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I, too, saw the movie recently, and was a bit disappointed. "Sin City" really *was* ground-breaking, but the hyper-stylized treatment, here, left me wishing realistic characters and plot weren't so completely abandoned in favor of the outrageous. But it is spectacular and graphically imaginative.

Part of the problem, too, is that Steven Pressley's superb "Gates of Fire" (if you haven't read it, you should) was fresh in memory, and the historical story is incredible enough, even with fictionalized treatment, it only needs so much embellishing.

'300' might be derived from a comic book, but it didn't need to be. Obviously my thoughts and taste, only.

As far as the pervasive homo-erotic themes...I guess one can find what one wants to look for, but this is true of NFL Football games, MMA fighting, etc., etc. Say, maybe we'll all just get, uh...our own popcorn. :)

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the guys in the movie had to pump about three hours a day average to keep themselves pumped up for the scenes. It would be funny if one of the out takes had caught them with their stomachs relaxed.

What's the difference between this and actors/actresses spending hours getting their hair and make-up done? How about Jamie Fox losing 30 lbs to play Ray or Deniro gaining that much in Raging Bull?

Not much difference, it's all illusion. It's just hard to keep from laughing when you see guys pump up and stand around in leather speedos with their muscles flexed. I have trouble believeing that was the standard uniform of the day.

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I, too, saw the movie recently, and was a bit disappointed.

Actually, I enjoyed 300. Like I said, it was campy and a lot of fun because you can't take it seriously like the gore in other films like Saving private Ryan. If it had been played for serious effect, it would have been pretty depressing.

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the guys in the movie had to pump about three hours a day average to keep themselves pumped up for the scenes. It would be funny if one of the out takes had caught them with their stomachs relaxed.

What's the difference between this and actors/actresses spending hours getting their hair and make-up done? How about Jamie Fox losing 30 lbs to play Ray or Deniro gaining that much in Raging Bull?



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I, too, saw the movie recently, and was a bit disappointed.

Actually, I enjoyed 300. Like I said, it was campy and a lot of fun because you can't take it seriously like the gore in other films like Saving private Ryan. If it had been played for serious effect, it would have been pretty depressing.

Funny you mention SPR. I saw it two days ago.

I couldn't help, noticing there was a lot of man-on-man action ifyaknowwhaddamsayin'...

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Wait, so people w/ great abs in speedos are gay? I thought people in speedos w/ great abs were super heroes (the 300, batman, superman, spiderman, aquaman, blah blah blah). Maybe you have to wear tights under your speedo to make it less gay then?

Look, my neighbor who wears his daisy duke cut-offs and a tank top to mow his grass and drives a white Miata convertible w/ a rainbow colored dolphin sticker on the back...he's gay. The 300, ummm not so much.

Edited by John Heiter
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I think the movie was a little too cartoonish.It would have been better if it had been filmed in a more conventional style like Braveheart for example.If you hated this movie wait till next year when Meet The Spartans comes out.The trailer can be seen at www.meetthespartans.com

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Just a side note, the Iron age started aprox 1,000 B.C., but Bronze stayed popular in warfare for well into just before A.D. because many places couldn't figure out how to harden Iron properly. Smelting and tempuring didn't really start to appear consistantly in Europe until the Romans took over Spain and found a very pure supply of iron (and people who knew how to work it). In the 800-1000's iron was commonly in use. The Japanese and Chinese figured out the iron-to-steel part of the equasion well before the Europeans, but they were not sharing their expertese. Hell, some of european countries never really got it until well into the 1200's. Many Viking iron swords found in northern Europe dating back when they were really feared were really pityful in their blade manufacture.

So, did they have iron at the time frame of this movie, yes, but the bronze held a better edge and was easier to work in the field ;) Iron helmets? maybe....

OK, so now back to your regularly scheduled program....

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Look, my neighbor who wears his daisy duke cut-offs and a tank top to mow his grass and drives a white Miata convertible w/ a rainbow colored dolphin sticker on the back...he's gay. The 300, ummm not so much.

I agree, the Miata and the rainbow dolphin are dead giveaways, but not the cut-off shorts.. That's my entire wardrobe for shooting in the summer :unsure:

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Look, my neighbor who wears his daisy duke cut-offs and a tank top to mow his grass and drives a white Miata convertible w/ a rainbow colored dolphin sticker on the back...he's gay. The 300, ummm not so much.

I agree, the Miata and the rainbow dolphin are dead giveaways, but not the cut-off shorts.. That's my entire wardrobe for shooting in the summer :unsure:

Oh, this is going to go sideways.....

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I just finished watching Mr and Mrs Smith and I have to say it is the most hetero movie I have ever seen. I mean come on... I'm sure real hit women actually wear breast revealing t-shirts when they are going to detonate a field of explosives to kill a target while he is in his entourage of SUVs. And did you see the scene where Angelina was using a riding crop on the one BG? My wile yelled "Get a room!" And at the end, where they are in the warehouse with the rip-off from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid final scene do you really think they would not even get injured while engaging what....30 or 40 killers with everything from MP5s to RPGs just to wind up in each other's arms?

This should so not be an issue. Now Spongebob Squarepants and whichever Telletubby is supposed to be gay....now those are really issues to be upset about. :rolleyes:

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Red flowing capes and black speedos were the spec-ops uniform of choice in the ancient world.

Phalanx brand ultra tight cheek lifting tactical garment can be worn with or without the clay trauma plate. (just don't ask were they put the trauma plate, remember they're Greek)


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I really liked it, but I also liked the graphic novel 300. Oh wait, most people who watched this movie probably never actually read the graphic novel.


Although when the humor fuse falls out I am apt to say that 300 is a minor wardrobe malfunction away from gay porn.

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I, too, saw the movie recently, and was a bit disappointed.

Actually, I enjoyed 300. Like I said, it was campy and a lot of fun because you can't take it seriously like the gore in other films like Saving private Ryan. If it had been played for serious effect, it would have been pretty depressing.

You say it was gay and yet you "enjoyed" it... hmmm... :goof:

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BritinUSA wrote:

I agree, the Miata and the rainbow dolphin are dead giveaways, but not the cut-off shorts.. That's my entire wardrobe for shooting in the summer

Don't forget your pink Crocs either, 'kay?

I haven't seen 300 yet, but this thread has been hilarious enough for me to go rent it.

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For those of you looking for "factual" stories, watching movies are not going to give you what you are looking for. But this movie is "entertainment". It was not meant to be strict to history. I, for one, was entertained.


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For those of you looking for "factual" stories, watching movies are not going to give you what you are looking for. But this movie is "entertainment". It was not meant to be strict to history. I, for one, was entertained.


Shouldn't that be: [Richard Simmons voice] "THIS IS SPARTA HONEY!"[/Richard Simmons voice] ?

Edited by spook
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I really cannot believe someone would actually make a post talking about the gayest movie they have seen...If you don;t like it, ok but the whole topic borders on the controversial and those kinds of things get shut down pretty quickly here...maybe it is time for this one to meet it's end...

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I think it's better to just take these movies for what they are, entertainment.

I don't see the point in getting caught up in over analyzing the "overtones".

A lot of people said the recent "Superman Returns" had gay overtones.

I don't really care. I enjoyed it as a great fantasy / superhero movie.

I think its more important to consider the main theme of the movie and the historical significance that to worry about costumes and beefcake.

The Spartan king was unwilling to compromise the freedom of his people and bargain with tyrants for their safety.

The mantra, "If you want my weapons, come and get them" should be tatooed on the arm of every gun owner.

I prefer to focus on that.


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