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Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!


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OK, I started out my .45 loading with:

Clays at 4.0

1.248 OAL

Montana Gold 230 JHP

CCI #300 Primers

PF was JUST under 160


I upped my charge to:

Clays 4.2

Everything else the same

PF was all over the place!! Velocity was anywhere from 643 to 766

This is NOT acceptable, as I need to make Major for the FL Open next month.

I have Titegroup, should I just switch to that and try to get something consistent?

I checked the powder charges today, and they were right on at 4.2, so there is something wrong here. I chrono'ed some of Dirtypool's .40 loads on my Chrono, and they were PF 184, so it was not like my Chrono was giving false low readings.

What should I do at this point. Time is of the essence!!!

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To add to the equation

It is a Springer 5" Single Stack. Barrel has less than 1000 rounds thru it.

I have checked the powder charge, and it is TOTALLY consistent.

I Checked the chrono with DP's .40 and it was consistent and high, just the opposite of my problem.

This afternoon I thoroughly checked charges on my 650, they were VERY consistent.

Needless to say , I am at a loss here, that is why I am considering changing powders. Titegroup has been very consistent for me in .40

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Sounds to me like a bad reading on the chrono caused by a lighting problem. Either lack of proper lighting or the sun shining directly into the sensor. Only thing I can think of unless you find a problem with powder charge consistency.

+ 1

Too close to the chrony or too low over the sensors.... 4.2 should provide plenty of juice.. Way to many people using this load to be anything except a bad chrony or.... operator error... :(

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Maybe too low, that is the only thing it could be at this point. maybe I was holding the point of aim on Dirtypool's .40 in a more accurate spot. I moved further away at one point with my .45, but the readings were the same.

Like I said, I have checked all of the variables at this point besides point of aim thru the screens. I will most likely only get one more chance at the chrono before the FL Open, so i need to make it right.

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Make sure you are not overlooking something, go back to the first loading and chrono.

Verify you really had a consistant load to begin with.

If yes then come back up and check again. If it goes wild again it would have to be the load.

I only use 231 in 45 so I have no real usefull info on the powder you are using.


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had the EXACT same problem as you are having now. Are you using a battery pack or an outlet? After sending our chrono back to CED twice it ended up being the voltage coming out of the power socket (believe it or not). The voltage was way low, enough to work the chrono, but give F'd up readings.

We switched to a battery pack and have not had a single prob since.

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Mixed brass will give a small deviation but not that much.

THis may sound stupid but check & see if there are any lighter bullets mixed in. Its happened before with 40's.

I still think it was chrono related. Can you try somebody elses chrono?

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I get reading like this between powders and different pistols.

One will be normal, the next reading all over the place. The distance thatworks fin for one load, may bot work for the next.

Unique was much less sensitive then TG. TG too close to the sensors through particulate or something over them, that the chrony picked up.

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I agree with Chuck Bradley.

I have seen and documented dramatic changes in chrono readings depending on whether it was hit with sunlight or in the shade. it drove me nuts.

this occured on a partly sunny day. as soon as the sun hit the chrono screens velocity went up by 100-200fps. when a cloud covered the chrono, velocities to reduced to "normal". This wacky increase did not happen for every shot when the sun was on the screens,though for some runs it was greater than 50%, and the wacky reading occured only when the sun was out. i now prefer overcast weather for chonographing. the readings are extremely consistent then.

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You might consider buying a box of WWB the next time you chrono. If the readings from it vary significantly, then it is probably something to do with the chrono. If the WWB readings are reasonably consistent, then it would indicate a problem with the rounds.

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Double checking everything is good. That said - it is quite possible that you've found a mix that just doesn't work - that load in your gun. Double check your gun and the chrono w/ known ammo. Perhaps try the 4.0gr load again, as well, and see if you see the same behaviors....

Shade your chrono so that the lighting is even and consistent, w/ no direct light into the skyscreens...

If you go at another powder, Titegroup will work. N310 and N320 are other possibilities. Heck, just about anything will work in .45... :D

Trying a different powder as a double check wouldn't hurt, either, really...

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A guy wiser about Chrono time than I am had me place a no-shoot with the white down on top of my screens. This way the screens are looking up against a solid even white backdrop for the bullet. It definately helps, and I haven't had but a handfull of shots since then that just didn't make sense.

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All great info, thanks, I will give it a try week after next, being I FINALLY get to work next week, :D

Dayum, I NEED the work too.

Next chrono opportunity with be the week of Jan 22.

I will post results.

If there are any other ideas, let me know, I need all the help I can get at this point.


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Is your powder perfectly dry? Change primers and see if it stops?

are you lubing the cases in any way. if you get just a tiny bit of dampness in the case it could cause that. but with time cause a very light load or squib. is your OAL consistant?

Check your chronny one end to the other, i got dirt on my sensors they gave me all sorts of reedings had to take it appart to clean them.

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It is on a battery, and I will put a new on in next time out. I need to be sure. I can't believe that load is not making major.

I've never seen that kind of variance with anything I've loaded, but I must admit that, just last night, I added .2 grains of Bullseye to my 6.0 grain, 185 grain JHP load because some of my rounds were falling just short of major.

It's probably of little or no interest, but my present load is 6.2 grains Bullseye, Winchester primers and 185 grain Zero JHP bullets. Scratch the 6.2 grain load. I based that on performance out of my H&K USP Compact. I fired some today and then ran it across my chrono. As the recoil led me to suspect, it's consideraly hotter than expected when fired out of a 5 inch 1911 barrel. I'll be following my own advice tomorrow and shooting factory until I can find the right load for just over major.

Like others, I suspect something related to the chrono. Good luck in figuring out what. As a practical matter, if it were me, I'd buy enough factory ammunition to ensure I have something to shoot and then worry about getting my reloads to work. YMMV.


Edited by Lee Bell
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I had a similar experience with my chrono recently. Very obvious errant readings based on my previous readings with these loads. I decided it was probably just the angle of the sun that day, but there was some uncertainty because I was shooting with a bit of a chill in the air. The next weekend we had an overcast day and I ran out to recheck. The readings were what I expected them to be. I usually put a no-shoot over the sensors to keep direct sun off, but this time of the year the sun comes in at an angle. I'm considering building a chrono box for a more controlled environment.

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The advice to buy up some WWB isn't bad, either, Z - you *know* that stuff will make Major... It may not be as gamey to shoot, but at least it'll relieve the anxiety over not having a load to make major at the FL Open...

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