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Sarah Brady Survey Form

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Sarah Brady is sending supporters a link to an on-line survey asking them (as a faithful friends) to answer the questions and help guide the Brady Campaign in their dealings with Congress and state legislatures.

Being a democratic guy, I feel compelled to share this with others concerned about the gun control issue so the Brady's get a very clear picture of just what the public really thinks about their issues.

Follow this link and answer Sarah Brady's survey:


The "Name", "Address", and "Email" request at the top can be left blank.

If you enter an e-mail address, they might put you on their mailing list so you can keep tabs on their activities.

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Done, I doubt they will like my answers.

Ya think? "3 days AFTER hell freezes over" wasn't on the answer list, so I chose the

answer closest to that. :rolleyes:

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" seems like good philosophy, so I

did fill in the name and e-mail fields. I hope they keep me well informed of what they are

up to!


Just got this from the Brady Bunch:

"Thank you for participating in our 2007 Legislative Priorities Survey, your feedback will help the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence get a strong start to the new year. We are so grateful for your support."

Must be an auto-reply e-mail---if they are truly grateful for my answers they are smokin' the GOOD stuff!


Edited by open17
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I did the survey without filling in the name portion and it took the survey and thanked me and then asked for a donation. So they already have the answers they want and missed the last question. "Are you still beating your wife?" More @##$%% Stuff. <_<

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I did the survey, quite leading but I agree hopefully we can skewer the facts alittle. But then I read the rest of the site and some of the "facts" quoted and double checked with government records and dang if they ain't lying. I was do ready to support these misguided fools only to find they are the devil in wolfs clothing. Anger is the least of my emotions.

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I also got a lovely return from "StoptheNRA.com" asking for a donation. I'm hoping our responses skew the results and kill their survey but it may be possible that anyone who goes on their site is logged as a supporter.

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Entered my name and email addy.

Answered all the survey questions honestly.

Got the canned response.

Declined to provide a donation.

I imagine they will try to contact me at some point. I wonder if they will read my inputs and figure out that I am not their "target audience".

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Done....wow were those questions misleading!

I just read an article published by the Bureau that studied actual bad guys that shot cops. They described 45 cases where officers were shot and studied them in depth by interviewing the bad guys. Turns out that ONE of the guns was purchased legally and NONE were purchased at gun shows. Hmmm....you mean most of the time bad guys buy guns illegally??? <Gasp>

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I took the survey. I'm sure it will be thrown out. Most surveys I've seen throw out the extream highs and lows and work from the more median responses. Mine were kinda on the extream end. :angry:

I almost wish I hadn't seen this thread. It makes me ill to read such drivel and then I'm pi$$ed off the rest of the day.

But I have a long ride to work. I'll get over it. :lol::lol::lol:


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The question are so badly written that anybody who verifies stats. Would call the whole unsound, misleading and biased.

Kinda like one of surveys where you ask poor kid where does he eat in parlor, sitting room, or dining room.

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Come on guys, no one really needs 10 guns a month! And I didn't know that four in ten guns are solid with absolutely no background check. None!! :o

By working together, we can create a nation free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in their communities.
I would love to work together with the Brady Campaign to prevent violent crime, but it seems like all they want to do is hack at the leaves. Edited by Tim James
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No poll is valid if it doesn't randomly sample the participants.

The Brady campaign soliciting opinions from their supporters on gun control is ludicrous.

It's tantamount to standing in a meat market and polling the customers on whether they eat meat or are they vegetarians.

The results are meaningless.

Each question is prefaced by a leading (and questionable) assertion.

Examples: "Gun crime has gone up since the AWB expired".

Do you think bringing it back should be a priority?

"There is no reason for a legitimate gun owner to buy 10, 20 guns at a time".

Do you think there should be limitations placed on this?

What about someone who wants to buy a whole collection from an estate?

Is that not a legitimate reason?

This isn't a poll. It's propaganda.

Okay Flex, once again I have strayed into the realm of a political thread.

Forgive me for I have sinned.

Feel free to slap my wrists before closing the thread.


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By working together, we can create a nation free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in their communities.
I would love to work together with the Brady Campaign to prevent violent crime, but it seems like all they want to do is hack at the leaves.

Remember all criminals and people with criminal intent are dumb enough to go out and buy the weapon from a gun store or gun show, instead of getting them illegally, which is most of the time easier, safer and cheaper for them. Why would they do that?!?


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