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So first, here I thought we were still living in the USA. 2nd Amendment, Mom, Apple Pie and innocent until proven guilty.

These are the facts:

- Never tested positive

- Only has testified in a federal grand jury investigating drug use in professional sports

Other facts to consider:

- Father was a Hall of Famer (or will be...can't remember for sure)

- Both godfathers ARE Hall of Famers (Willie Mays & McCovey)

- Has been around major league pitchers since birth

- Has been hitting over 30 home runs since the 80's (when him and Bonilla were the dynamic duo in Pittsburgh)

- MLB with expansion has lost quality pitchers through the dilution of players through the number of teams

Yeah, he's not been a media darling. He doesn't grand stand and say look at me and my accomplishments. He's a family man and lives in a pretty closed circle and that alone has garnered him a negative light in the media. What those that don't know is that Barry has donated millions to various charities including the organizations that he's quietly founded in the SF Bay Area. But again, he doesn't stand out and say look at me.

I'm not saying he's guilty or innocent. I'm just saying that if speculation is everything then we're all terrorists and militia members looking to overthrow the government with our fancy high-tech, hi-cap, high-speed arsenals.

Innocent until proven guilty. Period.


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About the only thing he's done for anyone in his life is that the guy who caught the ball will get a good payoff.

I heard the IRS is charging that guy TAX on the "potential worth" of the baseball he caught <_< ..... in case he ever decides to cash in down the road, i guess.


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So first, here I thought we were still living in the USA. 2nd Amendment, Mom, Apple Pie and innocent until proven guilty.

These are the facts:

- Never tested positive

- Only has testified in a federal grand jury investigating drug use in professional sports

Other facts to consider:

- Father was a Hall of Famer (or will be...can't remember for sure)

- Both godfathers ARE Hall of Famers (Willie Mays & McCovey)

- Has been around major league pitchers since birth

- Has been hitting over 30 home runs since the 80's (when him and Bonilla were the dynamic duo in Pittsburgh)

- MLB with expansion has lost quality pitchers through the dilution of players through the number of teams

Yeah, he's not been a media darling. He doesn't grand stand and say look at me and my accomplishments. He's a family man and lives in a pretty closed circle and that alone has garnered him a negative light in the media. What those that don't know is that Barry has donated millions to various charities including the organizations that he's quietly founded in the SF Bay Area. But again, he doesn't stand out and say look at me.

I'm not saying he's guilty or innocent. I'm just saying that if speculation is everything then we're all terrorists and militia members looking to overthrow the government with our fancy high-tech, hi-cap, high-speed arsenals.

Innocent until proven guilty. Period.


Did you know that he did NOT average 30 homers per year in his 1st 10 years? I agree innocent until proven guilty but this isn't a court of law......it is a court of public opinion......1st Amendment.

I'm not so hung up on the steroid thing, I'm hung up on the fact that the biggest jerk on the planet did it. I don't believe it's a legit record but it is his record. For my money and my own piece of mind, I'm saying Hank Aaron is still the homerun king.....whether it's true or not. This record was the most empty feeling I've ever had about a baseball record.

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About the only thing he's done for anyone in his life is that the guy who caught the ball will get a good payoff.

I heard the IRS is charging that guy TAX on the "potential worth" of the baseball he caught <_< ..... in case he ever decides to cash in down the road, i guess.


Oh...the IRS has said even if he doesn't cash it in. Simply its posession makes it an asset and in turn it has a value whether he sells it or not.

Oh...NEWS FLASH...still has never tested positive, but no one was complaining about Michael Irvin getting into the NFL HOF with his cocaine posession CHARGES. I'm quite certain that we could find dirt on well over half of professional atheletes if one were so inclined to drown in the Kool-Aid of mass media rather than be objective.


ETA: So now we honor awards based on character? If that's the case do some research to how joyful a personality Ty Cobb was. Alex Rodriguez will be breaking this record and soon. Funny how Sammy Sosa got a pass for corking his bat in the eyes of the public.

Edited by uscbigdawg
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Personally don't give a flying crap what he did/didn't do or what kind of person he is in the public eye. I guess I can't grasp the concept of why so many people care whether or not he used steroids?? Nobody seems to care about all those guys that downing amphetamines like Cheeto's back in the 70's and 80's; are we saying that a boost from a different drug like that isn't an illegal aid? What about the hall of fame pitchers that doctored the ball when they played back in baseball's supposed golden years; wasn't that cheating too?

Maybe, steroids helped Barry come back from an injury or recover faster from workouts or something along those lines. It doesn't help with things like hand eye coordination or drawing walks; he smacked the crap out of the ball because he is/was one of the most physically athletes to ever step on the diamond. I guess I just don't buy into all of the hallowed record BS that baseball likes to throw around. They're numbers in a book that are meant to be improved upon; the HR record in baseball is no more special than any other record in sports. Personally I hope Barry is able to stick around long enough so that he tops 800 making it harder for even A-Rod to challenge. Nothing against A-Rod, I'm just tired of the talking heads on TV, radio, and the internet driveling on about how bad this is for baseball and they can't wait for A-Rod to challenge the HR record because unless he breaks it Hank Aaron is still the HR King.... :wacko:

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He's always been a jerk.. I was so hoping he'd be indited 1 short of the tie.

I think other players have cheated and still gotten in to the hall of fame.. doesn't mean it's right. (I'm thinking pitchers that might have used 'tricks' on the ball, and possibly played for this same team).

And, the most important thing..he's not helping them win..

But, to be fair.. I'm a Dodgers fan.. I hate everything Giants related :)

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Actually we're not just now awarding anything on character. That's been going on forever. He got it. It's his. In my mind though, it's not legit. You will definitely find yourself in the minority, a great minority I might add, if you believe he didn't do it. I would say the same thing if Sammy had done the same. But Sammy didn't hit 755 and 756. Barry did.

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For those that want to know then, on simple allegation and NO FACTS, I am a terrorist and want to overthrow the helpless and peaceful people of the United States because I am a gun owner and believe that everyone should be armed. There are no facts to this allegation, simply the opinion of those that do not like guns.

Yeah...and Sammy's numbers have conspicuously gone down since he's uncorked his bat.


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I must confess to not keeping up with baseball so I don't know anything about him other than he just hit a record number of home runs and many folks think he does not deserve the record because he is suspected of using performance enhancing drugs that made him gain muscle mass. I have a few questions:

1. Is he the largest player in Baseball?

2. Could a larger player hit more home runs?

3. Do these drugs enhance hand/eye coordination?

4. If the fans don't like him why do they pay the big bucks for tickets to boo him?

5. Professional sports exist as an entertainment industry. Is Bonds not entertaining?

6. If another player took the same alledged drugs would he hit more home runs?

And finally, are there any drugs out there that will make me a better shooter than TGO??? No? Must take more than drugs to perform at that level?

Just my luck.

:cheers: <----(drug of choice)

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For me it's not so much about the drugs (except if he had any pride at all he'd admit it and say so what, McGuire and other's did it too). He's a racist pig and an absolute not nice guy. Doesn't mean he didn't hit 750+, just means that without the drugs he'd not be where he's at regardless of his hand/eye coordination.

Here's a shooting analogy...he shoots production, but for him D's are only down 2 points instead of 4. Doesn't mean he's not a great shooter, just that artificial means were used to inflate the score.

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Personally don't give a flying crap what he did/didn't do or what kind of person he is in the public eye. I guess I can't grasp the concept of why so many people care whether or not he used steroids?? What about the hall of fame pitchers that doctored the ball when they played back in baseball's supposed golden years; wasn't that cheating too?

Maybe, steroids helped Barry come back from an injury or recover faster from workouts or something along those lines. It doesn't help with things like hand eye coordination or drawing walks; he smacked the crap out of the ball because he is/was one of the most physically athletes to ever step on the diamond. I guess I just don't buy into all of the hallowed record BS that baseball likes to throw around. They're numbers in a book that are meant to be improved upon; the HR record in baseball is no more special than any other record in sports. Personally I hope Barry is able to stick around long enough so that he tops 800 making it harder for even A-Rod to challenge. Nothing against A-Rod, I'm just tired of the talking heads on TV, radio, and the internet driveling on about how bad this is for baseball and they can't wait for A-Rod to challenge the HR record because unless he breaks it Hank Aaron is still the HR King.... :wacko:

The juice may not help hand eye coordination, but sure in the hell helps with power and strength(bat swing, a little more beef in the right areas). With that said, uscbigdawg has made the point Bonds has never tested positive so as far as I'm concerned he's broke the record legit.

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I must confess to not keeping up with baseball so I don't know anything about him other than he just hit a record number of home runs and many folks think he does not deserve the record because he is suspected of using performance enhancing drugs that made him gain muscle mass. I have a few questions:

1. Is he the largest player in Baseball?

2. Could a larger player hit more home runs?

3. Do these drugs enhance hand/eye coordination?

4. If the fans don't like him why do they pay the big bucks for tickets to boo him?

5. Professional sports exist as an entertainment industry. Is Bonds not entertaining?

6. If another player took the same alledged drugs would he hit more home runs?

And finally, are there any drugs out there that will make me a better shooter than TGO??? No? Must take more than drugs to perform at that level?

Just my luck.

:cheers: <----(drug of choice)

Steroids makes you bigger and stronger which would give a hitter more power.

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Loaded bats, juiced balls, drugs and gambeling. Punks and thugs with multi million dollar contracts. Player strikes and owner lockouts. Big league sports of all kinds have lost thier luster for me long ago. Who gives a sh!$ if this asshat took drugs to boost his preformace. Sic Vicks dogs on all of them.----------Larry

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Loaded bats, juiced balls, drugs and gambeling. Punks and thugs with multi million dollar contracts. Player strikes and owner lockouts. Big league sports of all kinds have lost thier luster for me long ago. Who gives a sh!$ if this asshat took drugs to boost his preformace. Sic Vicks dogs on all of them.----------Larry

My thoughts exactly.

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Loaded bats, juiced balls, drugs and gambeling. Punks and thugs with multi million dollar contracts. Player strikes and owner lockouts. Big league sports of all kinds have lost thier luster for me long ago. Who gives a sh!$ if this asshat took drugs to boost his preformace. Sic Vicks dogs on all of them.----------Larry

That comment pretty much sums it up for me too :rolleyes:


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