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Mac And Cheese


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Is it bad when you are more excited about cooking some simple mac and cheese that your 3-year-old son? Seriously, I don't think I will ever get tired of the stuff. And to make it even better, they now have Spiderman mac and Cheese! Sweet :D

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Is it bad when you are more excited about cooking some simple mac and cheese that your 3-year-old son? Seriously, I don't think I will ever get tired of the stuff. And to make it even better, they now have Spiderman mac and Cheese! Sweet :D

Now are you talkin' the powder flavor stuff, or the creamy "cheese-in-a-toothpaste-style package" mix?

That stuff mixed with a can of tuna rocked for 93 days of my 127 day AT hike.. Day 94.. I just couldn't bear to eat it again. :wacko:

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My name is Kevin. I am a Mac & Cheese addict.

I prefer the Kraft in the blue box with the powdered cheese.

In college/grad school I couldn't afford Kraft so went for the store brand at $1/10 boxes (yes, really). Toss in a can of corn and a can of tuna, top with a hand full of crushed potato chips and bake. Yeah, sounds disgusting but it was good eating back then. Like $2 bucks and that was at least two meals.

When I am home sick my wife says she knows when I am getting better once there is a mac & cheese pan in the sink.

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If you love Mac and Cheese. FIX restaurant in the Bellagio in Vegas makes deep fried mac and cheese that is undoubtedly one of the top five culinary tastes I have ever experienced. WOW!

Last time I was at the Bellagio I had a hard time making it past the chocolate fountain....

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If you love Mac and Cheese. FIX restaurant in the Bellagio in Vegas makes deep fried mac and cheese that is undoubtedly one of the top five culinary tastes I have ever experienced. WOW!

Last time I was at the Bellagio I had a hard time making it past the chocolate fountain....

The company that I work for did the structural design of that Bellagio Tower. You would be amazed at how much money it cost them to redesign the structure for that stuid chocolate fountain!

Back to the topic.. Powdered "cheese" is my favorite. Add half a can of tuna= ghetto casserole.

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prepare your noodles, drain, add back into pan, add .5 cup heavy crream and 1 cup of whole milk..then stir in 1 cup of swiss grated, one cup of fontina grated, 1 cup of cheddar and .5 cup of parmesean and melt...mix well...put another .5 cup of cheddar on top and bake in a 325 oven for 15 minutes...yummmeeeee

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In college/grad school I couldn't afford Kraft so went for the store brand at $1/10 boxes (yes, really). Toss in a can of corn and a can of tuna, top with a hand full of crushed potato chips and bake.

YES! I did the same thing with 100 for $1 ramen noodle packs. You'd be amazed what a little taco sauce, relish, stadium mustard or basalmic vinegar can to for the mix ;)

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In college/grad school I couldn't afford Kraft so went for the store brand at $1/10 boxes (yes, really).

I, like Kevin, spent a fair amount of time living off of mac & cheese while in college. Unlike others on the forum, I still can't stand the sight of the stuff. And I graduated in 1975!


(add to the list of "can't stand thanks to college" is cheap pot pies and instant mashed potatoes.)

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Genuine comfort food.

Too many up-all-night's during training, followed by 7 years of straight night shift in ER. Something warm in the gut - good protein & carbo load at o'dark-thirty - makes a bad shift almost tolerable.

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Being relatively new to the forums just means I have more tears of laughter to shed as I dig up old threads here at BE. DJPolo, I havent the ..umm...nerve to waste a fine box of M&C with that stuff. I was broken of it years ago. Thanks for the memories, though!

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Like others I ate my fair share in college. Easy Mac, while the portion is a little small makes life great here in Afghanistan. Then we got a surprise in a recent care package. Easy Mac w/ Bacon! Not too bad. I prefer the old school Kraft powder stuff with a scoop of sour cream or the Stoeffer's stuff in the black bowl. Good crusty cheese on that one.

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Lo Lo's Chicken and Waffles in south Phoenix has the best mac and cheese I've had in Arizona. Nick's BBQ in Nashville Tennessee has the best mac and cheese I've ever had. The BBQ isn't bad but the mac and cheese is off the chart!

As Homer would say, "hmmmm.... cheesy."


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If it weren't for Mac & Cheese, Spam & Hot Dogs my kids would have probably starved as I was working my way up through the ranks. Then we were able to afford Hamburger Helper.

In the early days a Military man with 3 kids qualified for food stamps now they are starting at half what I was making when I retired. As an E-3 I made $99.37 a month before taxes & other company obligations.

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i have to say from this day i love the kraft mac and cheese. I brown a pound of hamburger and then mix it and the m&c with a can of tomato sauce it's great and my two kids love it

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prepare your noodles, drain, add back into pan, add .5 cup heavy crream and 1 cup of whole milk..then stir in 1 cup of swiss grated, one cup of fontina grated, 1 cup of cheddar and .5 cup of parmesean and melt...mix well...put another .5 cup of cheddar on top and bake in a 325 oven for 15 minutes...yummmeeeee

I tried it (recipe above)...thought I was gonna die! Dayyuuummn, I ate the entire thing! :wub:

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