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Our National Anthem

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Well, I almost hate to say this (donning my flame-retardant undies), but one my all-time favorite versions was done a cappella buy the Dixie Chicks as part of a post-9/11 fundraising campaign for the Red Cross.

(Mod note: Let's not get started on a political discussion - it's about the song)

If interested, you can hear it here.

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Well, I almost hate to say this (donning my flame-retardant undies), but one my all-time favorite versions was done a cappella buy the Dixie Chicks as part of a post-9/11 fundraising campaign for the Red Cross.

(Mod note: Let's not get started on a political discussion - it's about the song)

If interested, you can hear it here.

and the manner in which it is performed....to each their own....but the Chicks had too much ad lib to suit me, no bass, and no National Pride in their hearts...strictly a gig for them...still does not top the Air Force choral group... B)

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Leann Rimes. I'm listening to it right now.

My e-mail signature, from now on, my BE Forum sig. Thanks for reminding me



Then conquer we must, for our cause is just,

And this be our motto -- "In God is our trust."

And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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Leann Rimes. I'm listening to it right now.

My e-mail signature, from now on, my BE Forum sig. Thanks for reminding me



Then conquer we must, for our cause is just,

And this be our motto -- "In God is our trust."

And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Oh thus be it e'er when Free me shall stand Between their love'd homes and war's desolation!

Edited by AlamoShooter
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Why was Fancis Scott Key a prisoner on the British Ship in the first place = how did that happen?

OK - I remembered studying about it in HS but since forgotten - so I cheated:


During the War of 1812, Dr. William Beanes, a close friend of Key's was taken prisoner by the British. Since Key was a well-known lawyer, he was asked to assist in efforts to get Dr. Beanes released. Knowing that the British were in the Chesapeake Bay, Key left for Baltimore. There Key met with Colonel John Skinner, a government agent who arranged for prisoner exchanges. Together, they set out on a small boat to meet the Royal Navy

On board the British flagship, the officers were very kind to Key and Skinner. They agreed to release Dr. Beanes. However, the three men were not permitted to return to Baltimore until after the bombardment of Fort McHenry. The three Americans were placed aboard the American ship and waited behind the British fleet. From a distance of approximately eight miles, Key and his friends watched the British bombard Fort McHenry.


:) He Was helping a friend :) How many times this can get us into= what looks to be a mess , But for Key, his poem helps to unite borthers across our nation.

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I've seen a ton of celebrities and singers (and BTW Jewel was without a doubt the most impressive both in terms of talent and appearance - stunning on both accounts). But not one of them, IMO, could sing the National Anthem in a way that compared to that gentleman that day.

I consider myself blessed just to be fortunate enough to have heard him sing it. And I don't even know his name.


The National Anthem is best when sung with a true understanding of what the words mean, not as a "performance". It doesn't matter who sings it as long as it's someone who has a hard time not tearing up when they do it.

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  • 9 months later...
Sung accapella by the Air Force mixed choral group...they sing it as it was written, with NO added runs or singer interpretations...just as it should be...the pop singers cannot just sing it...they have to ADD something, and that spoils it for us purists... ;)

+ a gazillion!!!! Just sing it and don't jazz it up!!!

that said. After listening to karen newman sing it, I thought that was well done also.

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I'm impressed with the ease that Whitney appears to sing the song, some people look like its taking all of their concentration to not screw it up but by the expression on her face she could have been saying hello, truly impressive.

That said I'm not a fan of traditional songs, or classics sung in, what I guess is an R&B style, with all the wailng and moaning the way nearly every American Idol performer sings. Call me an old guy (44 now) but I just can't take they way the guy sang Imagine on AI, its just wrong.

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My good friend and shooting partner Carl Carbon's young (12 maybe) daughter. She volunteered to sing it as the opening for the Ephrata 3 gun April 21st.

#1 what 12 year old knows the tune let alone willing to stand up in front of a crowd 75 and sing it?

#2 she pulled it off wonderfully!


Pat...YOU MUST HAVE ESPN OR SOMETHING :surprise::D I was just thinking the same exact thing! She did a wonderful job and like you said, to do it a capella (spelling) in front of 75 guys was just GREAT!!! I don't know if it was the very best one or not, but definately on my top five list of most memorable.

The other times I really love to hear it is at the Rodeo. They (cowboys) seem to be some of the most patirotic people there are.


Edited by tgibson
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I can't tell you who is the best but I can tell you that I have no stomach for those who try and jazz it up. It should be sung exactly how it was written. It is not a piece of performance art, it is our countries national anthem and deserves to be show the respect that it is entitled to. I don't care if the person singing it can't carry a tune as long as it is sung with emotion and reverence the rest is just gravy.

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I can't tell you who is the best but I can tell you that I have no stomach for those who try and jazz it up. It should be sung exactly how it was written. It is not a piece of performance art, it is our countries national anthem and deserves to be show the respect that it is entitled to. I don't care if the person singing it can't carry a tune as long as it is sung with emotion and reverence the rest is just gravy.


One of my "hot buttons" is when people try to "make it their own", buy going all around a note. POP songs can be your own, but the National Anthem is OUR own and should be sung properly. So my favorite is anyone who shows proper respect for it!!!

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Our National Anthem sound best when sung by a large crowd. Think of it this way, America stands tallest, proudest and best when we stand together.

As for 'stylizing' the Star Spangled Banner, the absolute worst performance ever goes to Roseanne Barr. She should have been booed out of the stadium that day and tossed out of the US.

Just my opinion, but its mine and I'm stickin to it.


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As for 'stylizing' the Star Spangled Banner, the absolute worst performance ever goes to Roseanne Barr. She should have been booed out of the stadium that day and tossed out of the US.

Just my opinion, but its mine and I'm stickin to it.


Yea but it would take so many of us to "toss" her :surprise:

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As for 'stylizing' the Star Spangled Banner, the absolute worst performance ever goes to Roseanne Barr. She should have been booed out of the stadium that day and tossed out of the US.

Just my opinion, but its mine and I'm stickin to it.


Yea but it would take so many of us to "toss" her :surprise:

Yeah, but I'd be glad to help <_<


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