health. Please spend a little time on this!!! Live long, be well and flourish! You can search this forum for a pointer to my web site, if you care. There are pointers and FAQ pages there, that will lead you world of supportive information on this. I'm not trying to hustle my web site. I want you to live, love and be healthy for as long as you possibly can. Oh...and shoot a lot too!! ;) ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, I was 44 when I had my first one. It was actually kind of a recon mission for another surgery the following week. They found a small polyp. Other than that it was all good. I did the Fleets Phospho Soda and then just sat around and waited for the bomb. Anyway, I am not gay or nothing, but actually sort of liked the procedure. I hadn't woke up so relaxed (MENTALLY!) in years. It is not a big deal. You really should have one if you haven't. There are too many men that die because they are too proud.

Take care of yourself.


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Hey, I was 44 when I had my first one. It was actually kind of a recon mission for another surgery the following week. They found a small polyp. Other than that it was all good. I did the Fleets Phospho Soda and then just sat around and waited for the bomb. Anyway, I am not gay or nothing, but actually sort of liked the procedure. I hadn't woke up so relaxed (MENTALLY!) in years. It is not a big deal. You really should have one if you haven't. There are too many men that die because they are too proud.

Take care of yourself.


Gene, did they at least kiss you when you woke up? :roflol:

Seriously though, I'm fixing to turn 43, so I guess it's time for me to bite the bullet, so to speak....

Edited by GrumpyOne
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Hey, I was 44 when I had my first one. It was actually kind of a recon mission for another surgery the following week. They found a small polyp. Other than that it was all good. I did the Fleets Phospho Soda and then just sat around and waited for the bomb. Anyway, I am not gay or nothing, but actually sort of liked the procedure. I hadn't woke up so relaxed (MENTALLY!) in years. It is not a big deal. You really should have one if you haven't. There are too many men that die because they are too proud.

Take care of yourself.


That was the Diprivan that relaxed and cleared your mind. ICU nurses call it milk of amnesia because of its look and that effect.

Now to the gay part Micheal Jackson liked to take it too :surprise::roflol: Too Soon?

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  • 1 month later...

I had mine done about a month ago before I found this thread. After reading the whole thing, I'm so glad to have gone. They found a couple minor polups and removed them with no trouble. The peace of mind is worth any discomfort suffered. Actually I was out like a rock. I remember the nurse saying they were going to start the anesthetic and next I knew I was in recovery. Piece of cake!!! Thanks for your concern for all of us, Csemartin!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I am just about done with the half gallon Miralax Gatorade cocktail. Took the 4 dulcolax earlier. Holy Crap Batman! :surprise: I just keep telling myself, "24 hours from now I'll be shooting a steel match". :roflol:

Maybe I'll put that line in the thread, "you know you are a shooter when". :cheers:

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:cheers: The procedure went fine. Clean bill of rectal health. :roflol: No polops or other abnormalities. I get a 10 year pass. :cheers:

However, I guess I was the life of the party. As it turned out the doctor was a very nice looking lady. When they rolled me into the room I could not help notice she was dressed in a short dress complete with...... let's just say she looked good. About a minute later I was out cold. When I finally came out of the fog later this morning my wife said I told everyone who came in the room how hot my doctor was! :surprise::roflol::roflol:

Apparently I kept asking all the nurses if she did the procedure in her high heels and short dress. :blush::lol: When the doctor came to check on me and asked if I had any questions I guess that is the only question I asked her as well.

They were not kidding when they said I would probably have short term memory loss after coming around. I do not remember a thing until I got in a wheel chair to get wheeled out.

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  • 2 months later...

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