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Berry Bullets


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I haven't tried the 230s yet but I have run thousands of their 185 Gr HBRN as well as 200 FP and 200 HP in .45 as well as about 15000 124 Gr RN in .9MM and had nothing but good luck with them. Sadly the price just went through the roof on them so I am looking to switch to Montana Golds once my stash of Berry's runs out unless the price comes back down soon.

Joe W.

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I am interested in trying some Berry 45 230 Rn bullets. I have been using MG 230Gr Rn.

How are they as a bullets goes.



works great in my 1911's. The velocity of 45 is low enough where i don't have to worry about seperation and the accuracy is pretty decent.

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I've shot around 15,000 Berrys in 9mm & .40. Until recently there were no problems. My most recent order of 9mm 147's are tumbling when shot in a G34 with a stock barrel. They were loaded exactly like all the other Berrys. I've changed the crimp and OAL but don't seem to be able to stop the tumbling. So the message is you might want to test drive a few before you place a large order.

I've also shot a lot of Precision Delta jacketed bullets with no problems. They are a little cheaper than Berrys right now.


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Their 180 .40 bullets shoot like crap in my Para that loves Rainiers and everything else, but they shoot OK in my G35 with KKM barrel.

Nothing but practice bullets as far as I'm concerned.

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Their 180 .40 bullets shoot like crap in my Para that loves Rainiers and everything else, but they shoot OK in my G35 with KKM barrel.

Nothing but practice bullets as far as I'm concerned.

I bought 20k and then a replacement 8k. I went round and round with them. They are a sad case of non-shooters running a shooting related business.

The Good: They are slick and clean and WHEN SIZED PROPERLY accurate.

The Bad: These are lead bullets, washed in a THIN copper shell. They size them @ ROUGHLY .400. I had some that measured as low as .398 and none over .400. Being a lead bullet without a true swaged jacket they should be sized .401" or even .402".

I shot them out of 5-6 different guns, including my brand new S_I with AET barrel. They tumbled out of at least half the guns. It's a matter of stacking tolerances. If you get a barrel a little over and a bullet a little under, you get tumbling garbage.

I called and emailed them, and naturally they told me I had no idea what I was talking about, my calipers couldn't possible be trusted, my crimp was off, belling wasn't enough, anything but poor QC on their end. :rolleyes:

Fine; I sent them sample bullets pullled from different cases. I sent them loaded rounds, bullets pulled from loaded rounds and I did it with three different brand of bullets, including zeros, MG's and their plated.

They handed me off to their tech guy, their loader and then the president. They finally admitted the bullets were sized to .400" -.001 +0. <_<

Guys, that's not going to get it done.

I offered to buy a "bucket" as they call it of PROPERLY sized bullets, and got the "yeah, when we get to it".

The common sense is for them to just size all their .40's @ .401" +.001 -0 and all the problems go away. I guess that's too easy. :rolleyes:

Instead they want to charge you extra to size the bullets properly. They call them "Double Struck". They shoot fine. they are sized .401" like they should be. They are also as expensive as real jacketed bullets.

The UGLY: The other thing that bugs me, and I'm not the only one, is they add a sneaky, little "sur charge" to your order when you check out. You get a group together, figure up what they cost per k and when you get your invoice there's a nice little surprise; "lead surchage" added.

Bottom line, they won't listen, their sizing is not consistent enough to bet major match performace on, and their pricing is shady at best. If they would size them right and price them fairly, I'd use them again. But I buy too many and expect too much out of my equipment to waste time and money on them as they are now.

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I've shot thousands of Berry's through multiple guns and never had

a problem. Although I believe they were all double struck??? 40cal, 180

is all that I use.

I only problem I ever did have was when I made a very hot load, they

were still accurate but the target would have additional small holes next

to the main hole from plating seperation. I shot them through several

model XD's and my STI. 1.5" groups at 25yds no problem.

Praise aside, I wont use them any longer, or not until the new jacked up

price goes down. Cabelas use to sell them for $16.99 a box of 250, in

the last month along they raised it to $32.99 for 250. At this price I'm

shooting jacketed bullets!!

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I've shot thousands of Berry's through multiple guns and never had

a problem. Although I believe they were all double struck??? 40cal, 180

is all that I use.

I only problem I ever did have was when I made a very hot load, they

were still accurate but the target would have additional small holes next

to the main hole from plating seperation. I shot them through several

model XD's and my STI. 1.5" groups at 25yds no problem.

Praise aside, I wont use them any longer, or not until the new jacked up

price goes down. Cabelas use to sell them for $16.99 a box of 250, in

the last month along they raised it to $32.99 for 250. At this price I'm

shooting jacketed bullets!!

Yup, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the way the 200gr hp's load, feed and shoot when they are sized properly. Last year I shot a 25y group standing / freestyle group that I am glad I had a witness for; four went into a ragged clover and one was 3/4" away.

As to their prices, well some folks are taking advantage of the metal swells by gouging us for every penny. I"ll remember them when things come back down and I go to buy the next 20-50k.

I guess they don't think we talk to each other. :rolleyes:

It's too bad, because at a price point midway between lead and jacketed, and with proper sizing, they'd be a great option. But at $105/k I'll keep looking.

Cart Summary

Item Price Qty Total Action

180 GR FP DS

Code: 633-701

Option: Box of 1000 $73.89 1 $73.89

Sub Total $ 73.89

Tax (6.25% for Utah Residents) --

Shipping * $ 0.00

Lead Surcharge ** $ 31.20

Total $ 105.09

Edited by dirtypool40
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I've had good luck shooting the 158 grain round nose 38 bullets in my revolvers.

On 11/6/07 I ordered 2000 bullets.

On 11/30/07 I ordered 2000 more of the same bullets and the lead surcharge was $10 less on the second order. I guess they were passing along the lower price of lead at that time. :cheers:

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They are nicely made bullets, but for the life of me I can't get 180gr double struck berrys to make major in .40 without them becoming majorly inaccurate. The sweet spot for accuracy appears to be between 140 and 155pf.

Berry's 180 on 4.7 gr tightgroup @ 975fps

through my STI Edge??

25yd 1.5" groups all day long??

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They are nicely made bullets, but for the life of me I can't get 180gr double struck berrys to make major in .40 without them becoming majorly inaccurate. The sweet spot for accuracy appears to be between 140 and 155pf.

Berry's 180 on 4.7 gr tightgroup @ 975fps

through my STI Edge??

25yd 1.5" groups all day long??

The ones that were sized right always made major for me and shot great. The ones that weren't sized correctly, well they keyholed, so major didn't matter.

I was also loading around 4.7 of TG @ 1.200" oal. ZERO, ZERO crimp.

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The .40 cal. 180 grain Tc shot great out of my stock barreled Glock 35. But when I switched to a stainless Storm Lake barrel I could barely hit a 8 inch plate at 15 yards. They were loaded with 4.7 grains of Titegroup. I still have about 500 sitting in the basement that I need to load and see if they'll shoot in the new PARA.

Buy a sample before you jump in and pick up huge number of these, just in case.......

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I wouldn't suggest using Berry's for anything other than a cheap practice bullet (provided you can actually get them cheap).

There QC is simply the pits. One time you may get great bullets, the next absolutely the pits, and another time so so. The problem to me is that you never know which batch you are getting.

Right now with the "lead surcharge" 1000 Double Struck 180 gr .40 bullets is $105 plus $1.20/lb shipping. This comes out to $135.85/1k for a bullet that may work great, may keyhole, may blow its jacket apart etc etc.....

Whereas about $115/1k shipped for either one of the top notch jacketed bullets seems like a bargain.

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Berry's 180 on 4.7 gr tightgroup @ 975fps

through my STI Edge??

25yd 1.5" groups all day long??

The ones that were sized right always made major for me and shot great. The ones that weren't sized correctly, well they keyholed, so major didn't matter.

I was also loading around 4.7 of TG @ 1.200" oal. ZERO, ZERO crimp.

Well i'm shooting an M&P with 4.25" barrel, so major is a little harder. 4.7gr made major (around 167ish IIRC while I prefer 172pf to be safe at chrono), but groups would open up horribly for me compared to just using 4.5gr, which was an accurate load at 156pf. 1.131 nominal OAL for both of those.

I don't have much if any crimp, no marks are on the bullet if i disassemble a finished round. I didn't mic any bullets before and after though. However, I'm using the same bell and crimp for moly coated lead bullets and not leaving a mark or experiencing the same level on inaccuracy. So if that's the case, they still aren't worth the hassle for me.

Really the only reason I have them is people give me gift cards at christmas and birthdays which I can turn into berry's via cabelas without issue. I seldom get a them in denominations that would allow me to use them with any of the vendors I actually prefer for other bullets.

Edited to remove multiple quoting.

Edited by raz-0
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midas, since you asked about the 230 gr I will answer that part. If you order the double struck & you increase the bell on the case mouth & only crimp enough to remove the bell they will work as a practice bullet. For almost the same price you can order Precision Delta's and use the same bullet & load for matches.

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Gotta add my concerns about the Berrys too, ordered 1000 of the 180 RN and the 250 of the 200 RNFP DS to test

before a big order, now sitting with approx 6K of undersized "practice" 180 bullets (.398-.399 if I really try) :angry2:

The 200's were very different accuracy wise between the small order and the big order.

But your results may differ, looks like some folks have good luck with 'em while other's, not so much.

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