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2007 Area 8 Championship

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How about comments regarding the different stages shot at Area 8? What did you like, or dislike about them?

I personally liked #2, #5, and #10. I liked the cart stage (#3) but didn't shoot it well. Had a plan, heard the beep, and forgot the plan.

Only one I didn't particularly care for was #4 (sitting in the car). The fact that it was pouring rain on me when I shot it might have something to do with it. Just nervous about how you had to grab the gun from the small platform and then not bump it on the overhanging dashboard on the way to the target.

What did the rest of you like or not like?

PS: On the VERY PLUS side was the staff and all the work they put in. Great overall match. :bow:

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How about comments regarding the different stages shot at Area 8? What did you like, or dislike about them?

I personally liked #2, #5, and #10. I liked the cart stage (#3) but didn't shoot it well. Had a plan, heard the beep, and forgot the plan.

Only one I didn't particularly care for was #4 (sitting in the car). The fact that it was pouring rain on me when I shot it might have something to do with it. Just nervous about how you had to grab the gun from the small platform and then not bump it on the overhanging dashboard on the way to the target.

What did the rest of you like or not like?

PS: On the VERY PLUS side was the staff and all the work they put in. Great overall match. :bow:

I didn't like stage 4 either. You're right about the rain but we were fortunate that was the only stage we had to shoot wet. Enjoyed shooting with you and thanks for your Videography.


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Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to put on a great match. The stages were well thought out and run smoothly.

This was our first Area match. Think we'll try to squeeze in some more next year. It was nice to see old friends and meet some new ones. We had a great time. And the medical help was speedy too (thanks Larry).

Steve, Sarah and Sue

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Great shooting with everyone on Squad 19; I've only shoot 6 majors but this was by far the best squad I've shot with at a major. I also can't say enough good things about everyone on the squad. Especially the AMU guys Travis and Lee that were on the squad; congrats on HOA for Travis and High M for Lee. Even in the middle of going for HOA for the match both would take time to do things like discuss a stage if something asked a question. Special thanks to fellow BE'er Brazos SC Shooter who was kind enough to take my address so he could send me a CD of all the vids he has from the match.

As far as favorite stages I'd have to say 2 (glad I brought the knee pads) and 3 (for something a little different than I've shot before). I really didn't dislike any stage other that wishing I could remove all memories of stage 11 (can you say self destruct on the way to 50 penalty points).

Felt bad for the folks that had to shoot today, it rained most of the day on my side of Pittsburgh so I'm assuming the match was pretty damp. I'll always take the heat/humidity of Friday over rain any day. Although I was a little borderline most of the morning Friday from not drinking enough.

Big thanks to all the staff for volunteering their time; this is the second year in a row for the match at this club and from my perspective they put on another good one this year.

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As one of the match staff, thanks for the kudos. Lew Walker and Steve Davidson are the real unsung heroes of this one.

Glad you liked stage 5, it was fun running most of the shooters and I'm sure I met some members of the enosverse and did not even know it, though I did meet Thomas Moore, was able to put a face to Jim Norman. Chris Grubbe I've run and talked with before, as I did Chris Keen, Micah, Bill and the folks from Ohio who came by. Nik, Kyle, Steve Moneypenny and so many others...the Irish family was a great group, as were the top ranked shooters...Ron and Megan were, as usual, fantastic, Dave S, Scott W, Travis, Trout, Dave O. Myron P, et. al.

All of you made the match a fun one to do, despite the heat and todays downpour. Only the last two squads had to shoot with bags on...not too shabby.

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The match was great, even in the rain! The staff was great, the stages were fun, everyone on our squad had a great time. This match was one of the best we have traveled to yet. Thanxs to the vendors and sponsors as well! George and Lew thank you once again for all of your efforts making this a great match. H


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How about comments regarding the different stages shot at Area 8? What did you like, or dislike about them?

I personally liked #2, #5, and #10. I liked the cart stage (#3) but didn't shoot it well. Had a plan, heard the beep, and forgot the plan.

Only one I didn't particularly care for was #4 (sitting in the car). The fact that it was pouring rain on me when I shot it might have something to do with it. Just nervous about how you had to grab the gun from the small platform and then not bump it on the overhanging dashboard on the way to the target.

What did the rest of you like or not like?

PS: On the VERY PLUS side was the staff and all the work they put in. Great overall match. :bow:

It was pouring rain on me quite a bit on that cart stage too. :)

It was a bit of a memory stage, but it was certainly a fresh challenge with the shooting. Now that the stage is over...I can coach. After knowing where all the targets were...the big trick was to get the cart in motion and keep the cart in motion.

FWIW...you could actually shoot all the steel from the end of the stage. That wasn't a winning strategy, but it might have helped a few... :unsure:

Great group working the match. There was some little stuff logistically (as always)...and the "get it done'ness" and experience of some of the staff made it work. I had great help on my stage, with Moneypenny (who has worked a few of these matches with me), John B. (just meet...very thankful to have him the whole match), and Sam (who we got on Sunday...and made our rainy day go well).

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It was a bit of a memory stage, but it was certainly a fresh challenge with the shooting. Now that the stage is over...I can coach. After knowing where all the targets were...the big trick was to get the cart in motion and keep the cart in motion.

I really enjoyed the stage (3) because it was a fresh challenge and unlike any stage I personally had shot before. I kind of lost my plan by standing around listening the Army guys, Bob N and Steve M talking about cars. I hit the line with pretty a blank slate (read as plan gone) saying "just remember there's steel behind every wall" (there had been 16 FTE's by the time our squad arrived). Even sans a plan things some how turned out pretty well and stage 3 ended up being probably my best of the day. Hmmm...note to self, maybe thinking is my problem..... :unsure:

The people was one of the biggest parts I enjoyed about this match; it was like a who's who of our sport with folks from Travis and Lee on our squad to folks like Bob Novak and Dan Bedell hanging around talking to folks and off course the high number of BE'ers shooting/working the match.

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I liked that stage too!!! :P

2007_Area_8_Championship - Stage 3 Thunderball

Place Name No. Class Division Points Penalties Time Hit Factor Stage Pts Stage %

1 Thomas Moore 56 M Open 141 0 18.29 7.7091 160.0000 100.00%

Who was the person pushing the cart? ;)

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Very Big thanks to the match staff. This was my first major match and it was fantastic. I am hoping to be able to work the match next year. Saturday's heat was crazy. I was hoping for rain! Stage 3 was cool except for my 2 FTE's. My only complaint is that there were no t-shirts for sale! I woulda bought one! Also, for all the guys on squad 32, it was a great pleasure to shoot with ya!

Great Job. Thanks again!

Edited by gemcityshooter
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My wife and I also had a great time at a great match. Like everyone else we thought stage 3 was a blast. A little harder for us revolver guys but a blast neverless. Squad 36 were a great bunch of guys to shoot with, everyone was pitching in pasteing and setting steel. Roy congrats on B-class limited win and Cris 2nd place b-class production

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For those of you interested in shirts from the Area 8 match.....

One of the reasons shirts were not available for purchase is that Joe has just received his supply in time for the match staff shirts. Contact Joe Procopio at Techwear. I think he can help you.

The shirts you saw there are, I believe, a "new and improved" material. After wearing it for three days in those conditions, I can say I will not look forward to working or shooting a summer match wearing anything else. Cool in the heat yet not cold when wet, dries FAST! I wish I had had one when the staff shot on Thursday in 98d temp.

George Jones

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I had a great time. Stages were great, staff was even better. Everything ran extremely smooth. I think I went through 2 gallons of Gatorade plus water on Sat. Screwed up a few stages with mental errors that cost big but thats how it goes.

I had 2 things happen to me for the first at this match

1. Overall stage win on stage 9 at an Area Championship B)

2. Won my first gun, walked away with a Smith & Wesson M&P :cheers:

I had a great squad to shoot with. Clint, John G, John M., Jeff, Fred, Joe and Bob.. Also got to hang out with Dan Bedell for the match. This guy is funny.

Stage 3 kicked my butt. Just wasn't aggressive enough on pushing the cart.

Congrats to John G on the open win. No penalities for him and shot over 96% of available pts. Just amazing.


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As one of the match staff, thanks for the kudos. Lew Walker and Steve Davidson are the real unsung heroes of this one.

Glad you liked stage 5, it was fun running most of the shooters and I'm sure I met some members of the enosverse and did not even know it, though I did meet Thomas Moore, was able to put a face to Jim Norman. Chris Grubbe I've run and talked with before, as I did Chris Keen, Micah, Bill and the folks from Ohio who came by. Nik, Kyle, Steve Moneypenny and so many others...the Irish family was a great group, as were the top ranked shooters...Ron and Megan were, as usual, fantastic, Dave S, Scott W, Travis, Trout, Dave O. Myron P, et. al.

All of you made the match a fun one to do, despite the heat and todays downpour. Only the last two squads had to shoot with bags on...not too shabby.

+1 Lew Walker and Steve Davidson are the real unsung heroes of this one.

What a difference a day makes - last night we got pounded in the area with stoms leaving about 2 1/2 to 3 inches of rain in the area of the range - what a mess THAT would have been if it happened a day sooner!

Also as one of match staff thanks again for the kudos. I worked stage 9 with Larry & Noah and learned a lot about a major match from the "inside". As a result I got a chance to meet some of you from the enosverse as well.

Tip of the cap to all the CRO's & RO's - some that were local & some that came long distances that sacrifaced their weekend to work the stages and keep the shooters running smoothly especially with the extremely hot & humid weather we had Friday & Saturday and the rain we encountered late Sunday afternoon.

I especially enjoyed seeing family participation at the match from Sue Irish given the dubious honor as "Squad Mom", the many father & son shooters, the Alan Meek family handling the stats, the husband & wife shooters and the spouses that weren't shooting tagging along supporting their shooter husband. Imagine that in todays world - quality family time & guns!

Hope to see you some of you at the Western PA Sectional in October!



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The match came off well. i'm glad i was able to attend Tuesday i had a head cold so bad i couldn't get out of bed. the way i shot i was looking to wake up from a nightmare. But had a great time seeing everyone and meeting some new folks.

our stage was really interesting 66 FTE's. when the MD said I think they'll be a lot of them can you keep track. I don't think he meant to put it up on the board. we saw all kinds of stuff. lots funny. i wish we had on video. ... for those who don't know lew... he's sick in the head, twisted very twisted! and one very hard worker. I hear he sets these things up in his front yard to test!

Area 5 is next. I hope i don't need the FTE pen!

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I really liked the match. Very professional and friendly staff. Stages were fun and challenging which is a hard combination to provide. No need to climb in back of the tinfoil van to ride up to the range since they had a old school bus for transportation now.

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This was my first big match working on staff as an RO. It was alot of fun! Didn't shoot as good as I should have, zeroed stage 11 Q (need to work on my one handed shooting alot) and still manage a 4th B class finish in Limited 10. Not great but I had one or two good stages in there, at least for me and had fun.

It was pretty cool to work with Ray Hirst on Stage 7 and Sunday morning I ate Breakfast with Gary Stevens. Sort of cool to get to meet some of the guys running for President. Looking forward to getting my ballot. I really liked stage 5, not by best stage, but I really like house stages. Getting to RO some of the GMs and Ms that shot the match was very cool. Being able to follow them as RO through the stage and watch the way the tackled the stage was very cool and I think I manage to learn a few things. Nearly all the shooter were very gratefull to all the staff that worked the stages and I was thanked many times. That was greatly apriciated and made the work worth it. Meet alot of great people and looking forward to the next big match



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I had a great time at Area 8! While I was shooting crappy, I was watching one of the true GM's in our sport. I learned a lot from Dave Sevigny just from watching him but he also took some time to give me pointers on a couple stages as well. I will be back next year for sure. Also, to Steve Moneypenny, thanks for the hat! I can't believe that out of all the stuff I brought with me on this little trip I would forget a hat. I hope you got it back. I gave it to the stats people.

Thanks to all the staff. You really know how to put on a show!

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great match at a great range.

thanks to all the match staff. the match was run really well. we only had to wait on the squad in front of us once the entire match (team S&W was in front of us, and i had hoped to watch those guys shoot to pick up some tips, but the staff was just too efficient!). the crew on stage 3 did an especially nice job. it was a great stage to shoot, but would have become the backup from hell if those guys hadn't done such a great job. :cheers:

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great match at a great range.


Ditto! After the course work of the summer, this was just the kind of break I needed --- Cool weather (Sunday -- who knew rain could work so well as air conditioning?), good friends, challenging stages that required different skill sets, and a few props that we'll remember years from now, like the cart on Stage 3. I can not thank the staff enough --- it was clear that some of them were running on their last ounces of energy, yet everyone of them was happy to see the shooters. Congratulations to you all --- you pulled off a terrific match!

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