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Reggie Bush - Meet Sheldon Brown

Jack Suber

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Reggie should put his arm around the QB this week at practice and whisper nice things in his ear, like "lob another floater out to me in the flats and I will kill you".

Heck of a hit...and shows how tough they are in the NFL...Reggie played the rest of the game.

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BOOM! Bush needs to not crawl around the next time...makes him look bad.

I could not believe he stood up!! I thought they were gonna have to bring out the stretcher. I think he was out cold when he stood up and came to when he melted back down to his knes and started crawling. There was a whole flock-o-tweety birds flying around his head. :blink:

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BOOM! Bush needs to not crawl around the next time...makes him look bad.

That wasn't crawling, he was picking up his marbles :lol:

Nah, I think he was looking for his jock strap. :o

There isn't a hit more devastating for an offensive back or more satisfying to a defensive back than a completely blindside tackle.


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Last time I checked Reggie was just fine and since the Saints won and the Eagles lost, Mr. Brown can watch that play on the couch during commercial breaks of the NFC Championship Game as the highlight of his year (and probably the Eagles since they're sittin' at home AGAIN).


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That was a great hit! Bet Reggie doesn't remember it so well thou! lol...

This thread is kinda like the commercial that runs during the games. The average joe sneaks into the locker room or training area and jumps on the table acting like he's one of the team. Then the team doc straightens out the fellas finger and he passes out. Good commercial and probably pretty true! B)

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Thats what I was refering to in the last line if my post :lol:

Have you seen the one with the J-strap?

He got JACKED UP!! :lol:

That was one of the hardest hits I have seen this year. To Reggie's credit, he only stayed out 1 play.

I would not make it in the NFL :lol:

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It's makes me sad to see things like that, knowing that I will never get a chance to hit anyone that hard again.

Well, there was that one time on a bail-out..... B)


I know what you mean, but I can still take my cracks on bail-outs. Thats one part I'd miss forever!! Im not ready to give that up, or a lot of other things yet.

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Thats what I was refering to in the last line if my post :lol:

Have you seen the one with the J-strap?

He got JACKED UP!! :lol:

That was one of the hardest hits I have seen this year. To Reggie's credit, he only stayed out 1 play.

I would not make it in the NFL :lol:

Yea that ones a riot too! Hope they make more of them. Maybe for the superbowl or something. I'll probably be too busy to notice thou. I'll either be mega hyped that the Colt's finally made it or still weaping that the Pat's knocked us out again! lol...

I have a friend that was a practice team member for Denver for most of the eighties. He dressed and played special teams at times to cover for an injury, but not on a regular basis I don't think. He wasn't all that big. Six foot or so, but in great shape, fast and basically insane! In the late 80's he got cut by Denver and got picked up by San Fran. Did his thing in 88 and was invited back for 89. He was getting older and wasn't going to go, but he and his wife decided it would be his last time. So he goes but ends up getting cut and coming back home. A bit later SF calls him back and wants him to fill-in on the special teams roster possibly for the rest of the season. SF wasn't doing so well at that point and he decides to call it quits and turns them down. The player he was replacing ended up being out for the season and SF won the superbowl! Its been a long time since I've heard him tell the story so I could have some of the particulars off a bit, but when he gets to the part about being so close to a ring ya start feeling the need for a group hug!!! lol...

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I don't think Reggie's Crawling Around was a choice.

He was either:

A) Temporarily knocked back into his infancy.

B) Taking a minute on his knees to thank God he was still alive.

C) Looking for his ID or some other clue to just who and where he was.

I too agree that "I wouldn't make it in the NFL"

P.S. If you like to see Hard Hits, Keep your eyes on #55 Fujita and Special Teams Player Steve Gleason. Gleason's is usually the 1st one down the field on kick offs and Punts and his assignment is to break the wedge. He's less than 6' but is one incredibly fast kamakazi (sp)

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